Tüübi järgi
SMALLRIG kiirkinnitusplaat L-Bracket Sony a7S III (3003)
Tootekood: 3003 GTIN: 6941590002002 Statiivid ja lisad
Spetsiaalselt Sony a7S III hübriidkaamerale disainitud L-kujuline kinnitus. Kinnitub kaamerale 1/4" keerme kaudu ning kummeeritud padjandid hoiavad seda kindlalt paigal ning kriimuvabana. Nii külg- kui alusplaat ühilduvad Arca-Swiss kiirkinnitussüsteemiga võimaldades kaamera asendit statiivil vaevata muuta. Kinnitus ei blokeeri nuppe, ühenduspesasid ega LCD ekraani. Vajadusel saab kinnitust 20 mm vasakule nihutada, et jätta rohkem ruumi distantspäästiku kaablile või muule. Kinnitusel on lisaks veel 1/4" keermed, kuhu saab kinnitada erinevaid lisatarvikuid. Kinnituse alusplaadi sees peitub lapik kruvikeeraja, nii et see on alati käeulatuses. L-kujuline kinnitus Sony a7S III hübriidkaamerale Arca-Swiss süsteemiga ühilduvad kinnitusplaadid Ei blokeeri nuppe, pesasid ega LCD ekraani 1/4" lisatarvikute pesad Integreeritud lapik kruvikeeraja Komplektis kuuskantvõti
35,40 €
Ricoh Statiiv StandPod Slik PC-5
Tootekood: 50357 GTIN: 4906752246344 Statiivid ja lisad
Ricoh StandPod Slik PC-5 on Theta seeria 360° kaameratele loodud statiiv, millega saab 360° videosid ja fotosid teha ilma, et statiivijalad kaadrisse jääks. Statiivi minimaalne töökõrgus on kõigest 48 cm ja maksimaalne 170 cm, tehes sellest truu abilise 360° videosid või pilte tehes.
102,30 €
Nest Statiiv NT-510
Tootekood: 6948229870049 GTIN: 6948229870049 Statiivid ja lisad
Nest NT-510 on kvaliteetne statiiv, millel on oma koht igaühe kaameravarustuses. Tänu kergele kaalule ja kompaktsele suurusele on statiivi hõlbus kaasasolevas statiivikotis transportida. Selle alumiiniumist jalad tagavad stabiilse ja usaldusväärse töö. Statiiv kaalub vaid 580 grammi, kuid suudab kanda kuni 2,5 kg raskust – ideaalne nii kompakt-, hübriid-, peegel- kui videokaameratele. Maksimaalselt kõrgub see 1,36 meetri kõrgusele ning minimaalseks töökõrguseks on 41,5 cm.
1-3 tp
24,99 €
Nest Statiiv WT-3110A Aluminium
Tootekood: 6926420331101 GTIN: 6926420331101 Statiivid ja lisad
Nest WT-3110A on kvaliteetne statiiv, millel on oma koht igaühe kaameravarustuses. Tänu kergele kaalule ja kompaktsele suurusele on statiivi hõlbus kaasasolevas statiivikotis transportida. Selle alumiiniumist jalad tagavad stabiilse ja usaldusväärse töö. Statiiv kaalub vaid 420 grammi, kuid suudab kanda kuni 2,5 kg raskust – ideaalne nii kompakt-, hübriid-, peegel- kui videokaameratele. Maksimaalselt kõrgub see 1,02 meetri kõrgusele ning minimaalseks töökõrguseks on 34,5 cm.
18,68 €
Peak Design Statiiv Travel Tripod Tool Kit
Tootekood: TT-HW-BT-1 GTIN: 818373021719 Statiivid ja lisad
Tööriistakomplekt, millega saad teha kõike, mida vaja, oma Travel Tripod statiiviga. See komplekt koosneb kokkuvolditavast kuuskantvõtmest, jalaklambrist ja pukside eemaldamise tööriistast. Kokkuvolditav kuuskantvõtmel on nii 4 mm kui 2,5 mm suurused, millega saab kesksamba eemaldada, et statiiv madalamasse asendisse sättida. Samuti saab sellega eemaldada kuulpea tihvti L-Bracket adapteri jaoks või pikema Arca-Swiss kiirkinnitusplaadi jaoks, kinnitada Universal Head adapteri ja Spike Feet komplekti. Pukside eemaldamise tööriistaga saab statiivijalgade sisemisi pukse eemaldada, kui need kahjustada saavad või prahiga täituvad. Jalaklamber kinnitub klõpsuga Travel Tripod'i iga jala külge, nii et tööriist on alati käeulatuses.
14,32 €
Syrp pikenduslüli Magic Carpet Carbon Track 600mm (SY0013-0012)
Tootekood: SY0013-0012 GTIN: 9421903169211 Statiivid ja lisad
Vastupidav ja kerge 60 cm pikkune pikenduslüli Syrp Magic Carpet Carbon slaideri komplektile.
199,00 €
Syrp statiivipea Slingshot (SY0023-0001)
Tootekood: SY0023-0001 GTIN: 9421903169433 Statiivid ja lisad
Võimaldab 3-teljelist kaamera juhtimist kuni 100 m kaablil Salvesta imelisi time lapse videosid Mugavad kaamera kiirkinnitused Toimimiseks vajalik Syrp Genie motoriseeritud statiivipea Kandevõime kuni 8 kg Kogu komplekt mahub mugavalt ühte seljakotti Komplektis 2 × 25 meetrit kaablit, võimalik juurde osta
999,00 €
Syrp pikenduslüli Magic Carpet Pro Short Track 600mm (SY0018-0009)
Tootekood: SY0018-0009 GTIN: 9421032390081 Statiivid ja lisad
Vastupidav 90 cm pikkune pikenduslüli Syrp Magic Carpet Pro slaideri komplektile.
264,50 €
Syrp Tarvikud Magic Carpet Pro End Caps and Carriage (SY0018-0019)
Tootekood: SY0018-0019 GTIN: 9421032390104 Statiivid ja lisad
Lisa need tarvikud oma Magic Carpet PRO rajale ja oledki valmis filmima sujuvaid time-lapse videosid.
409,50 €
Syrp Tarvikud Magic Carpet End Caps and Carriage (SY0013-0001)
Tootekood: SY0013-0001 GTIN: 9421903169228 Statiivid ja lisad
Lisa need tarvikud oma Magic Carpet rajale ja oledki valmis filmima sujuvaid time-lapse videosid.
129,50 €
Zhiyun Crane 3S
Tootekood: C020017INT GTIN: 6970194085982 Statiivid ja lisad
Uus ZHIYUN CRANE 3S on edasi arendus senisest Zhiyun Crane 3 LAB mudelist. Uuel gimbalil on täiustatud tasakaalustusmootori, mis võimaldavad kuni 6,5 kg kandevõimet. See avardab oluliselt filmitegijate ja sisuloojate kasutusvõimalusi, kes saavad nüüd ühel päeval filmida peegel- või hübriidkaameratega ning kasutada sama seadet järgmisel päeval mõne sellise professionaalse videokaameraga nagu näiteks Sony FX9, Red Dragon või Arri Alexa. Suuremate videokaamerate kasutamisel on kaamera mahutamiseks võimalik stabilisaatori külge kinnitada laiendusmoodul. Väiksemate kaamerate kasutamisel saab laiendusmooduli stabilisaatorilt eemaldada ning seadme kompaktsemaks muuta. Seega võimaldab Crane 3S videoaparatuuri kiirelt, lihtsalt ja paindlikult võtteolukorrale vastavaks kohandada. Crane 3S üheks uueks omaduseks on käepidemete eemaldamise ja vahetamise võimalus. Seadmekomplekti saab valida “TransMount SmartSling” või “EasySling” käepidemetega. Käepidemel “TransMount SmartSling” on integreeritud OLED ekraaniga juhtpaneel, et sellelt stabilisaatori ja kaamera seadistusi (näiteks fookuspunkti ja suumi) juhtida. “EasySling” käepide võimaldab hoida stabilisaatorit erinevates asendites. Käepideme nurga all hoidmise võimalus hõlbustab stabilisaatori liigutamist tavakõrguselt madalateks võteteks. Seadmel olevate nuppude abil saab stabilisaatori töörežiime vastavalt vajadusele vahetada. Erinevate tarvikute mugavaks lisamiseks on CRANE 3S seadmel ning käepidemel mitmeid keermestatud kinnitusavasid. Tarvikuteks võivad olla näiteks ka EasyRig, mootoriga liugurid, kraanad jms. tugiseadmed, mis aitavad leida optimaalseima võtteolukorrale vastava lahenduse. Stabilisaatori komplektis on kaasas lauastatiiv, mis aitab seadet salvestamise vaheajal stabiilselt paigal hoida ning hõlbustab samuti ka võttekomplekti seadistamist. Uudne kõigi kolme telje lukustuslahendus hoiab seadme lõtkudeta koos ning ka mitmed stabilisaatori kasutajaliidesed on varustatud turvalukustustega, et tagada stabiilne töö ka intensiivse liikumise korral. CRANE 3S stabilisaatoril on DC-IN pesa, mis võimaldab akude laadimist kuni 25,2 V pingega. Sisseehitatud akud suudavad vaid 4-tunnise laadimise järel hoida stabilisaatorit töös kuni 12 tundi, mis on võrreldes eelmise mudeliga 35% parem tulemus. Uudse lisavarustusena saada oleva toiteallikana on stabilisaatorile võimalik lisada TransMount PowerPlus akukomplekti, mis sisaldab endas kuut 18650 tüüpi akut. PowerPlus akukomplekti kasutamine pikendab stabilisaatori kasutusaega kuni 21 tunnini ning võimaldab katta akupangana ka teiste võttel kasutatavate seadmete energiavajadust. Nagu ka eelnevatel mudelitel LAB ja Weebill, on Crane 3S mudelil võimalus luua traadita ühendus nutitelefoniga ning kasutada seda andmeedastusmooduli abil täiustatud kaugjuhtimisseadmena. Nutiseadet saab juhtmevabalt kasutada FHD (1080p) monitorina – aitab näiteks kaadri kompositsiooni valikul ja olulisimatest seadistustest ülevaate saamisel.
1-3 tp
739,99 €
Sirui Statiiv W-2204+K-20 II
Tootekood: W-2204+K-20II GTIN: 6952060010762 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Foto- ja videokaamerate jaoks; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 52; Maksimaalne pikkus lahtivõetud kujul (cm): 157; Minimaalne kõrgus kokkupandult: 25,3; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: On; 3D mehhanism: Ei; Jalgade läbimõõt (cm):...
378,09 €
Joby Kolmjalg Compact Action
Tootekood: JB01761-BWW GTIN: 8024221717907 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Foto- ja videokaamerate jaoks; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 45..3; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: On; Jalgade kummitallad: On; Sisseehitatud tase: On; Kaal (kg): 1,16; Maksimum koormus (kg): 1,5; Muud omadused: "Tripod"; kaitse...
69,00 €
Joby Kolmjalg Compact Action Kit
Tootekood: JB01762-BWW GTIN: 8024221717914 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Foto- ja videokaamerate jaoks; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 45..3; Maksimaalne pikkus lahtivõetud kujul (cm): 155; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: On; Jalgade läbimõõt (cm): Pole infot; Jalgade kummitallad: On; Sisseehitatud tase:...
74,90 €
Joby Kolmjalg Compact Advanced
Tootekood: JB01763-BWW GTIN: 8024221717921 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Foto- ja videokaamerate jaoks; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 44; Maksimaalne pikkus lahtivõetud kujul (cm): 165; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: On; Jalgade läbimõõt (cm): Pole infot; Jalgade kummitallad: On; Sisseehitatud tase:...
88,73 €
Zhiyun Weebill 2
Tootekood: C020115EUR GTIN: 6970194086606 Statiivid ja lisad
Loodud kasutamiseks professionaalsete digitaalsete peegel- ja hübriidkaameratega. 1,6 tunnise laadimisega kuni 9 tundi kasutusaega. USB-C kaudu laadimine ja lisatoide ka salvestamise ajal. Puutetundlik ekraan stabilisaatori ja kaamera seadistuste juhtimiseks. Palju lisafunktsioone Transmitter AI abil. Stabiliseerib kuni 3,3 kg kaamerakomplekti. Uuelt stabilisaatorilt leiame nii mõndagi: pööratav puutetundlik ekraan, veelgi parem ergonoomika, pildiedastus ja tugevamad mootorid. Weebill 2 on esimene stabilisaator, millelt leiame 2.88-tollise pööratava puutetundliku ekraani. See võimaldab täielikku kontrolli seadme funktsioonide üle, on lisaks intuitiivne kasutada, pööratav ja kokkuklapitav, kui te seda parasjagu ei kasuta. Võimaldab seadistada stabilisaatorit, muuta kaamera seadistusi, eelseadistada aegvõtet jpm. ZHIYUN WEEBILL 2 PRO komplektis sisalduva Image transmitter AI kasutamisel lisanduvad ekraani kasutamiseks sellised funktsioonid, nagu One-touch smart follow, Time-lapse ja Gesture control – enam ei ole vaja ZY Play nutirakendust… Või ehk siiski, kui soovite veel lisaks kuni kolmelt ekraanilt juhtmevabalt salvestatavat jälgida. Stabilisaatoris Weebill 2 on kasutusel uued Infineon mikrokiibid koos uuendatud mootorite juhtimise algoritmidega, mis muudavad liikumised ning stabilisaatori juhtimise veelgi sujuvamaks. Võimsamate mootorite ja uute algoritmide kasutamine ei suurenda mitte ainult kasutatavate kaamerakomplektide kaalu vaid võimaldab lisaks veelgi kiiremini ja täpsemalt kompenseerida ekstreemsemaidki liikumisi. Weebill 2 jätkab juba harjumuspäraseks saanud käepidemete asetusega, mis võimaldab sujuvalt üle minna madalate võttenurkade kasutamisele. Tänu sellisele asetusele väsivad teie käed pika võttepäeva jooksul oluliselt vähem. Zhiyun Weebill 2 komplektis: stabilisaator ja ministatiiv.
503,11 €
SMALLRIG 3195 Cage For Nikon Z9
Tootekood: D211411 GTIN: 6941590007038 Statiivid ja lisad
Designed to provide accessory mounts and protection for the Nikon Z9 camera. The cage secures to the camera with one 1/4´´-20 screw & locating pin at the bottom and the right side shoulder strap hole. Featuring multiple 1/4´´-20 threaded holes and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes, support SmallRig Top Handle 2165, Side Handle 2093, 2624, and Monitor Mount 2903. Comes with a cold shoe on the top to attach microphones, LED lights, etc. The bottom integrates an Arca Swiss plate that allows switching directly to tripod shooting and features multiple 1/4´´-20 threaded holes allowing for mounting DJI RS 2/RSC 2 Quick Release Plate (Upper) with two 1/4” screws. The front of the cage features two 1/4´´-20 threaded holes for Smallrig 15mm Rod Clamp 942 that supports lens support, follow focus, matte box, etc. The cage features all-around protective rubber pads inside to prevent scratches and a built-in magnetic slotted screwdriver & Allen Wrench that is easy to use. Note: Please remove the shoulder strap ring on the right side before attaching the cage. The cage is not compatible with Nikon WR-R11 remote controller. Package Includes: 1 x Cage 8 x M3 Screw
119,99 €
SMALLRIG 3738 Cage Kit For Nikon Z9
Tootekood: D211591 GTIN: 6941590007519 Statiivid ja lisad
Designed to provide the handheld solution, accessory attachment, and protection for the camera, and particularly during low-angle shooting, ease burdens on the arm and assist in camera movements. The kit comes with a Cage for Nikon Z9 (3195) and an ARRI Top Handle (2165) and maintains access to buttons, holes, card slots, battery door, and flip screen after installation. SmallRig 3738 Cage Kit For Nikon Z9 The cage is locked via a 1/4´´-20 screw at the bottom, locating pin and the shoulder strap ring on the right side. The top handle is ergonomically designed to increase comfort and allows quick assembly and disassembly. Built-in mounting points are fully compatible with the SmallRig accessory system. Featuring 1/4´´-20 threaded holes and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes for SmallRig Side Handle 2093 or 2426 for side handheld shooting and camera movements, and ARRI 3/8"-16 locating hole on the top of the handle for Monitor Mount 2903 and a cold shoe mount for microphones, LED lights. Arca quick release plate on the bottom of the cage fits directly on to a tripod for tripod shooting. Two 1/4´´-20 threaded holes at the bottom of the front, support SmallRig Rod Clamp 942 for attach 15mm rail support system to attach lens support, follow focus, matte box, etc. Besides, comes with protective cushions inside to prevent scratches and provides a built-in magnetic spanner for easy access. Compatibility: Nikon Z9 Note: Please remove the shoulder strap ring on the right side before attaching the cage. The cage is not compatible with Nikon WR-R11 remote controller. Package Includes: 1 x Cage 3195 8 x M3 Screw 1 x Top Handle 2165
169,00 €
Joby Kolmjalg Compact Advanced Kit
Tootekood: JB01764-BWW GTIN: 8024221717938 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Foto- ja videokaamerate jaoks; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 44; Maksimaalne pikkus lahtivõetud kujul (cm): 165; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: On; Jalgade läbimõõt (cm): Pole infot; Jalgade kummitallad: On; Sisseehitatud tase:...
110,42 €
Joby Kolmjalg 2in1 Monopod
Tootekood: JB01765-BWW GTIN: 8024221717945 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Fotokaameratele; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 44; Maksimaalne pikkus lahtivõetud kujul (cm): 134; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: Ei; 3D mehhanism: Ei; Jalgade kummitallad: Ei; Sisseehitatud tase: Ei; Kaal (kg): 0,28; Maksimum...
47,53 €
Joby Kolmjalg Compact Light Kit
Tootekood: JB01760-BWW GTIN: 8024221717891 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Fotokaameratele; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 39.8; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: On; 3D mehhanism: Ei; Jalgade kummitallad: On; Sisseehitatud tase: On; Kaal (kg): 0,87; Maksimum koormus (kg): 1,5; Muud omadused: "Tripod";...
63,90 €
+0,10 €
Sirui Statiiv W-2004+K-20 II
Tootekood: 110977 GTIN: 7391879047214 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Foto- ja videokaamerate jaoks; Pikkus kokkupandud kujul (cm): 52; Maksimaalne pikkus lahtivõetud kujul (cm): 157; Minimaalne kõrgus kokkupandult: 25,3; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: On; 3D mehhanism: Ei; Jalgade läbimõõt (cm):...
256,09 €
798,00 €
Konus Tripod for binokkel 165cm
Tootekood: 52-431956 Statiivid ja lisad
The Konus Tripod for Binoculars is made of lightweight metal and consists of 3 adjustable sections (from 65 cm to 160 cm). The mounting plate is suitable for binoculars, spotting scopes and cameras. The ball head is equipped with ...
41,66 €
Canon Statiiv Hakuba Multi, must
Tootekood: 3945V760 GTIN: 8714574670515 Statiivid ja lisad
Multifunktsionaalne statiiv; Kasuta käsistatiivi, käepideme või lauastatiivina; Ühildub nii kompaktkaamerate kui nutitelefonidega; Sobib kasutamiseks kuni 350 g seadmetega; Kerge ja kompaktne disain
45,50 €
SMALLRIG 3714 L-Bracket For Nikon Z9
Tootekood: D212781 GTIN: 6941590008097 Statiivid ja lisad
Designed for quick switch between horizontal and vertical shooting. SmallRig 3714 L-Bracket For Nikon Z9 It is locked into the bottom of a camera via a 1/4"-20 screw and an anti-twist screw, fitted with a silicone pad to prevent scratches and deflection, and can be disassembled into an Arca-compatible base plate (used separately) and side plate, both with lens center mark. The L-Bracket does not block ports, buttons, card slot, battery door, and 4-axis tilting LCD screen. The base plate features mounting points such as 1/4”-20, 3/8"-16 threaded holes and wrist strap support to attach SmallRig Quick Release Plate 1280 and the quick-release plate (pad) of DJI RS 2/RSC 2 stabilizers to realize quick switching multiple scenes such as tripod and stabilizer. Extendable side plate featuring two 1/4"-20 threaded holes supports SmallRig Cold Shoe Mount 1593 and 2736 to attach microphone and leaves room for HDMI and USB cables. In addition, a slotted screwdriver is accessible for easy disassembly and assembly. Note: To stretch the L-Bracket, you need to remove an anti-twist screw with the built-in flat-head spanner; Compatibility: Nikon Z 9 Includes: 1 x base plate 1 x side plate 2 x M4 screws 1 x Allen Wrench
89,99 €
Zhiyun Crane M2S Combo
Tootekood: CRANE M2S COMBO GTIN: 6970194086798 Statiivid ja lisad
Content creation today is all about flexibility, portability and finding a unique look. The new Crane M2S from the world’s leading gimbal brand, Zhiyun, embodies just that. Whether you are filming Reels with a smartphone, skiing with an action camera or shooting a YouTube video with a mirrorless camera, the new Zhiyun Crane M2S is a gimbal for you Zhiyun Crane M2S Combo At just 549g, the Crane M2S is highly portable, just like a phone gimbal, but with the capacity to hold mirrorless cameras like the Sony A7SIII with small prime lenses. Compared to the standard Crane-M2 series the new gimbal has a super lightweight body combined with stronger motors and extended axes, making it a must-have for run-and-gun filmmakers and content creators on the go. Another new feature is an ultra-bright light built into the gimbal. Using a lumen amplifier technology, it can produce over 1000 lumens brightness within 2.8 m², ideal for capturing subjects directly in shot. The light has a color temperature of 5500K and a CRI of 90+. The Light has five levels of adjustability and comes with four attachable color filters, that gives the user a more creative potential and control. The Crane M2S features the latest quick-release technology previously only used in its flagship gimbals, the V-shape design of the quick-release provides better working efficiency, while dual safety locks ensures that the equipment always remains attached when you need it to. A compact and flexible design with intuitive controls makes the gimbal very easy to handle in all situations. A 0.66-inch display offers real-time status and operating parameters of both the camera and gimbal. The M2S supports USB PD fast charging up to 12W via its USB-C connector, a full charge time can be achieved in just 100 mins, allowing the Crane M2S run for up to 10 hours (depending on setting). Supported cameras can be directly connected via USB-C cable to engage direct shutter control and supply up to 5V/1A of power directly to the camera, extending its battery life. Key specifications: Super lightweight body (549g) Compact Stronger motors and extended axes. Ultra-bright light built into the gimbal. Various shooting modes available: Pan Follow, Follow, Lock, POV, Vortex, Go, etc. Zhiyuns’s Quick Release 4.0 technology. Supports USB PD fast charging Can power a compatible camera via USB-C What´s in the bag: Zhiyun Crane M2S Tripod (M2) Fill Light Filters Phone Clamp(M2) Carrying Bag TypeC to Micro Camera Charging Cable TypeC to TypeC Camera Charging Cable TypeC to USB Cable
1-3 tp
260,27 €
3 Legged Thing Punks Billy 2.0 with Airhed Neo 2.0 Black
Tootekood: BILLYBLACK2 GTIN: 5060244885882 Statiivid ja lisad
Looking for a compact travel-friendly tripod for everyday use? Then you need Billy 2.0. Perfect for travel and landscape photography Made from 8 layers of 100% pure Carbon Fibre Supports up to 18kg Billy 2.0 is constructed from 8 layers of 100% pure carbon fibre and is one of the lightest tripods in the Punks 2.0 range. Billy 2.0 is built to withstand the rigours of everyday use. Planes, Trains and Automobiles Billy 2.0 is incredibly versatile, designed for all types of photography and an ideal choice for travel, weighing in at just 1.57 kg / 3.46lbs and folding down to 45.7cm / 17.9”. Billy 2.0 is your ideal companion for photography on-the-go. Incredible range Extending to 1.66m/ 65.3” and getting as low as 11.8 cm /4.6”, Billy has a wide range of working heights and can support up to 18 kg / 40 lbs. Jaw-Dropping Like our other Punks 2.0 tripods, Billy 2.0 has three detachable tripod legs which allow for a plethora of configurations including use as a monopod or boom arm as well as a tаble-top tripod (with use of additional footwear). Travel Ready Billy 2.0´s legs counterfold around the column and head, enabling the user to get him down to just 11.8cm / 4.6". 3 Detachable Legs Like their Pro Range 2.0 and Legends Range counterparts, the new Punks 2.0 tripods boast three detachable legs, enabling conversion to monopods or booms, and with the addition of optional Vanz tripod feet (sold separately) can be made into tаbletop tripods. Max Load to Weight Ratio of 10:1 Billy 2.0 is capable of supporting loads up to 10 times his weight. With an 18kg payload, Billy 2.0 is one of the strongest tripods in this class. Locked and Loaded We’ve given our leg locks a face lift. With a fierce new look they boast improved grip and leverage due to a combination of rubber pads and knurling. We´ve added weight to our leg locks lowering their centre of gravity which makes the tripod more stаble to allow use in a multitude of conditions. Shaping The Future Our patented Tri-Mount plate has been refined and offers three hollowed spurs for accessory attachments, and enables Billy 2.0 to fold up, even when the column is detached. A Range of Footwear Billy 2.0 has detachable rubber Bootz, which can be replaced with any of our foot accessories, for maximum stability on any terrain.
255,00 €
15,99 €
Camrock Statiiv CP-530
Tootekood: CR2594 GTIN: 5907489643443 Statiivid ja lisad
Kolmesuunalise peaga statiiv; Maksimaalne kõrgus: 149 cm; Kandevõime: kuni 3 kg; Kiirkinnitusplaat & integreeritud lood; Komplektis nutitelefoni ja seikluskaamera adapter
20,48 €
−0,02 €
Camrock Statiiv CP-510
Tootekood: 9706498 GTIN: 5907489643436 Statiivid ja lisad
Camrock CP-510
16,81 €
Camrock Quick-mount plate for tripod Camrock CP-510/530
Tootekood: CR-PLATE-CP510/530 GTIN: 5907489646499 Statiivid ja lisad
1-3 tp
22,50 €
SMALLRIG 3247 Dummy Battery EN-EL15
Tootekood: D207081 GTIN: 6941590005973 Statiivid ja lisad
SmallRig Dummy Battery EN-EL15 3247 Key Features: 1. Stable and reliable power supply. 2. Easy to disassemble. 3. Universal standard DC5521 port. SmallRig Dummy Battery EN-EL15 3247 is an accessory designed to complete power supply system and provide users with easy and quick access to the external power supply to extend shooting time and focus on video creation; it has a total length of 600mm and delivers stable 7.4V output through the 5.5 / 2.1mm DC output port. It can be easily and quickly installed in the camera battery door and used for a continuous and stable power supply for the Nikon camera. Note: 1. Please plug the cable into the 7.4V 5.5 / 2.1mm DC output port. Compatibility: 1:Dummy Battery:EN-EL15 Camera: D500, D600, D610, D750, D780, D800, D810, D850, D7000, D7100, D7200, D7500, Z 5, Z6, Z6II, Z7, Z7II 2: Power supply with 7.4V 5.5 / 2.1mm DC output port Package Includes: 1 x EN-EL15 Cable Product Dimensions: 600 x 39.4 x 19.98mm Package Dimensions: 106x 99 x 33mm Net Weight: 29g±5g Package Weight: 79g±5g Material: ABS+PC(Shell)+PVC(Cable)
45,00 €
SMALLRIG 2094 Cold Shoe Handle
Tootekood: D158841 GTIN: 6972070627187 Statiivid ja lisad
A universal handle with cold shoe, simple and ergonomically designed to offer a comfortable handheld shooting experience. SmallRig 2094 Cold Shoe Handle Its ARRI mount in the front works with SmallRig 2348 Swivel and Tilt Monitor Mount with Arri Locating Pins, and improves the compatibility of the cages. Its cold shoe mounts on the front end with Anti-off Button, allow for quick assembly and disassembly and prevent accidental disconnection. Featuring an all-in-one and half structure, it comes with multiple 1/4"-20 & 3/8"-16 & ARRI 3/8"-16 accessory threads and three cold shoe mounts for monitors, LED lights, or microphones, and a built-in spanner for easy access. Overall, the lightweight and practical handle can provide a wide range of mounting points and an excellent shooting experience. Compatibility: Universal cold/hot shoe mount Package Includes: 1 x Handle 1 x Hex Spanner
55,00 €
SMALLRIG 3481 Lether Half Case with Shoulder Strap For Nikon Z fc
Tootekood: D208161 GTIN: 6941590006321 Statiivid ja lisad
Key Features: 1. Genuine leather half case with a custom fit for Nikon Z fc camera. 2. Improved grip and provide protection. 3. Fastened by a 1/4´´-20 D-ring screw without tools. 4. Features a 1/4´´-20 threaded hole on the bottom that allows attaching a tripod. 5. Maintains access to the battery door, card slot, and flip screen. SmallRig Leather Half Case with Shoulder Strap for Nikon Z fc 3481 is designed to protect your camera from dirt, dust, and scratches. The case has a nonslip texture for an improved grip. Handcrafted with a genuine leather exterior and soft microfiber features a non-scratching interior to prevent sweat from staining the clothes. The case attaches to the bottom of the camera via a 1/4´´-20 D-ring screw, and the shoulder strap attaches to the round strap hole of the camera with the strap ring. The bottom plate features a 1/4"-20 thread for a tripod or other accessory. The case keeps access to the battery compartment, card slot and it will not influence the flip screen.
64,99 €
SMALLRIG 3766 Nato Top Handle
Tootekood: D216971 GTIN: 6941590008455 Statiivid ja lisad
Ergonomically designed to improve grip experience, facilitate low-angle shot and reduce burdens on arms. SmallRig 3766 Nato Top Handle The ergonomic handle, featuring anti-slip and anti-freeze silicone, feels comfortable and weighs only 124g because of a hollowed-out structure. It has 3 front cold shoes and 2 rear cold shoes that allow simultaneously mounting microphone, LED light, monitor, and other accessories. ARRI 3/8"-16 locating holes support SmallRig Monitor Mount 2903 and 2348 to attach monitors. 1/4"-20 threaded holes support SmallRig Magic Arm 2070 for monitors and Remote Control 2924 for recording. Its quick-release NATO clamp fits all standard NATO rails. Compatibility: Any accessories features NATO Rail In the Box: 1 x Top Handle
45,00 €
+5,01 €
Zhiyun Weebill-S
Tootekood: CR110 GTIN: 6970194085852 Statiivid ja lisad
Zhiyun toob Weebill seeriasse uue stabilisaatori ja lisab täiesti uue edastusmooduli professionaalseks videotööks. Weebill S on disainitud tööks enamlevinud peeglivabade ja peegelkaameratega. WELLBILL-S kasutab uut adaptiivset kontrollalgoritmi, mis tunneb ära kasutatava kaamerakomplekti kaalu ja seadistab stabiliseerimismootorid optimaalseimaks tööks teie kaamerakomplektiga. Loomulikult on teil lisaks võimalik seadistada eraldi iga telje reaktsioonikiirust sobivaks teie võtteolukorraga. 300% suurema pöördemomendiga mootorid ja 50% lühem reaktsiooniaeg Võimalik kasutada mõlemas asendis – traditsioonilises vertikaalses ja pööratult madalate võttenurkade korral On võimalik eemalt juhtida Kiire ja lihtne tasakaalustamine Kahepoolne Arca-Swiss ja Manfrotto süsteemiga ühilduv kiirkinnitusplaat Intuitiivne juhtimine tänu OLED ekraanile, otsevaliku nuppudele ja kontrollrattale. Go mode kiirete liikumiste jäädvustamiseks Võimalus kasutada nutiseadet liikumisandurina Kasutusvõimalused avardatavad ZY Play nutirakenduse ja videosignaali edastuskomplekti abil Kuni 14 tundi kasutusaega ühe laadimisega USB-laadimist toetavale kaamerale saate vajadusel anda stabilisaatori akudelt lisatoidet Esimestena püüavad uue Weebill-S juures tähelepanu 300% suurendatud mootorite jõudlus ja 50% lühendatud reaktsiooniaeg. Stabilisaator töötab väga hästi näiteks selliste kaamerakomplektidega, nagu Sony A7III+FE 24-70mm F2.8 või Canon 5D4+EF 24-70mm F2.8. WEEBILL-S unikaalne sling mode võimaldab teil kiirelt ja ergonoomiliselt liikuda kõrgelt võttepositsioonilt madalale võttenurgale, kui kasutate TransMount komplekti. Uus mootorite juhtimise algoritm võimaldab stabilisaatoril määrata automaatselt kasutatava kaamerakomplekti kaalu ning seadistada seadme mootorid optimaalseks tööks. Täiesti uus TransMount Image Transmission Module Uus videoedastusmoodul võimaldab kristallselge 1080p / 30fps pildi edastust kuni 100 meetri kaugusele koos LUT, pseudo coloring, focus peak ja zebra adjustment võimalustega professionaalseks salvest
329,99 €
Camrock Quick-mount plate for tripod TC63
Tootekood: CR-PLATE-TC63 GTIN: 5901891103250 Statiivid ja lisad
1-3 tp
23,50 €
Camrock Statiiv TC63, titanium
Tootekood: CR0481 GTIN: 5907489644310 Statiivid ja lisad
28,66 €
−0,02 €
SMALLRIG 3260 Rotating Nato Handle
Tootekood: 117372 GTIN: 6941590004921 Statiivid ja lisad
SMALLRIG 3260 Rotating Nato Handle
110,80 €
−4,20 €
Sirui Monopod P-325FL
Tootekood: 118824 GTIN: 6952060025575 Statiivid ja lisad
SIRUI P-325FS and P-325FL are advanced photo/video monopods that combine functions of monopods, monopod with feet, extension rods, and tabletop-tripods intο a whole. The innovative modular design, lightweight and flip-lock mechanism are going to provide you with more convenience and creative opportunities. Sirui Monopod P-325FL For Photo/Video The carbon fiber structure gives the P-325FL monopod a weight of only 1.2 kg, which is 20% lighter than previous models from SIRUI. Weighing about the same as a mirrorless camera, this monopod is of great portability for doing outdoor shoots. The monopod features a unique modular design; Four modules, including the mounting plate, main tube section, tripod foot, rubber foot, can be detached and combined freely to form a monopod, an extension rod, or a tabletop tripod. Quick Release System The quick release system has a distinct advantage over the locking knob system. Pull down the top/bottom quick release sleeve to detach modules in a quick and easy way. Thanks to the trigger mechanism, even a mounting plate with heavy gear attached can be inserted intο the quick release sleeves within a second. When inserted, the mounting plate will be locked securely intο place. Quick release mounting screw Press and hold the button to take out the screw. Flip the screw upside down to switch between the 1/4" and 3/8" thread. Quick release tripod base Remove the rubber foot from the tripod base and attach it to the bottom of the main tube to form an extension rod or normal monopod. 360° Panning The upper twist collar has a groove-textured surface for quick adjustment while shooting. Unlock the upper twist collar to get a full 360°panning ability. Quick Leveling Two bubble levels on the base allow you to always keep the monopod in good balance even when you are doing highly mobile outdoor shoots 36° Tilting Use the ball locking knob to adjust the friction of the ball. Loosen the ball locking knob and tilt the monopod 36° in any direction to get a lot of movements. Full-Featured Tripod Foot The tripod foot is well built with solid aluminum, offering two positions at your choice. Legs can be folded up reversely to fit intο your backpack. Rubber & Spike Foot The monopod comes with a rubber foot that can be retracted to reveal a spike. Combine functions of monopods with feet, monopod, extension rods, and tabletop-tripod: Monopod with feet Video recordings where you can move smoothly, but still with stability. Monopod Event shooting, interview shooting, high-angle shooting, places where the tripod is not an option Extension Rod Highly mobile situations, weight distribution of telephoto lenses, a telescopic stick for stabilizers or action cameras Table Tripod Low-angle shooting, desktop recording, close-up shots, vlog shooting.
1-3 tp
135,99 €
Tootekood: 118825 GTIN: 6952060025568 Statiivid ja lisad
SIRUI P-325FS and P-325FL are advanced photo/video monopods that combine functions of monopods, monopod with feet, extension rods, and tabletop-tripods intο a whole. The innovative modular design, lightweight and flip-lock mechanism are going to provide you with more convenience and creative opportunities. The carbon fiber structure gives the P-325FS monopod a weight of only 1.17 kg, which is 21% lighter than previous models from SIRUI. Weighing about the same as a mirrorless camera, this monopod is of great portability for doing outdoor shoots. The monopod features a unique modular design; Four modules, including the mounting plate, main tube section, tripod foot, rubber foot, can be detached and combined freely to form a monopod, an extension rod, or a tabletop tripod. Quick Release System The quick release system has a distinct advantage over the locking knob system. Pull down the top/bottom quick release sleeve to detach modules in a quick and easy way. Thanks to the trigger mechanism, even a mounting plate with heavy gear attached can be inserted intο the quick release sleeves within a second. When inserted, the mounting plate will be locked securely intο place. Quick release mounting screw Press and hold the button to take out the screw. Flip the screw upside down to switch between the 1/4" and 3/8" thread. Quick release tripod base Remove the rubber foot from the tripod base and attach it to the bottom of the main tube to form an extension rod or normal monopod. 360° Panning The upper twist collar has a groove-textured surface for quick adjustment while shooting. Unlock the upper twist collar to get a full 360°panning ability. Quick Leveling Two bubble levels on the base allow you to always keep the monopod in good balance even when you are doing highly mobile outdoor shoots 36° Tilting Use the ball locking knob to adjust the friction of the ball. Loosen the ball locking knob and tilt the monopod 36° in any direction to get a lot of movements. Full-Featured Tripod Foot The tripod foot is well built with solid aluminum, offering two positions at your choice. Legs can be folded up reversely to fit intο your backpack. Rubber & Spike Foot The monopod comes with a rubber foot that can be retracted to reveal a spike. Combine functions of monopods with feet, monopod, extension rods, and tabletop-tripod: Monopod with feet Video recordings where you can move smoothly, but still with stability. Monopod Event shooting, interview shooting, high-angle shooting, places where the tripod is not an option Extension Rod Highly mobile situations, weight distribution of telephoto lenses, a telescopic stick for stabilizers or action cameras Table Tripod Low-angle shooting, desktop recording, close-up shots, vlog shooting
1-3 tp
125,99 €
SMALLRIG 1446 Top Handle Rubber
Tootekood: 112936 GTIN: 6941590010199 Statiivid ja lisad
SmallRig 1446 Top Handle The good quality rubber handle is very good looking and the special design increases its friction during handheld shooting. It is equipped with a cold shoe on the top for attaching a microphone and other accessories. Compatibility: Universal Package Includes: 1 x Top Handle (Rubber) 1 x Hex Spanner 2 x 1/4´´Screw
27,99 €
Elgato Heavy Clamp, must - Statiiv
Tootekood: 10AAQ9901 GTIN: 840006662198 Statiivid ja lisad
Valmis kõigeks Vastupidav G-klamber keraliigend-peaga ja nelja 1/4-tollise keermega. Heavy Clamp lubab kinnitada varustust peaaegu kõikjale; kirjutuslaua, riiuli, posti või muu eseme külge. Ainult vaata ringi ning kasuta loovust.
1-3 tp
47,99 €
−1,51 €
DJI Osmo Mobile 6 Gimbal for Mobile Phone, Platinum Gray
Tootekood: CP.OS.00000284.01 GTIN: 6941565965387 Statiivid ja lisad
Videostabilisaator nutitelefonile; Pikendatav käepide & kokkupandav disain; Magnetiline telefonikinnitus; Spetsiaalsed rakendused paremateks videoteks; Aku kestab kuni 6,5 tundi
155,40 €
Camrock statiiv TA30, titanium
Tootekood: 5907489644303 GTIN: 5907489644303 Statiivid ja lisad
Camrock statiiv TA30 Titanium
16,81 €
SMALLRIG 3326 SR-RG1 Wireless Shooting Grip
Tootekood: 3326 GTIN: 6941590008035 Statiivid ja lisad
A versatile shooting grip, selfie stick as well as tabletop tripod for select Sony and Canon cameras featuring Bluetooth connectivity. This grip is designed to improve shooting stability, ideal for vlogging, live streaming, simple everyday use and other scenarios. Features detachable and chargeable wireless remote control can achieve camera photo, video, zoom, focus and other functions, which makes your vlog easier. The grip is extendable with two levels stretch up to 15cm for better selfie and wider view. The integrated head can tilt upward 90°, downward 90°, and rotate 360° for easier positioning. Portable size and lightweight for easy carrying. The bottom of grip comes with a 1/4”-20 threaded hole for tripod to provide wider view and help to stand when use as a selfie stick. High-strength nylon and glass fiber make it robust and durable with a payload up to 1.5kg (0.5kg when stretched). Note: Load Capacity: 1.5kg (folded as a grip or tripod); 0.5kg (extended as a selfie stick) Please do not use the grip as a tripod when extended as selfie stick. Remote control operating range: 10 meters Compatibility: Sony Cameras ZV-1 / ZV-E10 / RX100 Ⅶ / RX0 II Alpha 6100 / Alpha 6400 / Alpha 6600 Alpha 7C / Alpha 7 III / Alpha 7 IV / Alpha 7R III / Alpha 7R IV / Alpha 7S III / Alpha 9 / Alpha 9 II Canon Cameras EOS M6 Mark II / EOS M50 / EOS M50 II / EOS M200 / EOS R / EOS R5 / EOS R6 PowerShot G5X II / G7X III (Depending on the camera, the setup method for remote control shooting may differ, please refer to the instruction manual for your camera)
1-3 tp
85,99 €
SMALLRIG Selection 3259 Compact Fluid Head CH10
Tootekood: 116711 GTIN: 6941590004464 Statiivid ja lisad
Specially designed for video shooting and can also be used for smaller spottingscopes. It comes with a removable anti-slip operation lever and can be used for either left handle or right handle, and with an Arca-type quick release plate for a quick switch between handheld shot and tripod shot. SmallRig Selection 3259 Compact Fluid Head CH10 Unlike other traditional fluid heads, it is only 70mm in height and features a 36mm-diameter baseplate, compact and easy to carry around. Fixed damping allows a smooth operation experience. It can be tilted +90°/-55° and swiveled 360° for multi-angle shooting The head also includes a built-in screwdriver. Key features: Compact fluid head, lighter, smaller, and more convenient. Fixed damping for a smooth operation experience. It can be tilted +90°/-55° and swiveled 360°, allowing multi-angle shooting. Pacakge Includes: 1x Fluid Head 1x Arca Swiss Quick Release Plate 1x User Manual
69,00 €
Velbon Portable Multi Stand 155
Tootekood: 30253 GTIN: 4907990302533 Statiivid ja lisad
Thanks to its extremely compact and lightweight construction , the Velbon Multi Stand 155 is a very versatile smartphone stand. The Velbon Multi Stand 155 is a great smartphone tripod that meets all the needs of content creators - it is lightweight, intuitive to use and easy to carry. Use it as a smartphone tripod in your mini home office/studio or as selfie stick when out on adventure. The Velbon Multi Stand 155 works just as great for Zoom and Teams meetings as for Instagram and TikTok. Folded size is only 21,4 cm and fully extended (six sections) it reaches 155cm. Tripod weigh only 157g and is made of aluminium. Note: LED, Universal holder, smartphone or tablet is not included in the kit.
64,00 €
Camrock Statiiv TC63
Tootekood: CR2149 GTIN: 5907489640398 Statiivid ja lisad
Kolmesuunalise peaga statiiv Nutitelefoni kinnitus 60–98 mm laiusega telefonidele Seikluskaamera kinnitus GoPro ühendusega seadmetele Kolmeosalised alumiiniumist jalad Maksimaalne kõrgus: 159,5 cm Minimaalne kõrgus: 61 cm Kandevõime: kuni 3,5 kg Lood täpseks kadreerimiseks Kiirkinnitusplaat mugavaks kaamera kinnitamiseks Konks kesksamba otsas võimaldab statiivile kinnitada lisaraskuse Camrock TC63 Mobile Kit on suurepärane valik foto- ja videohuvilistele. Sellesse komplekti kuuluvad statiiv, nutitelefoni kinnitus ja seikluskaamera kinnitus.Statiiv saab hakkama kuni 3,5 kg kaaluva varustusega ning maksimaalselt kõrgub see kuni 159,5 cm-ni. Statiivi tugevad kolmeosalised alumiiniumjalad on lisaks erakordsele stabiilsusele ja vastupidavusele ka kiiresti ja lihtsalt reguleeritavad.Lisaks on statiiv varustatud kolmesuunalise statiivipeaga, mis võimaldab kaamera kiiresti statiivile kinnitada ja tabada täpse kaadri. Statiivi kesksammas liigub mugava vända abil. Kesksamba alumises osas olev konks võimaldab statiivile kinnitada lisaraskusi, et stabiilsust veelgi suurendada või vastu panna tuulisemale ilmale.Komplekti kuulub ka praktiline, vastupidav ja pritsmekindel transportkott.
29,75 €