Seiklus. Behold the Animus Edition, holding secrets retrieved from the depths of the Animus - In-depth encyclopedia, with comprehensive entries on the major characters, events and other important aspects of the Assassin’s Creed® universe. Original game soundtrac. Assassin’s Creed Embers Movie: an animated short film. In-game content: Explore the prison of legendary Vlad the Impaler, the scourge of Constantinople who inspired the myth of Dracula. Seek out the hanging cell of the infamous leader to retrieve his personal blade, a deadly close quarters dagger capable of dispatching any foe. Capacity upgrades for your hidden gun bullets, bombs & crossbow arrows to give you a decisive advantage in battle. Play as two additional multiplayer characters: The Crusader & a character from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood revamped with a Constantinople flavour: the Ottoman Jester. The Armour of Brutus from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. One exclusive customisation item.