Tüübi järgi
Walimex statiivipea Pro FT-011H Pro Ball Head Action Grip (12158)
Tootekood: WM-12158 GTIN: 4250234521581 Statiivid ja lisad
High-quality and rigid Action-Grip. Ideal for tracing moving objects, e.g. Sporting events or animal watching. Quickly lockable and unlockable. High stability. Convenient quick-release plate with 1/4 inch camera connection. With two spirit levels and one bubble level. Max. Load capacity: approx. 4kg.
84,77 €
Walimex statiivipea Tube Clamp with Ball Head (17931)
Tootekood: WM-17931 GTIN: 4250234579315 Statiivid ja lisad
Tube clamp for versatile use. For mounting on tripods, rods, shooting tables etc. With built-in ball head with 1/4 inch connection. Max. Tube diameter: approx. 4.5cm. Max. Load capacity: approx. 0.5kg.
18,43 €
Walimex Super Clamp
Tootekood: 471035 GTIN: 4250234524995 Statiivid ja lisad
Kaamera statiiv Walimex 12499
55,62 €
59,27 €
Walimex Tripod Bag 95cm for 2 Tripods
Tootekood: 15353 GTIN: 4250234553537 Statiivid ja lisad
Walimex 15353
53,33 €
Walimex Tripod Wheels Pro set of 3
Tootekood: 12720 GTIN: 4250234527200 Statiivid ja lisad
60,49 €
Walimex wT-1003 Basic-Monopod, 171cm
Tootekood: 12120 GTIN: 4250234521208 Statiivid ja lisad
17,04 €
Walimex wT-628 Extension Arm with 2 Sledges
Tootekood: 12136 GTIN: 4250234521369 Statiivid ja lisad
Walimex 12136
49,67 €
Zhiyun - Smooth Q2 Gimble
Tootekood: 6970194085814 GTIN: 6970194085814 Statiivid ja lisad
Ülikompaktne stabilisaator nutitelefonidele Toetab vertikaalset videoformaati (näiteks Instagrami story jaoks) Telefonihoidikusse mahuvad ka suured telefonid Quick Release telefoni kiireks kinnitamiseks stabilisaatorile Suur multifunktsionaalne nupp stabilisaatori juhtimiseks Eriefektid foto ja videovõtete mitmekesistamiseks ZY Play rakendus (võimaldab objekti jälgimist, aeg- ning panoraamvõtteid) Kuni 17 tundi tööaega ühe laadimisega Kasutatav akupangana telefoni laadimiseks Väike aga võimas – uus kolmeteljeline stabilisaator Zhiyun Smooth Q2 pakub tervet rida uusi võimalusi mobiilidega videosalvestuseks. Tänu kompaktsusele ja kuni 17 tundi kestvale akule on tegemist ideaalse tööriistaga vlogger´itele ja YouTuber´itele! Kiirelt kasutusvalmis Zhiyun Smooth Q2 sobib kasutamiseks enamike kasutusel olevate nutitelefonidega. Nende hulka kuuluvad ka suured tippklassi mudelid, nagu näiteks iPhone 11 Pro Max ja Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus. Telefonihoidikusse saab panna kuni 85 mm laiuse telefoni ning keerata telefoni püsti juhuks, kui soovite salvestada püstformaadis video näiteks Instagrami jaoks. Tänu nutikale kiirvabastussüsteemile saate telefoni hetkega stabilisaatorile kinnitada või sellelt eemaldada. Mobiilne videosalvestus uuele tasemele ZY Play nutirakenduse kasutamine avab ligipääsu mitmele Zhiyun Smooth Q2 funktsioonile, mis aitavad teie videojäädvustused tõsta täiesti uuele tasemele. Following Mode stabiliseerib värisemist, kuid võimaldab suuremat liikumist ning seetõttu saate jäädvustatava ettearvamatut liikumist telefoniga paremini salvestada. Pan Following Mode seevastu hoiab jällegi kogu liikumise ajal silmapiiri horisontaalsena. Lock Mode lukustab stabilisaatori soovitud suunale nii, et olenemata teie liikumisest on kaamera alati suunatud soovitud objektile. Full Range POV Mode võimaldab kaamera igas suunas liikumist, sh kallutamist ning annab seetõttu eriti hästi edasi seiklusliku teekonna. Vortex Mode lisab tegevust jäädvustavatele stseenidele uue mõõtme, võimaldades pöörelda 360-kraadi ulatuses ümber kaamera telje. Smooth Q2 eriefektide valikust leiame ka aegvõtte ning panoraamfoto võimalused. Filmilike eriefektide valikust toome esile Dolly Zoom ehk Vertigo efekti, millega saab telefoni kaamera suumi kasutades luua Hollywoodi filmidest nähtud dramaatilisi eemaldumisi subjektist. Akut jätkub kogu päevaks Smooth Q2 võimas liitium-ioon aku võimaldab stabilisaatorit kasutada ühe laadimisega kuni 17 tundi. Laadimine on kiire ning vaid kolme tunniga on stabilisaator valmis uuteks väljakutseteks. Stabilisaatorit saate kasutada ka toiteallikana teie telefonile ning olla kindlad, et salvestus ei jää poolikuks telefoni tühjenemise tõttu.
96,79 €
Zhiyun Crane 2S
Tootekood: Crane2S GTIN: 6970194086262 Statiivid ja lisad
Ette nähtud: Foto- ja videokaamerate jaoks; Reguleeritava kõrgusega kesksammas: Ei; 3D mehhanism: Ei; Jalgade kummitallad: Ei; Sisseehitatud tase: Ei; Kaal (kg): 1,88; Maksimum koormus (kg): 6,49; Garantii füüsilistele isikutele: 2 aastat;...
591,99 €
Zhiyun Crane 3S
Tootekood: C020017INT GTIN: 6970194085982 Statiivid ja lisad
Uus ZHIYUN CRANE 3S on edasi arendus senisest Zhiyun Crane 3 LAB mudelist. Uuel gimbalil on täiustatud tasakaalustusmootori, mis võimaldavad kuni 6,5 kg kandevõimet. See avardab oluliselt filmitegijate ja sisuloojate kasutusvõimalusi, kes saavad nüüd ühel päeval filmida peegel- või hübriidkaameratega ning kasutada sama seadet järgmisel päeval mõne sellise professionaalse videokaameraga nagu näiteks Sony FX9, Red Dragon või Arri Alexa. Suuremate videokaamerate kasutamisel on kaamera mahutamiseks võimalik stabilisaatori külge kinnitada laiendusmoodul. Väiksemate kaamerate kasutamisel saab laiendusmooduli stabilisaatorilt eemaldada ning seadme kompaktsemaks muuta. Seega võimaldab Crane 3S videoaparatuuri kiirelt, lihtsalt ja paindlikult võtteolukorrale vastavaks kohandada. Crane 3S üheks uueks omaduseks on käepidemete eemaldamise ja vahetamise võimalus. Seadmekomplekti saab valida “TransMount SmartSling” või “EasySling” käepidemetega. Käepidemel “TransMount SmartSling” on integreeritud OLED ekraaniga juhtpaneel, et sellelt stabilisaatori ja kaamera seadistusi (näiteks fookuspunkti ja suumi) juhtida. “EasySling” käepide võimaldab hoida stabilisaatorit erinevates asendites. Käepideme nurga all hoidmise võimalus hõlbustab stabilisaatori liigutamist tavakõrguselt madalateks võteteks. Seadmel olevate nuppude abil saab stabilisaatori töörežiime vastavalt vajadusele vahetada. Erinevate tarvikute mugavaks lisamiseks on CRANE 3S seadmel ning käepidemel mitmeid keermestatud kinnitusavasid. Tarvikuteks võivad olla näiteks ka EasyRig, mootoriga liugurid, kraanad jms. tugiseadmed, mis aitavad leida optimaalseima võtteolukorrale vastava lahenduse. Stabilisaatori komplektis on kaasas lauastatiiv, mis aitab seadet salvestamise vaheajal stabiilselt paigal hoida ning hõlbustab samuti ka võttekomplekti seadistamist. Uudne kõigi kolme telje lukustuslahendus hoiab seadme lõtkudeta koos ning ka mitmed stabilisaatori kasutajaliidesed on varustatud turvalukustustega, et tagada stabiilne töö ka intensiivse liikumise korral. CRANE 3S stabilisaatoril on DC-IN pesa, mis võimaldab akude laadimist kuni 25,2 V pingega. Sisseehitatud akud suudavad vaid 4-tunnise laadimise järel hoida stabilisaatorit töös kuni 12 tundi, mis on võrreldes eelmise mudeliga 35% parem tulemus. Uudse lisavarustusena saada oleva toiteallikana on stabilisaatorile võimalik lisada TransMount PowerPlus akukomplekti, mis sisaldab endas kuut 18650 tüüpi akut. PowerPlus akukomplekti kasutamine pikendab stabilisaatori kasutusaega kuni 21 tunnini ning võimaldab katta akupangana ka teiste võttel kasutatavate seadmete energiavajadust. Nagu ka eelnevatel mudelitel LAB ja Weebill, on Crane 3S mudelil võimalus luua traadita ühendus nutitelefoniga ning kasutada seda andmeedastusmooduli abil täiustatud kaugjuhtimisseadmena. Nutiseadet saab juhtmevabalt kasutada FHD (1080p) monitorina – aitab näiteks kaadri kompositsiooni valikul ja olulisimatest seadistustest ülevaate saamisel.
1-3 tp
739,99 €
Zhiyun Crane M2S Combo
Tootekood: CRANE M2S COMBO GTIN: 6970194086798 Statiivid ja lisad
Content creation today is all about flexibility, portability and finding a unique look. The new Crane M2S from the world’s leading gimbal brand, Zhiyun, embodies just that. Whether you are filming Reels with a smartphone, skiing with an action camera or shooting a YouTube video with a mirrorless camera, the new Zhiyun Crane M2S is a gimbal for you Zhiyun Crane M2S Combo At just 549g, the Crane M2S is highly portable, just like a phone gimbal, but with the capacity to hold mirrorless cameras like the Sony A7SIII with small prime lenses. Compared to the standard Crane-M2 series the new gimbal has a super lightweight body combined with stronger motors and extended axes, making it a must-have for run-and-gun filmmakers and content creators on the go. Another new feature is an ultra-bright light built into the gimbal. Using a lumen amplifier technology, it can produce over 1000 lumens brightness within 2.8 m², ideal for capturing subjects directly in shot. The light has a color temperature of 5500K and a CRI of 90+. The Light has five levels of adjustability and comes with four attachable color filters, that gives the user a more creative potential and control. The Crane M2S features the latest quick-release technology previously only used in its flagship gimbals, the V-shape design of the quick-release provides better working efficiency, while dual safety locks ensures that the equipment always remains attached when you need it to. A compact and flexible design with intuitive controls makes the gimbal very easy to handle in all situations. A 0.66-inch display offers real-time status and operating parameters of both the camera and gimbal. The M2S supports USB PD fast charging up to 12W via its USB-C connector, a full charge time can be achieved in just 100 mins, allowing the Crane M2S run for up to 10 hours (depending on setting). Supported cameras can be directly connected via USB-C cable to engage direct shutter control and supply up to 5V/1A of power directly to the camera, extending its battery life. Key specifications: Super lightweight body (549g) Compact Stronger motors and extended axes. Ultra-bright light built into the gimbal. Various shooting modes available: Pan Follow, Follow, Lock, POV, Vortex, Go, etc. Zhiyuns’s Quick Release 4.0 technology. Supports USB PD fast charging Can power a compatible camera via USB-C What´s in the bag: Zhiyun Crane M2S Tripod (M2) Fill Light Filters Phone Clamp(M2) Carrying Bag TypeC to Micro Camera Charging Cable TypeC to TypeC Camera Charging Cable TypeC to USB Cable
1-3 tp
260,27 €
Zhiyun Crane M3
Tootekood: 6970194086705 GTIN: 6970194086705 Statiivid ja lisad
Zhiyun Crane M3 Kit contains: Zhiyun Crane M-3 / Tripod Whether you are shooting with a smartphone, action camera or a compact mirrorless - the Crane M3 is the gimbal for you. Functions like improved grip, a new quick release, bigger screen and the possibility to connect a microphone to the gimbal are just a few of the new exciting features we´ll find on the new gimbal from Zhiyun. On the back of the M3 we find a new 1.22” OLED touch screen with a new easy-to-navigate and intuitive design. Through the screen you can control all the gimbal´s important functions such as operating mode, engine power etc. With gimbal you can also change the camera´s settings by connecting it either with a cord or via Bluetooth. Below the screen is a joystick that can either help you navigate the menus or smoothly control one of the gimbal´s three axes. At the top of the gimbal, we find three powerful engines that can handle up to 90% of all mirrorless cameras on the market. The camera can easily be attached to the gimbal with a newly designed quick release plate that allows you to change battery on the camera without rebalancing. Another exciting feature is a new built-in 800-lumen LED on the top side of the gimbal, colour temperature levels can be set between 3000-5400K. The LED also has the ability connect magnetic light filters that comes in four different colors. With the new Crane M3 comes the TransMount Expansion Base. A module (optional, included in Crane M3 pro package) that allows professional microphones to be directly connected to the gimbal instead of adding extra weight to the camera. Battery life is 8 hours and charging time only 2 hours. The gimbal can easily be powered via a powerbank and supports fast 25W PD charging. The M3 features innovative locks and latches for storage. Gimbal can be adjusted to half-storage/full-storage mode. No axis arm adjustments are required when switching to half-storage mode with a mounted camera, and no rebalances needed when expanded.
399,00 €
Zhiyun Crane M3 Combo
Tootekood: C020116GCB GTIN: 6970194086712 Statiivid ja lisad
Crane M3 Combo Kit contains: CRANE-M3 / Tripod Plus / Cell Phone Mount / TransMount EasyGo Backpack Whether you are shooting with a smartphone, action camera or a compact mirrorless - the Crane M3 is the gimbal for you. Functions like improved grip, a new quick release, bigger screen and the possibility to connect a microphone to the gimbal are just a few of the new exciting features we´ll find on the new gimbal from Zhiyun. On the back of the M3 we find a new 1.22” OLED touch screen with a new easy-to-navigate and intuitive design. Through the screen you can control all the gimbal´s important functions such as operating mode, engine power etc. With gimbal you can also change the camera´s settings by connecting it either with a cord or via Bluetooth. Below the screen is a joystick that can either help you navigate the menus or smoothly control one of the gimbal´s three axes. At the top of the gimbal, we find three powerful engines that can handle up to 90% of all mirrorless cameras on the market. The camera can easily be attached to the gimbal with a newly designed quick release plate that allows you to change battery on the camera without rebalancing. Another exciting feature is a new built-in 800-lumen LED on the top side of the gimbal, colour temperature levels can be set between 3000-5400K. The LED also has the ability connect magnetic light filters that comes in four different colors. With the new Crane M3 comes the TransMount Expansion Base. A module (optional, included in Crane M3 pro package) that allows professional microphones to be directly connected to the gimbal instead of adding extra weight to the camera. Battery life is 8 hours and charging time only 2 hours. The gimbal can easily be powered via a powerbank and supports fast 25W PD charging. The M3 features innovative locks and latches for storage. Gimbal can be adjusted to half-storage/full-storage mode. No axis arm adjustments are required when switching to half-storage mode with a mounted camera, and no rebalances needed when expanded.
290,28 €
Zhiyun Crane M3 Pro
Tootekood: 6970194086729 GTIN: 6970194086729 Statiivid ja lisad
Crane M3 Pro Kit contains: CRANE-M3 / Tripod Plus / Cell Phone Mount / TransMount Shotgun Microphone / TransMount Expansion Base / TransMount EasyGo Backpack Whether you are shooting with a smartphone, action camera or a compact mirrorless - the Crane M3 is the gimbal for you. Functions like improved grip, a new quick release, bigger screen and the possibility to connect a microphone to the gimbal are just a few of the new exciting features we´ll find on the new gimbal from Zhiyun. On the back of the M3 we find a new 1.22” OLED touch screen with a new easy-to-navigate and intuitive design. Through the screen you can control all the gimbal´s important functions such as operating mode, engine power etc. With gimbal you can also change the camera´s settings by connecting it either with a cord or via Bluetooth. Below the screen is a joystick that can either help you navigate the menus or smoothly control one of the gimbal´s three axes. At the top of the gimbal, we find three powerful engines that can handle up to 90% of all mirrorless cameras on the market. The camera can easily be attached to the gimbal with a newly designed quick release plate that allows you to change battery on the camera without rebalancing. Another exciting feature is a new built-in 800-lumen LED on the top side of the gimbal, colour temperature levels can be set between 3000-5400K. The LED also has the ability connect magnetic light filters that comes in four different colors. With the new Crane M3 comes the TransMount Expansion Base. A module (optional, included in Crane M3 pro package) that allows professional microphones to be directly connected to the gimbal instead of adding extra weight to the camera. Battery life is 8 hours and charging time only 2 hours. The gimbal can easily be powered via a powerbank and supports fast 25W PD charging. The M3 features innovative locks and latches for storage. Gimbal can be adjusted to half-storage/full-storage mode. No axis arm adjustments are required when switching to half-storage mode with a mounted camera, and no rebalances needed when expanded.
436,00 €
Zhiyun Smooth Q3
Tootekood: C030112EUR GTIN: 6970194086521 Statiivid ja lisad
ZHIYUN Smooth Q3. The new three-axis gimbal is an enhanced gimbal with a unique new compact and lightweight design. New functionality, including enhanced lighting features and smart templates, ensures more creative shooting possibilities, while a better button layout and design simplify user experience, all at a highly competitive price. Despite being smaller and more compact it can still take a bigger payload than previous model, the Q2. The new Smooth Q3 is 20% lighter but can still take a bigger payload. The gimbal is compatible with most premium smartphones out on the market even with a bumper attached. The adjustable holder can be set to a maximum width of 90 mm. A new intuitive button layout leads to overall smoother operation. For example, by triple tapping the trigger switching between portrait and landscape modes could not be easier, while ultra-wide-angle shooting means that vast landscapes are just as easy to capture as low-angle shots. On the top of the gimbal you find a 180 °Rotatable fill light with touch button that adds an extra light to your videos. The light can be set in three different strengths. The gimbal not only provides better video recordings with a smoother and more professional look. It also adds lots of creative possibilities in filmmaking with 17 SmartMode built-in templates, speeding up creation of videos that are shot on a regular basis. With the ZY Cami Editor, users can spice up videos with customised templates adding an array of music, special effects and filters. Additional new features include gesture control, SmartFollow 3.0 Object Tracking, an instant Dolly Zoom, and MagicClone Pano which is operated by a single press trigger button to mark the target and activate smart following. With the new gimbal Zhiyun also introduces ZY Prime, a subscription where members get access to more features such as more shooting templates and ZY Remo remote control feature that lets a second device control the smartphone on the gimbal. Key specifications New compact design Better grip, single hand control Better payload Easy to fold Creative templates Extra light
79,99 €
Zhiyun Smooth Q3 COMBO
Tootekood: C030113EU GTIN: 6970194086552 Statiivid ja lisad
ZHIYUN Smooth Q3. Driven by the fascinating art and the advanced intelligent interaction, Smooth Q3 announces a comeback of a classic, offering a smarter experience in shooting. With SMOOTH-Q3, a smartphone is all you need to make a great work of art with amazing effects. Key Features Compact sliding design 3-axis mobile stabilizer Build-in LED fill light, 3 level brightness, 180 degree horizontally rotatable One button portrait mode Live streaming enabled for all platforms via the app Fascinating effects in the companion app: Multiple "You", subject tracking, gesture control, panorama, time lapse, motion lapse, Dolly Zoom, etc.. Easy video editing in the app: amazing templates, music, special effects and filters. Key specifications New compact design Better grip, single hand control Better payload Easy to fold Creative templates Extra light (340g)
95,00 €
Zhiyun Weebill 2
Tootekood: C020115EUR GTIN: 6970194086606 Statiivid ja lisad
Loodud kasutamiseks professionaalsete digitaalsete peegel- ja hübriidkaameratega. 1,6 tunnise laadimisega kuni 9 tundi kasutusaega. USB-C kaudu laadimine ja lisatoide ka salvestamise ajal. Puutetundlik ekraan stabilisaatori ja kaamera seadistuste juhtimiseks. Palju lisafunktsioone Transmitter AI abil. Stabiliseerib kuni 3,3 kg kaamerakomplekti. Uuelt stabilisaatorilt leiame nii mõndagi: pööratav puutetundlik ekraan, veelgi parem ergonoomika, pildiedastus ja tugevamad mootorid. Weebill 2 on esimene stabilisaator, millelt leiame 2.88-tollise pööratava puutetundliku ekraani. See võimaldab täielikku kontrolli seadme funktsioonide üle, on lisaks intuitiivne kasutada, pööratav ja kokkuklapitav, kui te seda parasjagu ei kasuta. Võimaldab seadistada stabilisaatorit, muuta kaamera seadistusi, eelseadistada aegvõtet jpm. ZHIYUN WEEBILL 2 PRO komplektis sisalduva Image transmitter AI kasutamisel lisanduvad ekraani kasutamiseks sellised funktsioonid, nagu One-touch smart follow, Time-lapse ja Gesture control – enam ei ole vaja ZY Play nutirakendust… Või ehk siiski, kui soovite veel lisaks kuni kolmelt ekraanilt juhtmevabalt salvestatavat jälgida. Stabilisaatoris Weebill 2 on kasutusel uued Infineon mikrokiibid koos uuendatud mootorite juhtimise algoritmidega, mis muudavad liikumised ning stabilisaatori juhtimise veelgi sujuvamaks. Võimsamate mootorite ja uute algoritmide kasutamine ei suurenda mitte ainult kasutatavate kaamerakomplektide kaalu vaid võimaldab lisaks veelgi kiiremini ja täpsemalt kompenseerida ekstreemsemaidki liikumisi. Weebill 2 jätkab juba harjumuspäraseks saanud käepidemete asetusega, mis võimaldab sujuvalt üle minna madalate võttenurkade kasutamisele. Tänu sellisele asetusele väsivad teie käed pika võttepäeva jooksul oluliselt vähem. Zhiyun Weebill 2 komplektis: stabilisaator ja ministatiiv.
503,11 €
Zhiyun Weebill 2 Pro Plus
Tootekood: C020119INT GTIN: 6970194086668 Statiivid ja lisad
Zhiyun Weebill 2 Olulisimad omadused: Loodud kasutamiseks professionaalsete digitaalsete peegel- ja peeglivabade kaameratega. 1,6 tunnise laadimisega kuni 9 tundi kasutusaega. USB-C kaudu laadimine ja lisatoide ka salvestamise ajal. Puutetundlik ekraan stabilisaatori ja kaamera seadistuste juhtimiseks. Palju lisafunktsioone Transmitter AI abil. Stabiliseerib kuni 3,3 kg kaamerakomplekti. Soovituslike kaamera ja objektiivi komplektide kohta saab pidevalt uuenevat teavet Zhiyuni veebilehelt. Weebill 2 is the first gimbal to incorporate a 2.88-inch, flip-out HD touchscreen allowing for full command. The intuitive, rotatable and retractable interface allows interaction as well as parameter adjustment and footage monitoring in a few taps for uninterrupted shooting. Users can also access intelligent features including one-touch smart follow, time-lapse and gesture control via the touchscreen without having to use the ZY Play app. With Weebill 2 Zhiyun introduces an all-new Infineon chip and upgraded algorithm that will make the gimbal more stable. This combined with its upgraded motor torque and core algorithm, for enhanced stability enables the Weebill 2 to run analysis for complex interruptions to accurately detect and compensate for a broad range of handheld instability, even in extreme conditions. The gimbal has a classic easy-to-carry sling grip functionality, which allows users to seamlessly switch to underslung mode without the addition of extensions or altering the gimbal’s form. The outstanding grip function facilitates low-angle shooting and is suitable for comfortable, extended-hours operation. What´s in the box: 1x Weebill 2 stabilizer 1x Sling grip handle 1x Image Transmitter AI 1x Focus/zoom motor 1x Mastereye controller VC100 1x Quick release plate 1x Tripod 1x Backing base 1x Lens support 1x USB Type-C cable 2x Canon camera control cable 1x Panasonic camera control cable 1x Sony camera control cable 1x ¼-20 Screw 1x Quick start guide 1x Carrying case
629,00 €
Zhiyun Weebill 3S Gimbal
Tootekood: 123962 GTIN: 6970194087580 Statiivid ja lisad
The Weebill gimbal is one of Zhiyun´s most popular gimbals for professional content creators. The Zhiyun Weebil 3S comes with several exciting new features such as a new tenth generation of algorithms that boosts the gimbals performance and much more. With the Weebill 3S Zhiyun has further developed the ergonomics of the previous model and the new SLING 2.5 design have a softer grip that makes it easier to hold the gimbal for a longer time without getting tired. A new extendable sling grip can be adjusted to a two-handed grip and allows for left and right tilt adjustments to the direction of the gimbal handle as well as the grip center of gravity, making low-angle and sling mode shooting easier. The wrist rest has a new adjustable knob so the user can adjust the angle of their preference. On the gimbal, Zhiyun have chosen to focus more on vertical shooting and the new gimbal comes with a new innovative quick-release that makes it easy for the user to change between portrait and landscape mode without having to rebalance the gimbal. Weebill 3S comes with Zhiyun Lumen Amplifier technology and the fill light delivers a powerful 1000 Lux light and has an adjustable color temperature of 2600-5500K with a CRI of 90+ On the front of the gimbal there are two customizable buttons that can be set and customized according to the user´s wishes. Weebill 3S can also communicate with the most common camera models via Bluetooth so you don´t need a cable and supports Bluetooth shutter control with most camera models, allowing for the recording button to start/stop recording or trigger photo-taking functions. The gimbal has 12 hours of battery life and reaches full power in only two hours of PD charging. The new Weebill 3S is fully compatible with the Zhiyun Transmount ecosystem of accessories for monitoring and wireless control. In the box: WEEBILL 3S Gimbal CR120 Tripod Quick Release Plate Lens Support Camera Backing Base USB Charging Cable Sony Control Cable LN-UCUS-A03 Canon Control Cable LN-MBUC-A02 Canon Control Cable LN-NBUC-A01 Panasonic Control Cable LN-UCUC-A02 Base (Only in COMBO package) Quick Start Guide
310,00 €
Zhiyun Weebill-S
Tootekood: CR110 GTIN: 6970194085852 Statiivid ja lisad
Zhiyun toob Weebill seeriasse uue stabilisaatori ja lisab täiesti uue edastusmooduli professionaalseks videotööks. Weebill S on disainitud tööks enamlevinud peeglivabade ja peegelkaameratega. WELLBILL-S kasutab uut adaptiivset kontrollalgoritmi, mis tunneb ära kasutatava kaamerakomplekti kaalu ja seadistab stabiliseerimismootorid optimaalseimaks tööks teie kaamerakomplektiga. Loomulikult on teil lisaks võimalik seadistada eraldi iga telje reaktsioonikiirust sobivaks teie võtteolukorraga. 300% suurema pöördemomendiga mootorid ja 50% lühem reaktsiooniaeg Võimalik kasutada mõlemas asendis – traditsioonilises vertikaalses ja pööratult madalate võttenurkade korral On võimalik eemalt juhtida Kiire ja lihtne tasakaalustamine Kahepoolne Arca-Swiss ja Manfrotto süsteemiga ühilduv kiirkinnitusplaat Intuitiivne juhtimine tänu OLED ekraanile, otsevaliku nuppudele ja kontrollrattale. Go mode kiirete liikumiste jäädvustamiseks Võimalus kasutada nutiseadet liikumisandurina Kasutusvõimalused avardatavad ZY Play nutirakenduse ja videosignaali edastuskomplekti abil Kuni 14 tundi kasutusaega ühe laadimisega USB-laadimist toetavale kaamerale saate vajadusel anda stabilisaatori akudelt lisatoidet Esimestena püüavad uue Weebill-S juures tähelepanu 300% suurendatud mootorite jõudlus ja 50% lühendatud reaktsiooniaeg. Stabilisaator töötab väga hästi näiteks selliste kaamerakomplektidega, nagu Sony A7III+FE 24-70mm F2.8 või Canon 5D4+EF 24-70mm F2.8. WEEBILL-S unikaalne sling mode võimaldab teil kiirelt ja ergonoomiliselt liikuda kõrgelt võttepositsioonilt madalale võttenurgale, kui kasutate TransMount komplekti. Uus mootorite juhtimise algoritm võimaldab stabilisaatoril määrata automaatselt kasutatava kaamerakomplekti kaalu ning seadistada seadme mootorid optimaalseks tööks. Täiesti uus TransMount Image Transmission Module Uus videoedastusmoodul võimaldab kristallselge 1080p / 30fps pildi edastust kuni 100 meetri kaugusele koos LUT, pseudo coloring, focus peak ja zebra adjustment võimalustega professionaalseks salvest
329,99 €