
Otsing: mana 136 (arhiveeritud tooted)

ADVANTIX rakendas lahendust kirbude ja puugi koertele 4kg, 1 tk.
Tootekood: MGM23-05-08-003/2 Lemmikloomatarbed
Lahendust rakendatakse. Advantix tilgad kirbud ja linnukesed kuni 4 kg. Kirbudega nakatunud koeri ravitakse ka profülaktilisega. Heidutab puuke, sääske ja beeži kirbu ning hävitavad need tõhusalt. Lendleht Advantix, rakendatud lahendus ≤ 4 kg koertele Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 4–10 kg koertele Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 10-25 kg koertele Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 25–40 kg koertele Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 40–60 kg koertele 1. Registreeritud ja ravimite sarja vabastamiseks EME -i vastutavates riikides Tootja nimi ja aadress, kui need on erinevad Registripidaja Bayer Animal Health GmbH, 51368 Leverkusen Saksamaa Tootja, kes vastutab ravimite seeria vabastamise eest KMP Pharma + veterinaartoode GmbH ProJensdorfer Str. 324 24106 Kiel Saksamaa 2. Veterinaarmeditsiini nimi Advantix, rakendatud lahendus ≤ 4 kg koertele Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 4–10 kg koertele Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 10-25 kg koertele Advantix rakenduslahendus-gt; 25–40 kg koertele Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 40–60 kg koertele Imidaklopriid, permetriin 3. Aktiivsed (d) ja muud ained 1 ml lahust on: toimeained: imidakloprido 100 mg, läbistatud 500 mg; Tekkiv materjal: Butüülhüdroksütoluen (E321) 1 mg. 1 pipetil on: Ravimi pipete imidaklopriid permethriini nimi (E321) Advantix, rakendatud lahendus ≤ 4 kg kaal koertele 0,4 ml 40 mg 200 mg 0,4 mg Advantix, rakendatud lahendus-gt; 4–10 kg kaalukoertele 1,0 ml 100 mg 500 mg 1,0 mg Advantix, rakenduslahendus-gt; 10-25 kg kaalukoertele 2,5 ml 250 mg 1250 mg 2,5 mg 19 .. Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 25–40 kg kaalukoertele 4,0 ml 400 mg 2000 mg 4,0 mg Advantix, rakendades lahendust-gt; 40–60 kg kaalukoertele 6,0 ml 600 mg 3000 mg 6,0 mg Enam kui 60 kg kaaluvad koerad peavad kasutama mitut sobiva mahuga pipeti. Läbipaistev kollane või pruunikas lahus. 4. Näidustused Kirbudega nakatunud koertele (ctenocephalides canis, ctenocepedes felis), ravi ja nakatumine profülaktika jaoks. Kirbud surevad päev pärast ravi. Üks ravi hoiab ära nakkuse kirbid neljaga nädalad. Ravimit saab kasutada osana kirbud indutseeritud allergilise dermatiidi paranemisstrateegiast (Halb) Kontroll juhtudel, kui haigusel varem diagnoositi veterinaararst. Karvase nakatunud koerte raviks (trichodectes canis). Narkootikumid toimivad kahetsemise ja akaaridaalse viisiga, põhjustades kaitset vere keerduvate puukide eest (Neli nädalat Rhypicephalus sanguineus ja ixodes Ricinus ning kolm nädalat Dermatsentrist reticulatus). Patogeenide (vektor) Rhypicephaluse (vektor) (vektor) kandvate lestade tapmine ja meelt parandamine Sanguineus, see ravim vähendab patogeenide tõenäosust Ehrlichia Canise transportimisel, vähendades samal ajal koeri erlichioosi oht. Riski vähenemine algab 3 päeva pärast ravimi ja püsivat rakendamist Kuni 4 nädalat, leitud uurimistöös. Koeral ei pruugi juba endised puugid surra 2 päeva jooksul pärast ravit, jäädes kinni ja olles nähtav. Puudude kiindumuse ja vere toitumise vältimiseks koera koera ravi ajal Puugid on soovitatav eemaldada. Üks ravi toimib parandamisel (hoiab ära söötmist) liivakärbseid (flebotomus papati - kaks Nädalad, flebotomus pernicios - kolm nädalat), sääskedelt (Aedes Aegepti - kaks nädalat, Culex Pipiens neli nädalat), OGU (Stomoxys kaltsitrans - neli nädalat). Nakkuse riski vähendamine Leismaania infantum beežikärbeste kaudu (flebotoomid perniacios) kuni 3 nädalat. Veterinaarmeditsiini tõhususe tõttu on vektori mõju kaudne. 5. Vastunäidustused Andmete puudumisel ei tohiks ravimit kasutada kuni 7 nädala vanuste kutsikate jaoks ja kaaluda vähem kui 1,5 kg (0,4 ml PEGS), 4 kg (1 ml pipra), 10 kg (2,5 ml piprat), 25 kg (4 ml piprat) või 40 kg (6 ml pipra). Ei saa kasutada ülitundlikkuse korral aktiivse aine või ühegi abi korral materjalid. Ärge kasutage kasside jaoks (vt jaotist -quot;Erilise kasutamise ettevaatusabinõud-quot;). 6. Kõrvaltoimed Kliiniliste uuringute aeg -ajalt täheldati sügelust rakenduse ja juuste muutumise kohas (nt rasva karusnahk) ja oksendamine. Teatasid harva muudest reaktsioonidest, näiteks punetusest, Põletik ja juuste väljalangemise koht ning kõhulahtisus. Väga harvadel juhtudel, ühe (farmakoloogilise valvsuse) teatel esinesid koerad ajutises nahas Tundlikkuse (kaevandamise ja hõõrumise) või unisuse tunnused. Need reaktsioonid mööduvad tavaliselt spontaanselt. Väga harvadel juhtudel võib koerte käitumine muutuda (elevus, rahutus, vingumine või libisemine), seedetrakti häirete sümptomid (suurenenud sülje, vähenenud isu) ja neuroloogilised tunnused nagu ebastabiilne liikumine ja tõmblemine koertele, kes on Permatilise suhtes tundlik. Need märgid on tavaliselt mööduvad ja kaovad spontaanselt. Kui töödeldud loom langeb rakenduskoha, on mürgitamine ebatõenäoline, kuid väga palju Harvadel juhtudel võib tekkida. Sel juhul võib täheldada lühiajalisi neuroloogilisi nähtusi, nagu värisemine ja unisus. Rakendatav sümptomaatiline ravi. Antidoot pole teada. Kõrvaltoimete sagedus määratakse vastavalt järgmisele konventsioonile: - väga levinud (kõrvaltoimed esinesid rohkem kui 1 10 -st töödeldud loomast), - tavaline (rohkem kui 1, kuid vähem kui 10 ravitud loomast), - aeg -ajalt (rohkem kui 1, kuid vähem kui 10 1000 -st ravitud loomast), - haruldane (rohkem kui 1, kuid vähem kui 10 10 000 -st ravitud loomast), - väga haruldane (vähem kui 1 10 000 töödeldud loomast, arvutatud ja individuaalsed sõnumid). Märkab kõiki kõrvaltoimeid, isegi selles lendlehes või veendumuses ei mainita Veterinaararsti on vaja teavitada, et ravim ei töötanud. 7. Sihtkoha tüüp Koerad. 8. Iga liigi annused, meetod ja meetod Soovitatav minimaalne annus on 10 mg imidaklopriid ja 50 mg permetriin kg kehakaalu kohta. Doseerimisskeem Koera kaal kuni 4kg: ravimi nimi - Advantix, rakenduslahus ≤ 4 kg koertele. Kogus 0,4 ml Imidaklopriidi annus (mg/kg): vähemalt 10 Permetriini annus (mg/kg): vähemalt 50 Enam kui 60 kg kaaluvad koerad peavad kasutama mitut sobiva mahuga pipeti. Nakkuse vältimiseks on soovitatav ravida kõiki koeri kodus, jah samuti asjakohased meetmed loomade ja nende vastsete ümbritsevate loomade raviks. Ravim on efektiivne isegi pärast seda, kui koera mantli on märg, kuid sageli suplemisel, eriti kui keskkonda on rikkalik Ektoparasiidid võivad vajada täiendavaid annuseid, kuid mitte rohkem kui üks kord nädalas. Ravim Tõhususe optimeerimiseks soovitatakse koertel enne või pärast ravi supeldada Vähemalt 2 nädalat hiljem. Karvaste infektsioonide korral on soovitatav 30 päeva pärast ravi Arsti uurimine mõne loomana võib vajada uuesti ravi. Koera kaitsmiseks kogu beežikärbeste aastaajal tuleks ravi kogu selle aja jooksul teha. Kasutusviis Eemaldage pakendist pipett. Vertikaalselt hoides pöörake ja eemaldage kaitsekork. Pöörake kate ja Teine ots, et uuesti pipeti külastada, kahjustades sellega selle tihedust. Kuni 10 kg koertele Eristada juukseid vaikse koera piirkonnas abaluude vahel asuva piirkonnas, nii et nahk kantakse. Kinni hoida Pipettide ots nahale ja pigistage kogu selle sisu otse nahale. Koertele, kes kaaluvad üle 10 kg Vaikselt seisva koera sisu jaotatakse ühtlaselt tagapinnal neljas kohas, pindala õlgadest saba aluseni. Eristada juukseid igas rakenduskohas Nahka oleks näha. Pigistage osa nahale hoolikalt nahale, kui pipetile kantakse nahale. Mitte Valage ühes kohas suures koguses lahust, kuna lahus võib koera külili tühjendada. 9. Viited nõuetekohaseks kasutamiseks Ainult väliseks kasutamiseks. Tilkub ainult puutumatul nahal. Ärge kasutage ühes kohas suurt kogust lahust, et vältida koera üle külje hõõrumist. 10. Tule nüüd Ei ole kohaldatav. 11. Spetsiaalsed ladustamisjuhised Hoida lastele kättesaamatus kohas. Ärge külmuge. Kui fooliumikott avatakse, ladustatakse kuivas kohas temperatuuril mitte rohkem kui 30 ° C Kui algne fooliumkott on kahjustatud, on vaja kasutada 24 kuu jooksul. või määratud sobivuse ajaks lõpp (exp) Kui see on lühem (0,4 ml, 1 ml, 2,5 ml ja 4 ml pipettide korral). Kui algne fooliumikott on kahjustatud, on vaja kasutada 12 kuu jooksul. või määratud sobivuse ajaks lõpp (exp) Kui see on lühem (6 ml pipettide puhul). Seda veterinaarmeditsiini ei tohiks kasutada pärast pipetil näidatud aegumiskuupäeva aegumist kott või kast pärast exp. Ravim sobib kasutamiseks kuni määratud kuu viimase päevani. 12. Erilised hoiatused Erilised hoiatused, kasutades üksikute liike sihipäraste loomade jaoks Ravimi kasutamisel võib iga lesta kinnitada, sääse- või beežikärbes võib hammustada. Selle tulemusel on nende parasiitide poolt ebasoodsas esinemisel edastatud nakkushaiguste võimalus Tingimustes jääb. Veterinaarmeditsiini iseloomustavad aga puugid, beeži kirbud ja sääsed tõrjuvad Mõju (takistab söötmist), et vältida parasiitide toitumist ja seega Koerte vektori päritolu haiguste vähendamine (nt borrelioos, rictiosis, ehrlyichioos, leishmaniasis) transpordi oht. Enne Canise kaudset mõju on soovitatav ravida vähemalt 3 päeva. Uuringud koos Rhypicephalus sanguineuse puukidega nakatunud koerad, mis olid nakatunud E. canis, koerte erlichioosi riski vähenemine, mis algab 3 päeva pärast ravimi kasutamist ja kestvad 4 nädalat. Spetsiaalsed ettevaatusabinõud, kasutades loomade ravimit On vaja veenduda, et pipeti sisu ei siseneks ravitud looma silmadesse ja / või suu. On vaja pingutada ravimiks Meetod ”. On vaja kaitsta eriti raviks või kokkupuutel loomadega, keda pole nikerdatud kohad. Ärge kasutage kasside jaoks. See ravim on kassidele eriti mürgine ja võib olla saatuslik kasside spetsiifilise füsioloogia tõttu ilma, et see oleks võimeline Metaboliseerige teatud ühendid. Üks selline ühend on permetrin. Kasside kaitsmiseks Ravimi mõju tuleks hoida kassist eraldi kuni saidi rakendamiseni. Oluline on tagada, et kassid ei nikerdaks koera karusnaha kohta. See peab juhtuma Võtke viivitamatult ühendust veterinaararstiga. Haigete või nõrkade koerte ravimite kasutamiseks peate konsulteerima veterinaarina arstina. Spetsiaalsed ettevaatusabinõud inimeste jaoks, kes kasutavad ravimit loomade jaoks Vältige naha, silmade või suu ravimi. Ärge sööge, jooge ega suitsu kasutamise ajal. Pärast kasutamist peske käed põhjalikult. Juhuslikult tuleks nahka kohe seebi ja veega pesta. Ravimi komponentide ülitundlikkusega inimesed peavad kontakti vältima veterinaarmeditsiin Väga harvadel juhtudel on valitsevad kliinilised sümptomid lühiajalised Sensoorsed nahareaktsioonid nagu kipitus, põletamine või tuimus. Ravim Juhusliku silma korral tuleks vett kohe põhjalikult pesta. Kui naha või silmade ärrituse sümptomid ei möödu, peaksite kohe arstiga nõu pidama ja seda näitama Ravimilehel või silt. Ära neelake. Kui te kogemata neelate, peaksite otsima viivitamatut arstiabi ja näitama seda ravimit Voldik või silt. Parem on mitte puudutada ravitud looma, eriti laste jaoks, kuni saiti rakendatakse ilma kuivamata. Soovitatakse õhtul kasutada veterinaarmeditsiini ja takistada hiljuti ravitud loomi magamist Võõrustajate ja eriti lastega. Lasteni jõudmise vältimiseks tuleks neid enne kasutamist ja kasutamist ladustada algses paketis viivitamata ära. Muud ettevaatusabinõud Veterinaarmeditsiin on veeloomadele ohtlik, seega 48 tundi. Pärast koerte kasutamist mingil juhul Ärge lubage pinnaveekogusid. Advantixi lahusti võib värvida teatud aineid nagu nahk, tekstiilid, plast, töödeldud pinnad. Enne koera potentsiaalset kontakti selliste ainetega on ravimi koht kuivama. RAHA JA LAKTIITSIOON Saab kasutada lapsepõlves ja laktatsioonis. Koostoime teiste ravimite ja muude interaktsiooni vormide abil pole teada. Üleannustamine (sümptomid, esmaabimeetmed, vastumürk) Kasutades 5 -kordset annust tervete kutsikate ja täiskasvanud koerte jaoks ja kutsikaid, mille emad raviti 3 korda suuremate annustega, kõrvaltoimetega märkamatu. Ühilduvus pole teada. 13. Spetsiaalne ohtlik veterinaarmeditsiin või jäätmed Vajadusel hävitamise sätted Selle kasutamisel on vaja kork pipetile kruvida. Ravimeid ei tohiks ära visata ega majapidamisjäätmeid. Advantix ei saa veekogudesse sattuda, kuna see võib olla kala ja muu vee jaoks ohtlik organismide jaoks. Veterinaararst võib teile nõu anda, mida teha tarbetute ravimitega. See peaks aitama kaitsta keskkonda. 14. Teabevoldiku viimase kinnituse kuupäev 2021-11-04 15. Muu teave Müüdud ilma retseptita. Advantix, kasutamise kasutamine on imidaklopriidi ja persootiliste ektoparasititsiidide kasutamine. Ravim toimib insektitsiidina, akaariidi ja tõrjuvana. Imidakloprid mõjutab täiskasvanute kirbid ja kirmede vastsed. Ilma täiskasvanutele hävitava mõjuta Kirbude puhul hävitab imidakloprid ka ravitud loomakeskkonnas kirmede vastsed. Keskkonnas Pärast kontakti töödeldud loomaga surevad kirmede vastsed. Pakend: pipetid 0,4 ml, 1,0 ml, 2,5 ml, 4,0 ml ja 6,0 ml; Pakend pärast 1, 2, 3, 4 ja 6 pipeti. Kõiki pakendeid ei tohi tarnida. Tarbimine Kasutage ainult nahal. Tilkub ainult puutumatul nahal. Soovitatav minimaalne annus on 10 mg imidaklopriid ja 50 mg permetriin kg kehakaalu kohta. Aktiivse aine/koostisosad 1ml: imidaklopriid 100 mg, läbistatud 500 mg. Hoiatused ja erilised ettevaatusabinõud Kasutage ainult nahal. Tootja, pakkija, müüja Registreerija: Bayer Animal Health GmbH, 51368 Leverkusen Saksamaa Tootja: KMP Pharma + Veterinär Product GmbH ProJensdorfer Str. 324, 24106 Kiel Saksamaa Päritoluriik Saksamaa
Võrguseade D-Link Switch DES-1008P
Tootekood: DES-1008P GTIN: 790069413612 Võrguseadmed
8-Port 10/100Mbps with 4 PoE Ports, Stand-alone, Unmanaged PoE Switch 8 10Base-T/100Base-TX ports (Ports 1-4 are PoE ports, Ports 5-8 are non-PoE ports), Complies to 802.3af Power over Ethernet standard, PSE pin-out standard of Alternative A, Supplies up
Võrguseade D-Link Switch DGS-3650
48-port 10/100/1000Base-T L3 Stackable Management Switch with 4 Combo SFP and 2 open slots for optional 10GE modules, Redundant power supply support, administrator-definable port security, 136Gbps switching fabric, 802.3ad Link Aggregation port trunks of
Sülearvuti HP ProBook 6450b Core i3-370M 14.0" HD (1366 x 768) Anti-Glare LED w Webcam/Intel HD graphics/ 2GB/320GB/DVD+/-RW/b/g/n/BT/6C/FPR/Win7 PRO 32/OR07/1y
Tootekood: WD773EAABB Sülearvutid
With a stylish design, the HP ProBook 6450b Notebook PC provides reliability, security and business performance with an Intel processor and a 35,6 cm (14") diagonal 16:9 HD 1, LED-backlit display. Flexible configuration options, connectivity including optional HP Mobile Broadband 2, 3, and the new Central Management for HP ProtectTools keep you equipped for business. Intel Core i7 4 and Intel Core i5 4 processors deliver outstanding technology for intelligent performance on the most demanding tasks 4. Intel HD Graphics - for responsive performance with rich media capabilities.
Sülearvuti HP ProBook 6450b Core i5-520M 14.0" HD (1366 x 768) Anti-Glare LED 2GB/250GB/DVD+/-RW/a/b/g/n/BT/6C Battery/FPR/DualPoint keyboard/Win7 PRO 32/OR07/3y
Tootekood: XA671AWABB Sülearvutid
With a stylish design, the HP ProBook 6450b Notebook PC provides reliability, security and business performance with an Intel processor and a 35,6 cm (14") diagonal 16:9 HD 1, LED-backlit display. Flexible configuration options, connectivity including optional HP Mobile Broadband 2, 3, and the new Central Management for HP ProtectTools keep you equipped for business. Intel Core i7 4 and Intel Core i5 4 processors deliver outstanding technology for intelligent performance on the most demanding tasks 4. Intel HD Graphics - for responsive performance with rich media capabilities.
Sülearvuti HP ProBook 6550b Core i3-370M 15.6" HD(1366 x 768) Anti-Glare LED w Webcam/ Intel HD graphics/2GB/320GB/DVD+/-RW/b/g/BT/6C/FPR/Win7 PRO 32/ OR07/1y
Tootekood: WD696EAABB Sülearvutid
With a stylish design, the HP ProBook 6550b Notebook PC provides reliability, security and business-grade performance with an Intel processor and a 39,6 cm (15.6") diagonal HD 1, LED-backlit display. Flexible configuration options, connectivity including optional HP Mobile Broadband, and the new Central Management for HP ProtectTools keep you equipped for business.
Sülearvuti HP ProBook 6550b Core i5-520M 15.6" HD(1366x768) Anti-Glare LED/ Intel HD graphics/2GB/250GB/DVD+/-RW/a/b/g/n/BT/6C/FPR/Win7 PRO 32/OR07/3y
Tootekood: XA674AWABB Sülearvutid
With a stylish design, the HP ProBook 6550b Notebook PC provides reliability, security and business-grade performance with an Intel processor and a 39,6 cm (15.6") diagonal HD 1, LED-backlit display. Flexible configuration options, connectivity including optional HP Mobile Broadband, and the new Central Management for HP ProtectTools keep you equipped for business.
Moov Spirit 475 EU Plus
Tootekood: 5420027513607 GPS seadmed
Wireless Receiver Module. Display: 10.9 cm (4.3 "), 480 x 272 pixels. Memory: 2048 MB. Processor: 400 MHz, Samsung 2450. Energy management: Lithium-Ion, 720 mAh. Weight & dimensions: 127.2 x 18.5 x 80.8 mm, 152 g. Colour: Black 5420027513607
Korpus IN WIN Mana 136
Tootekood: MG136.FULLSPEC.B Korpused
Mid Tower Chassis W/O PSU
Korpus IN WIN Mana 136 Midi-Tower - white
Tootekood: Mana 136 white Korpused
Form factor: TowerMB support: ATX to MiniITXMaterial: Steel, PlasticDimensions: 495(H) x 190(W) x 432(D)Drive bays: 3 x 5.25" (External) 6 x HDD,SSD (Hidden)Cooling: 2x 120mmMnf site: www.inwin-style.com/pd_info.php?id=156
Lauaarvuti Ordi Twist 3D
Tootekood: 9910-1504-3110-1069 Lauaarvutid
Intel Core i5-2500K, Arctic Freezer 13 PRO, 8GB DDR3 Kingston, MB Gigabyte GA-Z68AP-D3, VGA 1GB AMD Radeon HD 6850 DVI, HDD 60GB SSD + 1000GB, BluRay DVDRW, heli- ja võrgukaart, korpus Black Mana 136, 550W Chieftec, W7HP, BitDefender
Pesumasin Electrolux Pesumasin 5,5kg 1300p/min EWT136511W
Tootekood: EWT136511W Pesumasinad
Pealtlaetav pesumasin, 1300p/min, 6 kg, A-10%/A/B klassid, LCD infoekraan, Time Manager 2, veekulu 52 liitrit, Softaccess, Softopen, Eco klapp, trumli positsioneerimine, tasakaaluandur, viitstart, lastelukk, lisaloputus Mõõdud: (KxLxS) 85 x 40 x 60 cm, mass 63,5 kg, viimistlus: valge
Pesumasin Electrolux 6kg 1300p/min EWT136411W
Tootekood: EWT136411W Pesumasinad
Electrolux pealtlaetav pesumasin, mahutavus 6 kg, tsentrifuug 1300 p/min, ajaplaneerija Time Manager 2, tasakaalukontroll, trumli positsioneering,lisaloputus, õrna pesu programmid, taimer, ööprogramm, müratase: pesemisel 57dB, tsentrifuugimisel 74 dB, veetarve 52 liitrit, energiatarve standardprogrammil 0,93 kW, lekkekontroll, mõõdud: (KxLxS) 85 x 40 x 60 cm, mass 63,5 kg, valge
Pesumasin Electrolux Pesumasin 6kg 1300p/min EWT136640W
Tootekood: EWT136640W Pesumasinad
Electrolux tippseeria pealtlaetav pesumasin, invertermootor, mahutavus 6 kg, tsentrifuug 1300 p/min,ajaplaneerija Time Manager 2, Eestikeelne menüü, piserduspesu ja -loputus, tasakaalukontroll, trumli positsioneering,lisaloputus, õrna pesu programmid, 2 mälukohta, taimer, lastelukk, müratase: pesemisel 53dB, tsentrifuugimisel 71dB, veetarve 45 liitrit, energiatarve standardprogrammil 1,04 kW, mõõdud: (KxLxS) 85 x 40 x 60 cm, mass 63,5 kg, valge
Thermaltake WATER 2.0 EXTREME
Tootekood: CLW0217 Jahutid ja lisad
Liquid CPU Cooler - Pre-filled, Closed-loop System, High performance copper waterblock, 2x 120mm PWM Fans, Software managementCompatible with AMD FM1, AM2, AM3 and Intel 775, 1155, 1156, 1366, 2011 sockets
Sülearvuti HP Pavilion dv6-6b20ey/AMD A4 3310MX/15.6" HD BV LED/cam/HD 6750M/1G/4GB/500GB/DVD RW FX/Wlan bgn/FPR/6C bat/W7 64/Ukkey/metal3YW
Tootekood: QH617EA#B1R Sülearvutid
Need a notebook which gets up and running fast so you can get on with your busy life? The HP Pavilion dv6 helps you manage everything, from photos to finances – and look great.Features_Benefits: Your life, your kind of fun. Now go and do all the things you want to do!Movie nights at your place? Just say the wordKeep it cool with a trendy design and latest, fastest technologyBeing a big shot just got easierProcessor: AMD A4 3310MXProccesorSpeed: 2.10 GHzProcessorMultiCoreType: Core DuoChipset: AMD RS880MCacheExternal: 2 MBRAMinstalled_max: 8 GBRAMSlots: 2RAMType: DDR3StorageDeviceSpeed: 5400 rpmQuantityDevices: 1HardDriveType: SATA HDDDisplayType: HDDisplayNativeResolution: 1366x768DisplayFeatures: LED BrightViewGraphicCard: YesGraphicsController: AMD Radeon HD 6750MGraphicsControllerMemorySize: 1 GBGraphicsControllerMemoryType: DedicatedCamera: YesAudio: YesAudioFeatures: Beats Audio for superior soundNetworkCard: YesNetwork: 10/100/1000 MbpsNetworkCardType: Integrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LANWirelessNetwork: YesWireless: b/g/nWirelessCardType: 802.11 b/g/nOpticalStorage: DVD+/-RW SM DLInputDevices: Full size keyboard with integrated numeric keypad TouchPad supporting Multi-Touch gestures and On/Off buttonOperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64Battery: 6-cellSecurity: Symantec Norton Internet Security (60 days live update) Recovery partition (including possibility to recover system applications and drivers separately) Optional re-allocation of recovery partition Recovery CD/DVD creation tool Notebook Help & SupportIntegrated Fingerprint ReaderSoftwareIncluded: Microsoft Office StarterHP Setup Manager HP Support Assistant HP Recovery Manager Cyberlink YouCam Windows Live Essentials HP Games powered by WildTangent Adobe Reader Adobe Flash Player EasyBits Magic Desktop HP CoolSenseWidth: 378 mmDepth: 246.8 mmHeight: 35.2 mmWeight: 2.910 KgCardReader: 2-in-1SupportedFormats: SD, MMCLocalization: UKkey
Arctic CPU Cooler Freezer Xtreme Rev.2 CPU-Cooler - 120mm
Tootekood: UCACO-P0900-CSB01 GTIN: 4895213701839 Jahutid ja lisad
An Extremely Quiet Twin Tower Cooling Solution.To offer the enthusiast’s market an ultimate CPU cooler for extreme overclocking, Freezer XTREME, a Extremely Quiet Twin Tower CPU cooler especially designed for gamers to fulfill their needs.Main Featuress:- Unmatched cooling performance – 160 Watts.- Unique twin tower 102-fin heat sink design.- Effective heat dissipation via 4 double-sided heatpipes.- 1 ultra quiet 120mm PWM fan.- Patented fan holder eliminates the buzzing sounds.- Voltage regulators and north bridge cooling.- Pre-applied MX-2.- 6 Years Warranty.Extremely Cool.The unique twin tower heatsink consists of 102 fins, which significantly increase the heat dissipation area to distribute massive amount of heat faster and more efficient. The 120mm PWM fan which combined with 8 heatpipes (4 double-sided) and the twin tower heatsink not only transfers heat from the CPU, but it also cools the RAM, north bridge and voltage regulators. Together with the pre-applied MX-2, the Freezer Xtreme offers performance far beyond stock coolers and achieves 160 Watts cooling capacity – an excellent thermal management that boosts overclocking to a new level.Extremely Quiet.The bigger the fan doesn’t mean the noisier the cooler will be. The 120mm fan of the Freezer Xtreme is equipped with low noise impeller and patented fan holder for quiet operation. Controlled by PWM signal, the fan runs just the necessary speed for lowest noise level at maximum cooling capacity. The result is outstanding – the Freezer Xtreme generates only 0.5 Sone at full load, much quieter than the standard and aftermarket coolers even with a bigger fan.Attachment for ATX-Mainboards, screwed, Klammer dreifach, Push PinsSocketsuitable 754, 775, 939, AM2, AM2+, 1366, 1156, AM3, 1155, AM3+, FM1, 1150, FM2MaterialAluminum YesCooper YesPower Connection PWM fan connectorFan Bearing Fluid Dynamic BearingNumber of Revolutions 800 - 1500 rpmVolume 0 - 0.5 soneVolumetric Flow 0 - 60.7 m3/h, 0 - 35.7 cfmDimensionsFans Fan 1 120 x 120 x 25 mmTotal 130 x 13
Sülearvuti Acer AS5750G-2434G75Mnkk 15,6" i5-2430M GT520M 1GB 4G 640G BT 6cell 1.3Mpix Linux
Tootekood: LX.RMU0C.074 Sülearvutid
Producer: Acer Product class: Notebook / netbook Family of the product: Acer Aspire 5750 Processor class: Intel Core i5 Mobile Processor code: i5-2430M Processor speed: 2.4 GHz, 3 GHz FSB bus frequency: 1333 MHz QPI/DMI bus frequency: 5 GT/s Cache memory capacity: 3 MB HyperThreading technology: Yes Intel vPro technology: no Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) technology: No Hard disk capacity (HDD): 640 GB Installed memory: 4096 MB Memory type: SODIMM DDR3 Memory bus frequency: 1066 MHz Maximal memory size: 8192 MB Number of memory banks: 2 Pcs Number of free memory slots: 1 Pcs LCD screen size: 15.6 inches Screen type: TFT WXGA HD [LED] Acer CineCrystal Maximal LCD resolution: 1366 x 768 Graphic card type: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M, Intel HD Graphics 3000 Installed video memory: 1024 MB Additional information about memory installed: 1GB DDR3 VRAM + TurboCache, Shared video memory up to 1696MB Sound card: Dolby Advanced Audio Built-in drives: DVD±RW Super Multi (+ DVD-RAM) Dual Layer Expansion card slots type: N/A Pointing devices: Touchpad + scroll zone Numeric keypad: Yes Type of battery: Li-Ion (6 Cells) Approx. work time on battery: 4 Hr. Ext. connectors: 2x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.0, 1 x HDMI (with HDCP), 1x VGA (15-pin D-Sub), 1x RJ-45 (LAN), 1x Line In (microphone input), 1x Line Out (headphones output), 1x DC-In (power supply input), 1x Kensington Lock konektor Wireless network card: Yes Wireless network card type: IEEE 802.11b/g/n Bluetooth: No Installed WWAN/3G module: No IR (Infra Red): No Memory card reader: Yes Types of supported memory cards: SecureDigital Card, MultiMedia Card, MemoryStick, MemoryStick Pro, xD-Picture Card Standard accessory: intagrated numeric keyboard, Web Camera 1.3Mpix Software included: Acer Backup Manager, Acer Crystal Eye, Acer ePower Management, Acer eRecovery Management, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, eSobi™, McAfee Internet Security Suite (trial), Norton Online Backup (trial), NTI Media Maker, Skype, Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key Ready, Microsoft Windows Live Essentials Insta
Printer OKI PRINTER MATRIX 3321-USB-230-EE/01091201
Tootekood: 01091201 Printerid
The Microline 3321 has been especially designed for situations where fast throughput and flexible paper management are required. Outstanding reliability, ease of use and various in-built barcodes makes this printer the ideal tool for industrial, commercial and service environments. Key specifications Print speed:Fastest: 435High speed draft @ 10cpi: 387Data/Letter quality @ 10cpi: 290/73 Printing width:136 characters (10cpi), 272 characters (compressed mode) Number of copies:5 (original + 4 copies) 
Sülearvuti Acer i3-2350M 15.6"GT630M 1GB 2GB 500GB Linux
Tootekood: LX.RXP0C.003. Sülearvutid
Producer: Acer Product class: Notebook / netbook Family of the product: Acer Aspire 5750 Processor class: Intel Core i3 Mobile Processor code: i3-2350M Processor speed: 2.3 GHz, 3 GHz QPI/DMI bus frequency: 5 GT/s Cache memory capacity: 3 MB HyperThreading technology: Yes Intel vPro technology: no Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) technology: No Hard disk capacity (HDD): 500 GB Disk type: Standard (magnetic platter) Installed memory: 2 GB Memory type: SODIMM DDR3 Maximal memory size: 8192 MB Number of memory banks: 2 Pcs Number of free memory slots: 1 Pcs LCD screen size: 15.6 inches Screen type: TFT WXGA HD [LED] Acer CineCrystal Maximal LCD resolution: 1366 x 768 Graphic card type: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M, Intel HD Graphics 3000 Installed video memory: 1024 MB Additional information about memory installed: Shared video memory up to 1696MB Sound card: Dolby Advanced Audio Built-in drives: DVD±RW Super Multi (+ DVD-RAM) Dual Layer Expansion card slots type: N/A Pointing devices: Touchpad + scroll zone Numeric keypad: Yes Type of battery: Li-Ion (6 Cells) Ext. connectors: 2x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.0, 1 x HDMI (with HDCP), 1x VGA (15-pin D-Sub), 1x RJ-45 (LAN), 1x Line In (microphone input), 1x Line Out (headphones output), 1x DC-In (power supply input), 1x Kensington Lock konektor Wireless network card: Yes Wireless network card type: IEEE 802.11b/g/n Bluetooth: Yes Installed WWAN/3G module: No IR (Infra Red): No Memory card reader: Yes Types of supported memory cards: SecureDigital Card, MultiMedia Card, MemoryStick, MemoryStick Pro, xD-Picture Card Standard accessory: intagrated numeric keyboard, Web Camera 1.3Mpix Software included: Acer Backup Manager, Acer Crystal Eye, Acer ePower Management, Acer eRecovery Management, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, eSobi™, McAfee Internet Security Suite (trial), Norton Online Backup (trial), NTI Media Maker, Skype, Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key Ready, Microsoft Windows Live Essentials Installed operating system: Linux Width: 381.6 mm Depth: 253 mm Height: 25.2 mm, 33.2 mm Ne
Emaplaat Intel SERVER MB 5500HCVR S1366 HANL./CREEK S5500HCVR 905723
Tootekood: S5500HCVR905723 Emaplaadid
The Intel Server Board S5500HCV is designed for affordable performance, targeting vertical-specific applications. With nine DIMMs of DDR3 memory and high-end features, such as integrated management, onboard SW RAID, and high performance dual Gigabit Ethernet, the Intel Server Board S5500HCV performs well in small to medium business environments.
Emaplaat Intel SERVER MB S5520URT S1366/S5520URT 904767
Tootekood: S5520URT904767 Emaplaadid
Supports up to two Intel® Xeon® processor 5600 seriesHighly scalable DDR3 memory (12 DIMMs)24 lanes of fast PCI Express* 2.0 and multiple expansion optionsSupport for RAID Midplane2 – integrated HW RAID solution, with support for up to eight SAS/SATA drives in RAID6 modeIntel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT)Supports server power capping via Intel® Intelligent Power Node Manager
Monitor Philips 32" LCD BDL3215E
Tootekood: BDL3215E Monitorid
LCD monitor 32" HD Ready WXGA 1366x768 3500:1 (typ.) 450CD 178/178 8ms Designed for 24/7. The best all round public signage display for indoor applications. Control your costs with this network-controllable 81 cm (32") LCD monitor. Whether used in a network or as a single public display, this model offers a variety of features to meet the most demanding public and corporate viewing applications.Wide format WXGA 1366 x 768 resolution for sharper displayEnhanced zoom feature supports tiled matrix applicationsHDMI input for full digital HD connection in one cableDesigned for 24/7 operationMonitor is network controllable for remote managementVGA loop through enables daisy chaining to multiple monitorsPortrait mode operability
Võrguseade D-Link Switch DGS-3650, 48-port 10/100/1000Base-T L3 Stackable Management with 4 Combo SFP and 2 open slots for optional 10GE modules, Redundant power supply support, administrator-definable port security, 136Gbps ing fabric, 802.3ad Link Aggregatio
Tootekood: DGS-3650 Võrguseadmed
D-LINK DGS-3650, 48-port 10/100/1000Base-T L3 Stackable Management Switch with 4 Combo SFP and 2 open slots for optional 10GE modules, Redundant power supply support, administrator-definable port security, 136Gbps switching fabric, 802.3ad Link Aggregation port trunks of up to 32 Gigabit ports, Jumbo frame support, IP routing supporting RIP-1, RIP-2, OSPF routing protocols, VRRP, DVMRP v3, PIM DM, IGMP v1/v2/v3, 4K 802.1Q VLANs, Guest VLAN, IGMP snooping, MLD snooping, 802.1p 8 Priority Queues,
Printer HP Officejet Pro 251dw Printer
Tootekood: CV136A#A81 Printerid
Ideal for small to medium-size business work teams that need a professional-quality, low cost per page printer with wireless/mobile connectivity, plus industry industry-leading management tools and extensibility solutions.
Korpus IN WIN InWin Mana 136 White
Tootekood: MANA136WHITE GTIN: 4710635197667 Korpused
ATX Chassis, Midi Tower, w/o PSU, Mesh Gaming Case with LED Fan & USB 3.0
Pesumasin Electrolux EWT1367VIW
Tootekood: EWT1367VIW GTIN: 7332543492886 Pesumasinad
* Üliökonoomne A+++ energia* 6 kg* Tsentrifuug kuni 1300 p/min* Aurufunktsioon pesu värskendamiseks ja kortsudest vabanemiseks* Vaikne ja vastupidav invertermootor* TimeManager® funktsioon* Kiirpesuprogramm vaid 14 minutit* Suur Displei pesu lõpuaja näidi,viitstardi ja sümbolitega* Pehmelt avanev ja ülesse asendisse peatuv pesuluuk* Väga vaikne ja efektiivne invertermootor* Woolmark Blue sertifikaat* MyFavourite oma lemmikseadete aktiveerimine * FuzzyLogic kaaluautomaatika* Mõõdud: 890x400x600 mm ( kõrgus / laius / sügavus)
Planet 1080p IR Bullet PoE IP Camera
Tootekood: ICA-3250 GTIN: 4711213689178 Veebikaamerad
Compact and Cost-effective 1080p Outdoor SurveillanceDay & Night SurveillanceExceptional Image QualityWater Resistance and Dust-proof ProtectionAdvanced Media Management
Lauaarvuti Apple MAC MINI CI7-3.0G 16GB, 1TB FD HD GRAPHICS
Tootekood: Z0R7MGEN2S2000136180 Lauaarvutid
Punches way above its weight.Mac mini features fourth-generation Intel Core processors, faster integrated graphics, Thunderbolt 2, next-generation Wi-Fi, and plenty of ports. Everything you expect from a Mac. And more.Fourth-generationIntel Core processors.The little engine that does.With fourth-generation Intel Core processors, Mac mini keeps up with computers twice its size. You can choose a 1.4GHz, 2.6GHz, or 2.8GHz dual-core Intel Core i5. Or go for an even more powerful 3.0GHz dual-core Intel Core i7.When you’re using processor-intensive applications, Turbo Boost 2.0 increases the clock speed up to 3.5GHz. Hyper-Threading lets each core run two threads, so OS X multitasks even more efficiently. And an integrated memory controller connects fast 1600MHz memory directly to the processor, so it gets right to work on your data. In short, Mac mini is a little box of vroom.Intel Iris Graphics and HD Graphics 5000. Every pixel comes alive.Intel Iris Graphics and Intel HD Graphics 5000 deliver up to 90 percent more pixel-pushing performance than the previous generation of integrated graphics.1 So the video you watch and the games you play are smoother and more responsive. Flipping through photo albums is a breeze. And now you’ve got all the power you need to edit your HD video into a film worthy of a red carpet premiere.Storage.Make it big. And fast.Fusion Drive.A high capacity for intelligence.Standard on the $999 model and a configurable option on the others, Fusion Drive combines a 1TB hard drive with amazingly quick PCIe-based flash storage. Fusion Drive automatically and intelligently manages your data so that frequently used apps, documents, photos, and other files stay on the faster flash storage, while infrequently used items move to the hard drive. You’ll enjoy shorter boot times and, as the system learns how you work, you’ll see faster application launches and quicker file access. Best of all, you don’t have to do a thing to make it happen.You can also choose a 500GB or 1TB hard drive. Or configure your Mac mini with up to 1TB of flash storage in a solid-state drive for the fastest performance. Flash storage delivers nearly nine times the performance of a disk drive — speed you’ll notice when you boot your Mac mini, launch an app, or browse your photo library.Thunderbolt 2.The fastest, most versatile I/O in any desktop. Of any size.Thunderbolt 2 technology in Mac mini is phenomenally fast. The two Thunderbolt 2 ports on Mac mini feature dual 20-Gbps channels for data transfer. That’s up to four times faster than USB 3. But beyond speed, Thunderbolt gives you unprecedented expansion capabilities. You can daisy-chain as many as six Thunderbolt devices to a single port. And since Thunderbolt is based on DisplayPort technology, Mini DisplayPort devices like the Apple LED Cinema Display plug right in, too.USB 3, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. You’re very well connected.Plenty of ports make it ready for anything.As powerful as Thunderbolt 2 is, it’s just one of your options. If you have a third-party display, you can use the HDMI port to connect it. You can connect two displays to see more of your photos, movies, and documents at the same time. And a built-in SDXC card slot makes it easy to import those photos and videos from your digital camera.USB 3.With USB 3 built into Mac mini, you can connect your external hard drive and transfer large files in seconds instead of minutes. Every Mac mini comes with four USB 3 ports — with speeds up to 10 times faster than USB 2 — and you can connect all your USB-compatible devices, including your iPhone, iPad, iPod, or digital camera.Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.Powerful 802.11ac wireless technology is built into every Mac mini. It automatically locates your Wi-Fi network, so you can connect and start surfing the web, printing, and streaming your music wirelessly. Bluetooth wireless technology is also built in, so you can connect accessories such as a wireless keyboard and mouse. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth also make it easy to seamlessly share your work with your other devices using Handoff or AirDrop.Bring your own display, keyboard, and mouse.Plug your own display, keyboard, and mouse into Mac mini. Turn it on. And just like that, everything works together. That’s one of the great things about Mac mini. You can mix and match it with almost anything.No screen is too big.It’s easy to connect Mac mini to the biggest screen in the house — your HDTV — courtesy of a built-in HDMI port. All it takes is one HDMI cable to start enjoying movies and TV shows from iTunes, surfing the web, and flipping through your photo library, all in brilliant HD. And when you just want to listen to music, you can play your entire iTunes collection through your home entertainment center, or stream it to a set of speakers in any room via an AirPort Express Base Station.Protsessori sagedus3 GHzProtsessori perekond4th gen Intel® Core™ i7Protsessori mudeli7-4578UProtsessorituumad2Installeeritud protsessorite arv1Protsessori võimendussagedus3,5 GHzProtsessori pesaBGA 1168Protsessori vahemälu4 MBProtsessori vahemälu tüüpL3Süsteemi siinikiirus5 GT/sProtsessori harud4PCI Expressi pesade versioon2Protsessori litograafia22 nmProtsessori töörežiimid64-bitSteppingC0CardBusi tüüpDMI2Protsessori koodnimetusHaswellJahutusvõimsus (TDP)28 WProtsessori seeriaIntel Core i7-4500 Mobile seriesFSB-paarsusEiPCI Ekspressi siinide maksimum arv12PCI Expressi konfiguratsioonid4x1,2x4Tjunction100 CProtsessori poolt toetatud maksimaalne operatiivmälu16 GBTõrkevaba protsessorJahProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu tüübidDDR3L-SDRAM,LPDDR3-SDRAMProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu kiirused1333,1600 MHzProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu maksimaalne taktsagedus25,6 GB/sProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu kanalidDuaalneProtsessori poolt toetatud ECCEiSisemälu16 GBSisemälu tüüpLPDDR3-SDRAMMaksimaalne sisemälu16 GBMälupesad2x SO-DIMMMälu taktsagedus1600 MHzSalvestusmaht kokku1000 GBIntegreeritud kaardilugejaJahSalvestusseadeFusion DriveInstalleeritud ketaste arv1Ühilduvad mälukaardidSDXCIntegreeritud graafikaadapterJahEraldiseisva graafika adapteri mudelEi ole saadavalPardagraafika adapteri mudelIntel Iris Graphics 5100Sisemodemi graafikaadapteri perekondIntel Iris GraphicsIntegreeritud graafikaadapteri baassagedus200 MHzIntegreeritud graafikaadapteri dünaamiline sagedus1200 MHzIntegreeritud graafikakaardi maksimaalne mälu1,74 GBIntegreeritud graafikakaardi poolt toetatud monitoride arv3Integreeritud graafikakaardi DirectX-i versioon11.2/12Integreeritud graafikakaardi OpenGL-i versioon4.3Integreeritud graafikakaardi ID0xA2EOptilise seadme tüüpEiEthernet LANJahWiFiJahEthernet LAN-i andmeedastuskiirused10,100,1000 Mbit/sKaabeldustehnoloogia10/100/1000Base-T(X)WiFi-standardid802.11a,802.11ac,802.11b,802.11g,802.11nBluetoothJahBluetoothi versioon4.0USB 3.0 (3.1 Gen 1) A-tüüpi portide hulk4DVI-portEiHDMI-portide arv1Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) pordid1MikrofonisisendJahKõrvaklapiväljundite arv1Thunderbolt-portide arv1Firewire (IEEE 1394) pordid1Toote värvHõbeKeretüüpPealisvõreToetatud paigutusHorisontaalneVee jahutamise süsteemEiToote tüüpMini PCSalasõna kaitseJahInstallitud operatsioonisüsteemMac OS X 10.10 YosemiteIntel®i vPro™ tehnoloogiaEiIntel®i traadita ekraani (Intel® WiDi)JahIntel® 64JahInteli täiustatud SpeedStep-tehnoloogiaJahLisavõimalusedEiIntel® InTru™ 3D tehnoloogiaJahIntel® Insider™JahIntel®i Clear Video HD tehnoloogia (Intel® CVT HD)JahIntel®i Clear Video tehnoloogiaEiIntel®i VT-x koos laiendatud lehetabelitega (EPT)JahIntel®i TSX-NI tehnoloogiaEiOoterežiimJahTermojärelevalve tehnoloogiadJahIntel®i AES uus juhend (Intel® AES-NI)JahIntel®i Secure Key tehnoloogiaJahIntel®i Trusted Execution tehnoloogiaEiExecute Disable BitJahIntel®i painduva ekraani tehnoloogiaJahIntel®i paindlik ligipääs mälule (Flex Memory Access)EiIntel®i kiire ligipääs mälule (Fast Memory Access)EiIntel®i Enhanced Halt State tehnoloogiaJahIntel®i Demand Based Switching funktsioonEiIntel®i Clear Video tehnoloogia mobiilsele internetiseadele (Intel® CVT for MID)EiProtsessori pakendi suurus40Toetatud instruktsioonikogumikudAVX 2.0,SSE4.1,SSE4.2Protsessori koodSR1ZTCPU konfiguratsioon (maksimaalne)1Intel®i Virtualization Technology Directed I/O seadmeleJahIntel®i Identity Protection tehnoloogia versioon1.00Intel®i Secure Key tehnoloogia versioon1.00Intel®i Virtualization-tehnoloogia (VT-X)JahIntel® TSX-NI versioon0.00Intel®i Dual Display Capable tehnoloogiaEiIntel®i Rapid Storage tehnoloogiaEiProtsessori ARK ID83506Intel® Turbo Boost tehnoloogia2.0Intel®i hüper hargtöötlus tehnoloogia (Intel® HT Technology)JahIntel® Quick Sync videotehnoloogiaJahIntel®i My WiFi tehnoloogia (Intel® MWT)EiIntel®i identiteedi kaitse tehnoloogia (Intel® IPT)JahIntel®i vargusvastane tehnoloogia (Intel® AT)EiToiteallikas85 WToiteallika sisendsagedus50 - 60Toiteallika sisendpinge100 - 240Kasutamistemperatuur (T-T)10 - 35 °CSuhteline õhuniiskus kasutamisel (H-H)5 - 95 protsentiKasutamiskõrgus0 - 10000 mHoiustamistemperatuur (T-T)-40 - 47 °CEnergy Star sertifikaatJahEPEAT-vastavusKuldLaius197 mmSügavus197 mmKõrgus36 mmKaal1,2 kgKuvar kaasa arvatudEiKaablid kaasa arvatudVahelduvvoolKomplektis sisalduv tarkvaraiPhotoiMovieGarageBandPagesNumbersKeynoteMapsiBooksSafariMailFaceTimeMessagesCalendarContactsRemindersTime MachineiTunesGame CenterPreviewNotesMac App StoreDraiverid kaasa arvatudJahJuhendJahAC-adapter kaasa arvatudJah
Sülearvuti HP EliteBook 9470m i5-3427U 14 HD LED WC 4GB/500 W7 Pro 64/Win 8 Pro LIC OFR
Tootekood: H4P02EA#AKD Sülearvutid
Tootja: HPTootegrupp: Notebook / netbook / ultrabookToote perekond: HP Elitebook Folio 9470mprotsessori klass: Intel Core i5 MobileProtsessori kood: i5-3427Uprotsessori kiirus: 1.8 GHz, 2.8 GHzFSB bus sagedus: 1600 MHzQPI/DMI bus sagedus: 5 GT/svahemälu mälumaht: 3 MBHyperThreading tehnoloogia: JahIntel vPro tehnoloogia: JahIntel traadita internet (WiFi) Display (WiDi) tehnoloogia: JahKõvaketta maht (HDD): 500 GB, 32 GBkõvaketta tüüp: Standard (magnetketas), SSD |Solid State plaat| (Flash mälu)paigaldatud mälu: 4 GBmälu tüüp: SODIMM DDR3Mälu bus sagedus: 1600 MHzMaksimum mälu suurus: 16 GBmälupanga arv: 2 tkvabade mälupesade arv: 1 tkLCD Ekraani suurus: 14 tolliEkraani tüüp: TFT HD [LED] Anti-Glaremaksimaalne LCD resolutsioon: 1366 x 768videokaardi tüüp: Intel HD Graphics 4000lisainformatsioon memory paigaldatud: Jagatud videokaardi mäluhelikaart: SRS PRO Audiosisseehitatud draiverid: info puudublaiendatava kaardipesa tüüp: info puudubosutusseaded: Touchpadnumbriklaviatuur: Eiaku tüüp: Liitium-ioon (4 elemendiga)välised ühendused: 2x USB 3.0, 1x USB 3.0 - Sleep-and-Charge, 1 x docking ühenduspesa, 1 x ühenduspesa for secondary aku, 1x DisplayPort, 1x VGA (15-pin D-Sub), 1x DC-In (toiteplokk input), 1 x combined optical digital audio input/audio joon in (minijack), 1x RJ-45 (Gigabit LAN), 1x Kensington lukk ühenduspesaJuhtmevaba võrgukaart: Jahtraadita internet (WiFi) kiibistik: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235Juhtmevaba võrgukaardi tüüp: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/nBluetooth: Jahpaigaldatud WWAN/3G moodul: EiIR (infrapuna): Eimälukaardilugeja: JahToetatud mälukaardid: MultiMedia kaart, Securedigital kaartStandard tarvikud: veebikaamera HD 1Mpix, Stereo Kõlarid sisseehitatud, Näpujälje lugejakaasasolev tarkvara: HP Disk Sanitizer, HP Recovery Manager, Cyberlink PowerDVD, Evernote, Macromedia Flash 3, HP ProtectTools Turvalisus Manager (BIOS Configuration+Cpunaneential Manager), Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key ReadyDocking station (option): Docking Conectorpaigaldatud operatsioonisüstee
Sülearvuti Lenovo ThinkPad X230 (2325-2FG) 12.5" HD (1366x768 )
Tootekood: NZD2FMSSO Sülearvutid
TüüpUltrathin & Light LaptopProtsessorIntel® Core™ i5-3210M Processor (3M Cache, up to 3.10 GHz)OperatsioonisüsteemWindows® 7 Professional 64 bitMälu4GB 1600 MHz DDR3Kuvar12.5" HD 200 NIT PanelVideoIntel® HD GraphicsVärvBlackOmadusedGET TIME ON YOUR SIDE WITH INSPIRed MOBILE DESIGN. Tough, slim and light, the ThinkPad X230 elevates the business laptop to a new level with its vivid IPS display, purer sound and peerless keyboard ergonomics. Start faster, resume faster and charge your battery less, giving you more time to strive for success. DO LIST Start 40% faster than average Windows® 7 PCs with RapidBoot* New precision keyboard with improved ergonomic design and optional backlight Dual array microphones, keystroke noise suppression and 720p HD webcam* for crystal clear video conferencing Dolby® speakers with Advanced Audio® v2 for full impact surround sound Active Protection System™ – for hard drive 4G LTE support for ultra fast wireless connectivity Up to 24 hours battery life with ThinkPad 20+ slice battery* ThinkVantage software for manageability and security Two USB 3.0 portsAudioDolby® Advanced Audio™ 2.0KlaviatuurIsland-style six-row keyboard with optional backlight, Estonian layoutAku6 cellMõõdud305mm x 206.5mm x 19 - 26.6mmKaal1,34kgTurvalisusFingerprint ReaderAndmetalletusHDD 500GB (7200rpm)Optiline seadeUltraBase with Multi-BurnerKaardilugeja 4-in-1 SD Card Reader (SD/SDHC/SDXC/MMC slot)KaameraLow-Light 720p HD Camera with Face TrackingKommunikatsioonIntel 802.11agn, Ericsson HSPA+ WWAN Minicard (H5321gw), Bluetooth.I/O pordid(1) Mini DisplayPort with audio (1) VGA (2) USB 3.0 (1) USB 2.0 (1) Always on USB 2.0 (1) 4-in-1 SD Card Reader (SD/SDHC/SDXC/MMC slot) (1) Express Card 54mm
Sülearvuti HP Probook 450/i3-3120/15,6" HD AG LED/Cam/4GB/500GB/DVDRW LS/Wlan bgn+BT/6C bat/WIN8PROdgW7PRO/FPR/Uskey/black (replace 4540S)
Tootekood: A6G73EA#ABB Sülearvutid
Be more hands—on. Work more naturally with 10—point touch that truly makes the most of Windows 8.1All your work should feel this easy. Reach out and touch this sleek, flat—panel display. It’s perfect for tapping, swiping, and navigating through your day with ease.Features_Benefits: Get a hands—on experienceAll—new industrial designProtect your workWork in more placesTough on the jobProcessor: Intel i3-3120MProccesorSpeed: 2.50 GHzProcessorMultiCoreType: Dual CoreChipset: Intel HM76 ExpressCacheExternal: 3 MBRAMinstalled_max: 16 GBRAMSlots: 2RAMType: DDR3 PC3-12800 1600 MHzStorageDeviceSpeed: 5400 rpmQuantityDevices: 1HardDriveType: SATA HDDDisplayType: HDDisplayNativeResolution: 1366x768DisplayFeatures: LED AntiGlareGraphicCard: YesGraphicsController: Intel HD Graphics 4000GraphicsControllerMemoryType: SharedCamera: YesAudio: YesAudioFeatures: DTS Sound+, stereo speakers, single integrated digital microphone or dual array microphone on models with optional 720p HD WebcamNetworkCard: YesNetwork: 10/100/1000 MbpsNetworkCardType: Realtek 10/100/1000 Ethernet ControllerWirelessNetwork: YesWireless: b/g/nWirelessCardType: Ralink 802.11b/g/n (1x1) and Bluetooth 4.0 comboBluetooth: YesOpticalStorage: DVD+/-RW DL SMInputDevices: Full—sized, spill—resistant keyboard, touchpad with scroll zone and gestures support, power button, 2 launch buttons (Wireless on/off and speaker mute), Function Keys , full separate numeric keypadOperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows 8 Pro / Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64Battery: 6-cellSecurity: HP Client Security, Microsoft Security Essentials(Win 7)/Microsoft Denfender(Win 8), HP BIOS Protection, Security Lock slot. HP Drive EncryptionSoftwareIncluded: Buy Office, HP Wireless Hotspot, Cyberlink Media Suite, HP ePrint , HP Hotkey support, HP 3D DriveGuard, , PDF Complete Corporate Edition, Skype—ready, HP Recovery Manager, Evernote, HP Support Assistant, Intel Wireless DisplayWidth: 375 mmDepth: 256.2 mmHeight: 22.8 mmWeight: 2.400 KgCardReader: YesSupportedFormats: SD, SDHC
Lauaarvuti Apple Mac mini - DTS - 1 x Core i5 2.6 GHz - RAM 16GB - HDD 1TB - Iris Graphics - GigE - Wi-Fi : Bluetooth 4.0, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac - OS X 10.10 Yosemite (Z0R7MGEN2S2000136173)
Tootekood: Z0R7MGEN2S2000136173 Lauaarvutid
Punches way above its weight.Mac mini features fourth-generation Intel Core processors, faster integrated graphics, Thunderbolt 2, next-generation Wi-Fi, and plenty of ports. Everything you expect from a Mac. And more.Fourth-generationIntel Core processors.The little engine that does.With fourth-generation Intel Core processors, Mac mini keeps up with computers twice its size. You can choose a 1.4GHz, 2.6GHz, or 2.8GHz dual-core Intel Core i5. Or go for an even more powerful 3.0GHz dual-core Intel Core i7.When you’re using processor-intensive applications, Turbo Boost 2.0 increases the clock speed up to 3.5GHz. Hyper-Threading lets each core run two threads, so OS X multitasks even more efficiently. And an integrated memory controller connects fast 1600MHz memory directly to the processor, so it gets right to work on your data. In short, Mac mini is a little box of vroom.Intel Iris Graphics and HD Graphics 5000. Every pixel comes alive.Intel Iris Graphics and Intel HD Graphics 5000 deliver up to 90 percent more pixel-pushing performance than the previous generation of integrated graphics.1 So the video you watch and the games you play are smoother and more responsive. Flipping through photo albums is a breeze. And now you’ve got all the power you need to edit your HD video into a film worthy of a red carpet premiere.Storage.Make it big. And fast.Fusion Drive.A high capacity for intelligence.Standard on the $999 model and a configurable option on the others, Fusion Drive combines a 1TB hard drive with amazingly quick PCIe-based flash storage. Fusion Drive automatically and intelligently manages your data so that frequently used apps, documents, photos, and other files stay on the faster flash storage, while infrequently used items move to the hard drive. You’ll enjoy shorter boot times and, as the system learns how you work, you’ll see faster application launches and quicker file access. Best of all, you don’t have to do a thing to make it happen.You can also choose a 500GB or 1TB hard drive. Or configure your Mac mini with up to 1TB of flash storage in a solid-state drive for the fastest performance. Flash storage delivers nearly nine times the performance of a disk drive — speed you’ll notice when you boot your Mac mini, launch an app, or browse your photo library.Thunderbolt 2.The fastest, most versatile I/O in any desktop. Of any size.Thunderbolt 2 technology in Mac mini is phenomenally fast. The two Thunderbolt 2 ports on Mac mini feature dual 20-Gbps channels for data transfer. That’s up to four times faster than USB 3. But beyond speed, Thunderbolt gives you unprecedented expansion capabilities. You can daisy-chain as many as six Thunderbolt devices to a single port. And since Thunderbolt is based on DisplayPort technology, Mini DisplayPort devices like the Apple LED Cinema Display plug right in, too.USB 3, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. You’re very well connected.Plenty of ports make it ready for anything.As powerful as Thunderbolt 2 is, it’s just one of your options. If you have a third-party display, you can use the HDMI port to connect it. You can connect two displays to see more of your photos, movies, and documents at the same time. And a built-in SDXC card slot makes it easy to import those photos and videos from your digital camera.USB 3.With USB 3 built into Mac mini, you can connect your external hard drive and transfer large files in seconds instead of minutes. Every Mac mini comes with four USB 3 ports — with speeds up to 10 times faster than USB 2 — and you can connect all your USB-compatible devices, including your iPhone, iPad, iPod, or digital camera.Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.Powerful 802.11ac wireless technology is built into every Mac mini. It automatically locates your Wi-Fi network, so you can connect and start surfing the web, printing, and streaming your music wirelessly. Bluetooth wireless technology is also built in, so you can connect accessories such as a wireless keyboard and mouse. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth also make it easy to seamlessly share your work with your other devices using Handoff or AirDrop.Bring your own display, keyboard, and mouse.Plug your own display, keyboard, and mouse into Mac mini. Turn it on. And just like that, everything works together. That’s one of the great things about Mac mini. You can mix and match it with almost anything.No screen is too big.It’s easy to connect Mac mini to the biggest screen in the house — your HDTV — courtesy of a built-in HDMI port. All it takes is one HDMI cable to start enjoying movies and TV shows from iTunes, surfing the web, and flipping through your photo library, all in brilliant HD. And when you just want to listen to music, you can play your entire iTunes collection through your home entertainment center, or stream it to a set of speakers in any room via an AirPort Express Base Station.Protsessori sagedus2,6 GHzProtsessori perekond4th gen Intel® Core™ i5Protsessori mudeli5-4278UProtsessorituumad2Installeeritud protsessorite arv1Protsessori võimendussagedus3,1 GHzProtsessori pesaBGA 1168Protsessori vahemälu3 MBProtsessori vahemälu tüüpL3Süsteemi siinikiirus5 GT/sProtsessori harud4PCI Expressi pesade versioon2Protsessori litograafia22 nmProtsessori töörežiimid64-bitSteppingC0CardBusi tüüpDMI2Protsessori koodnimetusHaswellJahutusvõimsus (TDP)28 WProtsessori seeriaIntel Core i5-4200 Mobile seriesFSB-paarsusEiPCI Ekspressi siinide maksimum arv12PCI Expressi konfiguratsioonid4x1,2x4Tjunction100 °CProtsessori poolt toetatud maksimaalne operatiivmälu16 GBTõrkevaba protsessorJahProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu tüübidDDR3L-SDRAM,LPDDR3-SDRAMProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu kiirused1333,1600 MHzProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu maksimaalne taktsagedus25,6 GB/sProtsessori poolt toetatud mälu kanalidDuaalneProtsessori poolt toetatud ECCEiSisemälu8 GBSisemälu tüüpLPDDR3-SDRAMMaksimaalne sisemälu16 GBMälu (pesad x suurus)2 x 4 GBMälupesad2x SO-DIMMMälu taktsagedus1600 MHzSalvestusmaht kokku1000 GBIntegreeritud kaardilugejaJahSalvestusseadeHDDInstallitud kõvaketaste arv1Kõvakettamaht1000 GBKõvaketta liidesJada ATAKõvaketta kiirus5400 RPMÜhilduvad mälukaardidSDXCIntegreeritud graafikaadapterJahEraldiseisva graafika adapteri mudelEi ole saadavalPardagraafika adapteri mudelIntel Iris Graphics 5100Sisemodemi graafikaadapteri perekondIntel Iris GraphicsIntegreeritud graafikaadapteri baassagedus200 MHzIntegreeritud graafikaadapteri dünaamiline sagedus1100 MHzIntegreeritud graafikakaardi maksimaalne mälu1,74 GBIntegreeritud graafikakaardi poolt toetatud monitoride arv3Integreeritud graafikakaardi DirectX-i versioon11.1Integreeritud graafikakaardi ID0xA2EOptilise seadme tüüpEiEthernet LANJahWiFiJahEthernet LAN-i andmeedastuskiirused10,100,1000 Mbit/sKaabeldustehnoloogia10/100/1000Base-T(X)WiFi-standardid802.11a,802.11ac,802.11b,802.11g,802.11nBluetoothJahBluetoothi versioon4.0USB 3.0 (3.1 Gen 1) A-tüüpi portide hulk4DVI-portEiHDMI-portide arv1Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) pordid1MikrofonisisendJahKõrvaklapiväljundite arv1Thunderbolt-portide arv1DC-pistikEiS/PDIF-väljundEiSmartCard-pesaEiFirewire (IEEE 1394) pordid1Kombineeritud kõrvaklappide/mikrofoni pesaEiToote värvHõbeKeretüüpPealisvõreToetatud paigutusHorisontaalneVee jahutamise süsteemEiToote tüüpMini PCInstallitud operatsioonisüsteemMac OS X 10.10 YosemiteIntel®i vPro™ tehnoloogiaEiIntel®i Small Business Advantage (Intel® SBA)EiIntel®i traadita ekraani (Intel® WiDi)JahIntel® 64JahInteli täiustatud SpeedStep-tehnoloogiaJahLisavõimalusedEiIntel® InTru™ 3D tehnoloogiaJahIntel® Insider™JahIntel®i Clear Video HD tehnoloogia (Intel® CVT HD)EiIntel®i Clear Video tehnoloogiaEiIntel®i VT-x koos laiendatud lehetabelitega (EPT)JahIntel®i TSX-NI tehnoloogiaEiOoterežiimJahTermojärelevalve tehnoloogiadJahIntel®i AES uus juhend (Intel® AES-NI)JahIntel®i Secure Key tehnoloogiaJahIntel®i Trusted Execution tehnoloogiaEiExecute Disable BitJahIntel®i painduva ekraani tehnoloogiaEiIntel®i paindlik ligipääs mälule (Flex Memory Access)EiIntel®i kiire ligipääs mälule (Fast Memory Access)EiIntel®i tark vahemälu (Smart Cache)JahIntel®i Enhanced Halt State tehnoloogiaJahIntel®i Demand Based Switching funktsioonEiIntel®i Clear Video tehnoloogia mobiilsele internetiseadele (Intel® CVT for MID)EiProtsessori pakendi suurus40Toetatud instruktsioonikogumikudAVX 2.0,SSE4.1,SSE4.2Protsessori koodSR1ZVCPU konfiguratsioon (maksimaalne)1Intel®i Virtualization Technology Directed I/O seadmeleJahIntel®i Identity Protection tehnoloogia versioon1.00Intel®i Secure Key tehnoloogia versioon1.00Intel®i Virtualization-tehnoloogia (VT-X)JahIntel® TSX-NI versioon0.00Intel®i Dual Display Capable tehnoloogiaEiIntel®i Rapid Storage tehnoloogiaEiProtsessori ARK ID83508Intel® Smart Response vastamissüsteemEiIntel® Turbo Boost tehnoloogia2.0Intel®i hüper hargtöötlus tehnoloogia (Intel® HT Technology)JahIntel® Quick Sync videotehnoloogiaJahIntel®i My WiFi tehnoloogia (Intel® MWT)EiIntel®i identiteedi kaitse tehnoloogia (Intel® IPT)JahIntel®i vargusvastane tehnoloogia (Intel® AT)EiToiteallikas85 WToiteallika sisendsagedus50 - 60Toiteallika sisendpinge100 - 240Kasutamistemperatuur (T-T)10 - 35 °CSuhteline õhuniiskus kasutamisel (H-H)5 - 95 protsentiKasutamiskõrgus0 - 10000 mHoiustamistemperatuur (T-T)-40 - 47 °CLaius197 mmSügavus197 mmKõrgus36 mmKaal1,2 kgKuvar kaasa arvatudEiKlaviatuur kaasasEiHiir kaasa arvatudEiKaablid kaasa arvatudVahelduvvoolKomplektis sisalduv tarkvaraiPhotoiMovieGarageBandPagesNumbersKeynoteMapsiBooksSafariMailFaceTimeMessagesCalendarContactsRemindersTime MachineiTunesGame CenterPreviewNotesMac App StoreAC-adapter kaasa arvatudJah
Sülearvuti DELL Latitude | 3480 | CPU i5-6200U | 2300 MHz | 14" | 1366x768 | RAM 4GB | DDR4 | HDD 500GB | 7200 rpm | Intel HD Graphics 520 | Integrated | ENG | Windows 10 Pro | 1.75 kg | N006L3480S14EMEA_1
Tootekood: N006L3480S14EMEA_1 Sülearvutid
First-class business protection.An easily managed 14-inch laptop with top security features critical for small and growing businesses, all in a durable, reliable design.
Sülearvuti HP Probook 450/i5-3230/15,6" HD AG LED/Cam/4GB/500GB/DVDRW LS/Wlan bgn+BT/6C bat/WIN8PROdgW7PRO/FPR/Uskey/black (replace 4540S)
Tootekood: H0U93EA#ABB Sülearvutid
Be more hands—on. Work more naturally with 10—point touch that truly makes the most of Windows 8.1All your work should feel this easy. Reach out and touch this sleek, flat—panel display. It’s perfect for tapping, swiping, and navigating through your day with ease.Features_Benefits: Get a hands—on experienceAll—new industrial designProtect your workWork in more placesTough on the jobProcessor: Intel i5-3230MProccesorSpeed: 2.60 GHzProcessorMultiCoreType: Dual CoreChipset: Intel HM76 ExpressCacheExternal: 3 MBRAMinstalled_max: 16 GBRAMSlots: 2RAMType: DDR3 PC3-12800 1600 MHzStorageDeviceSpeed: 5400 rpmQuantityDevices: 1HardDriveType: SATA HDDDisplayType: HDDisplayNativeResolution: 1366x768DisplayFeatures: LED AntiGlareGraphicCard: YesGraphicsController: Intel HD Graphics 4000GraphicsControllerMemoryType: SharedCamera: YesAudio: YesAudioFeatures: DTS Sound+, stereo speakers, single integrated digital microphone or dual array microphone on models with optional 720p HD WebcamNetworkCard: YesNetwork: 10/100/1000 MbpsNetworkCardType: Realtek 10/100/1000 Ethernet ControllerWirelessNetwork: YesWireless: b/g/nWirelessCardType: Ralink 802.11b/g/n (1x1) and Bluetooth 4.0 comboBluetooth: YesOpticalStorage: DVD+/-RW DL SMInputDevices: Full—sized, spill—resistant keyboard, touchpad with scroll zone and gestures support, power button, 2 launch buttons (Wireless on/off and speaker mute), Function Keys , full separate numeric keypadOperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows 8 Pro / Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64Battery: 6-cellSecurity: HP Client Security, Microsoft Security Essentials(Win 7)/Microsoft Denfender(Win 8), HP BIOS Protection, Security Lock slot. HP Drive EncryptionSoftwareIncluded: Buy Office, HP Wireless Hotspot, Cyberlink Media Suite, HP ePrint , HP Hotkey support, HP 3D DriveGuard, , PDF Complete Corporate Edition, Skype—ready, HP Recovery Manager, Evernote, HP Support Assistant, Intel Wireless DisplayWidth: 375 mmDepth: 256.2 mmHeight: 22.8 mmWeight: 2.400 KgCardReader: YesSupportedFormats: SD, SDHC
Sülearvuti HP ProBook 4340s Renew/i5-3210M/13.3 HD AG LED/4GB/500GB/DVDRW/Wlan/BT/FPR/Cam/WIN8PRO64/UsKey
Tootekood: C4Y26EAR#BH5 Sülearvutid
Your Business Partner. Optimized for Windows 8 Pro, this thin and light laptop is ideal for SMBs. It features a 33,8 cm (13.3") diagonal HD display, multimedia tools, easy-to-use security, an aluminum casing for exterior protection and discrete graphics.MarketingText: RENEW - The HP Renew Program is the portfolio of HP remarketed products that are offered to HP channel partners. HP Renew products include two categories: New products and Remanufactured products. “New” products come from end-of-life or factory excess. “Remanufactured” products are refurbished to a functional condition equivalent to new, but may have certain cosmetic imperfections. Both categories are offered with the same 1 year warranty.Features_Benefits: Protection inside and outAccomplish more with the right business toolsMix business with pleasureProcessor: Intel i5-3210MProccesorSpeed: 2.50 GHzProcessorMultiCoreType: Dual CoreChipset: Intel HM76 ExpressCacheExternal: 3 MBRAMinstalled_max: 8 GBRAMSlots: 2RAMType: DDR3 PC3-10600 1333 MhzQuantityDevices: 1HardDriveType: SATA HDDDisplayType: HDDisplayNativeResolution: 1366x768DisplayFeatures: LED AntiGlareGraphicCard: YesGraphicsControllerMemoryType: SharedAudio: YesAudioFeatures: SRS Premium Sound PRO, Integrated stereo speakers, Stereo headphone/line out, Stereo microphone in, Integrated microphone (dual-microphone array with optional webcam)NetworkCard: YesNetwork: 10/100/1000 MbpsNetworkCardType: Realtek Ethernet (10/100/1000)WirelessNetwork: YesInputDevices: Spill-resistant keyboard Touchpad with gestures support, on/off button with LED indicator, two-way scroll, two pick buttonsSecurity: Standard: HP ProtectTools, HP Client Security (Windows 8 only), Drive Encryption for HP ProtectTools, Credential Manager, HP Security Manager, HP Spare Key, File Sanitizer for HP ProtectTools (Windows 7 only),SoftwareIncluded: http://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=4AA4-1142EEE&doctype=data%20sheet&searchquery=&cc=emea_middle_east&lc=enWidth: 326 mmDepth: 229 mmHeight: 24 mmWeight: 1.8
Sülearvuti HP Pavilion  dm1-4200sa/E1-1200/11,6" LED BV/HD 7310/cam/4GB /320GB/Wlan bgn/6C bat/Ash Black/Soft Touch/W7HP64/Ukkey/UK cable/3YW
Tootekood: B3Q65EA#ABU?/RPACKAGE Sülearvutid
Enjoy this lightweight notebook with a full-sized keyboard giving uncompromised user experience and enjoy more music and videos in one battery charge.Features_Benefits: Take it with youUnique sound experience with Beats Audio™Stay cool with HP CoolSenseEnjoy chat in HD with HP TrueVision HD webcamKeep your data safe with HP ProtectSmartProcessor: AMD E1-1200ProccesorSpeed: 1.40 GHzProcessorMultiCoreType: Dual CoreChipset: AMD A68M FCHCacheExternal: 1 MBRAMinstalled_max: 8 GBRAMSlots: 2RAMType: DDR3StorageDeviceSpeed: 5400 rpmQuantityDevices: 1HardDriveType: SATA HDDDisplayType: HDDisplayNativeResolution: 1366x768DisplayFeatures: LED BrightViewGraphicCard: YesGraphicsController: AMD Radeon HD 7310GraphicsControllerMemoryType: SharedCamera: YesAudio: YesAudioFeatures: Beats Audio™ with 2 speakers and audio playbackNetworkCard: YesNetwork: 10/100/1000 MbpsNetworkCardType: Integrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LANWirelessNetwork: YesWireless: b/g/nWirelessCardType: 802.11b/g/n, BluetoothBluetooth: YesOpticalStorage: NoInputDevices: 97% Duracoat island-styleTouchPad with on/off button and support for multitouch gesturesOperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64Battery: 6-cellSecurity: Keep your PC running at its best with HP Support Assistant www.hp.eu/supportassistant HP Setup Manager HP Recovery Manager (recovery partition, recovery CD/DVD creation tool)SoftwareIncluded: Symantec Norton Internet Security (60 days live update) Beats Audio™ rara.com – web-based streaming music service (fees may apply) HP CoolSense HP ProtectSmart HP Games powered by WildTangent EasyBits Magic Desktop Evernote Windows Live Essentials Microsoft® Office StarterWidth: 292 mmDepth: 215 mmHeight: 32 mmWeight: 1.600 KgCardReader: YesSupportedFormats: Multi-formatLocalization: UKkey
Sülearvuti DELL Latitude | 3580 | CPU i5-6200U | 2300 MHz | 15.6" | 1366x768 | RAM 4GB | DDR4 | HDD 500GB | 7200 rpm | Intel HD Graphics 520 | Integrated | ENG | Windows 10 Pro | 1.95 kg | N009L3580S15EMEA_1
Tootekood: N009L3580S15EMEA_1 Sülearvutid
First-class business protection.An easily managed 15-inch laptop with top security features critical for small and growing businesses, all in a durable, reliable design.
Hama teleri kinnitus Ultraslim Fullmotion TV Wall Bracket 5 stars L 46" 1 arm Black (108726)
Tootekood: 00108726 GTIN: 4047443136848 Telerite lisaseadmed
For the installation of flat screen TVs with a screen size from 25 to 117 cm (10" to 46"). Extremely flat profile allows modern and space-saving interior design. Easy-Fix system for simple and fully adjustable orientation of your TV. After the installation, the mount can be aligned horizontally on the wall by means of oblong holes. Cable manager provides organisation and necessary strain relief. Spirit level and drilling template for mounting the wall bracket and television quickly and easily. Extremely convenient and space-saving, allows optimal positioning of the flat screen in every room. Supports all VESA standards up to 200 x 200. Up to +5/-15° continuous tilt. Swivel range on 2 hinges: 180°. 10-year guarantee.
Hama teleri kinnitus Ultraslim Fullmotion TV Wall Bracket 5 stars L 46" 1 arm White (108740)
Tootekood: 00108740 GTIN: 4047443136947 Telerite lisaseadmed
For the installation of flat screen TVs with a screen size from 25 to 117 cm (10" to 46"). Extremely flat profile allows modern and space-saving interior design. Easy-Fix system for simple and fully adjustable orientation of your TV. After the installation, the mount can be aligned horizontally on the wall by means of oblong holes. Cable manager provides organisation and necessary strain relief. Spirit level and drilling template for mounting the wall bracket and television quickly and easily. Extremely convenient and space-saving, allows optimal positioning of the flat screen in every room. Supports all VESA standards up to 200 x 200. Up to +5/-15° continuous tilt. Swivel range on 2 hinges: 180°. 10-year guarantee.
Hama teleri kinnitus Ultraslim Fullmotion TV Wall Bracket 5 stars L 46" 2 arms White (108741)
Tootekood: 00108741 GTIN: 4047443136954 Telerite lisaseadmed
For the installation of flat screen TVs with a screen size from 25 to 117 cm (10" to 46"). Extremely flat profile allows modern and space-saving interior design. After the installation, the mount can be aligned horizontally on the wall by means of oblong holes. Easy-Fix system for simple and fully adjustable orientation of your TV. Cable manager provides organisation and necessary strain relief. Spirit level and drilling template for mounting the wall bracket and television quickly and easily. Extremely convenient and space-saving, allows optimal positioning of the flat screen in every room. Supports all VESA standards up to 200 x 200. Up to +5/-15° continuous tilt. Swivel range on 3 hinges: 180°. Can easily be adapted to the situation in your living room. swivel range to the left and right: 90°. 10-year guarantee.
Hama teleri kinnitus Ultraslim Fullmotion TV Wall Bracket 5 stars XS 26" 1 arm Black (108722)
Tootekood: 00108722 GTIN: 4047443136800 Telerite lisaseadmed
For the installation of flat screen TVs with a screen size from 25 to 66 cm (10" to 26"). Extremely flat profile allows modern and space-saving interior design. After the installation, the mount can be aligned horizontally on the wall by means of oblong holes. Easy-Fix system for simple and fully adjustable orientation of your TV. Cable manager provides organisation and necessary strain relief. Spirit level and drilling template for mounting the wall bracket and television quickly and easily. Extremely convenient and space-saving, allows optimal positioning of the flat screen in every room. Supports all VESA standards up to 100 x 100. +5/-15° continuous tilt. Swivel range on 2 hinges: 180°. 10-year guarantee.
Hama teleri kinnitus Ultraslim Fullmotion TV Wall Bracket 5 stars XS 26" 2 arms Black (108723)
Tootekood: 00108723 GTIN: 4047443136817 Telerite lisaseadmed
For the installation of flat screen TVs with a screen size from 25 to 66 cm (10" to 26"). Extremely flat profile allows modern and space-saving interior design. After the installation, the mount can be aligned horizontally on the wall by means of oblong holes. Easy-Fix system for simple and fully adjustable orientation of your TV. Cable manager provides organisation and necessary strain relief. Spirit level and drilling template for mounting the wall bracket and television quickly and easily. Extremely convenient and space-saving, allows optimal positioning of the flat screen in every room. Supports all VESA standards up to 100 x 100. Up to +5/-15° continuous tilt. Can easily be adapted to the situation in your living room. swivel range to the left and right: 90°. 10-year guarantee.
Printer Canon i-SENSYS MF416dw Laser A4 WiFi Valge
Tootekood: 0291C013 Printerid
Enjoy laser-quality print, copy, fax and scan plus convenient Touch & Print NFC technology with the smart, simple and compact MF416dw black and white Multifunctional printer, a great addition to your small business.Benefits- Black and white A4 laser Multifunctional printer with WiFi that’s tailor-made for small businesses- Fast, professional-quality printing at up to 33ppm- Rapid and convenient NFC Touch & Print technology with compatible mobile devices- Easy operation using the intuitive colour touch screen- Automatic duplex printing reduces waste and overheads- Quick First-Print saves time and keeps your teams productive- Secure PIN printing- Print from smartphones and tablets with support for AirPrint, Mopria and the Canon PRINT Business app- Works easily with popular cloud storage services- Easy network integration with device management capabilities- Simple to maintain with convenient All-In-One CartridgesWork smarter in the officeSmall businesses can gain a welcome productivity boost from the MF416dw A4 black and white laser Multifunctional printer. Offering professional-quality printing at speeds of up to 33ppm, the MF416dw is versatile enough to handle all your document needs despite its impressively compact size. An intuitive 3.5” colour touch screen, 300-page paper capacity and Quick First-Print from start-up all help your teams to work more efficiently and without interruption. The MF416dw also offers security convenient privacy feature: the Secure Print function protects your documents with a PIN code, even when you’re printing from a mobile device.Mobile-ready, cloud-ready, productivity-readySmartphones and tablets are changing how we all work, and with NFC Touch & Print users can experience near-instant printing from compatible mobile devices by simply tapping it on the printer’s NFC mark. For added choice and convenience, support for Google Cloud Print, Apple AirPrint (iOS), Mopria (Android) and the Canon PRINT Business app mean you can access and print documents from mobile devices. Easy, flexible printing at your fingertips.Enhanced document sharingThe cloud-ready MF416dw can help your business to become more agile. Using the MF Scan Utility (for PCs/laptops) and the Canon PRINT Business app (for mobile devices), everyone can connect seamlessly between the MF416dw and popular cloud storage services like Evernote® and DropBox to capture, digitise and share documents on the go – or simply to scan and email in a single operation.Smart networking capabilitiesWith a host of flexible networking capabilities, the MF416dw makes a perfect addition to your network. WiFi and Ethernet connectivity, alongside support for PCL5e/6 and Adobe PostScript printer languages, enable hassle-free integration into managed network environments. The Canon e-Maintenance remote service management capability supports the MF416dw’s deployment in managed print services environments.Simple and sustainable ownershipConsistent reliability and renewed quality are ensured every time you change your toner thanks to Canon’s All-In-One Cartridge design that replaces all key components at once. And with low energy consumption in Sleep and Standby modes, automatic duplex printing, and a smart power-saving Auto Off feature, the MF416dw makes a sustainable, cost-conscious choice.PrintimistehnoloogiaLaserPrintimineMonoKopeerimineMonoSkaneerimineVärvFaksimineMonoMaksimaalne käidutsükkel50000 lehekülge kuu kohtaDupleksfunktsioonidKoopia, Faks, Print, SkaneerimineSoovituslik käidutsükkel750 - 3000 lehekülge kuu kohtaKahepoolne printimineAutomaatneFondid kaasa arvatud45 PCL, 136 PostScriptPrintimiskiirus (must-valge, tavakvaliteet, A4/US Letter-formaat)33,4 lk/minMaksimaalne resolutsioon1200 x 1200 DPIStandardsed printimiskeeledPCL 5e, PCL 6, UFRII-LTKahepoolse printimise kiirus (must, tavakvaliteet, A4/US Letter-formaat)16,8 lk/minTurvaline printimineJahPrindi resolutsioon (must, tavakvaliteet)600 x 600 DPIAeg esimese leheküljeni (must, tavaline)6,3 sPrintimisveerised (ülemine, alumine, parem, vasak)5 mmMaksimaalne kopeerimisresolutsioon600 x 600 DPIKopeerimiskiirus (tavakvaliteet, must-valge, A4)33 koopiat/minN-in-1 copy funktsioon (N=)2, 4Paljundaja suuruse muutmine25 - 400 protsentiAeg esimese koopiani (must, tavakvaliteet)10 sOptilise skaneerimise resolutsioon600 x 600 DPIMaksimaalne skaneerimise resolutsioon9600 x 9600 DPISkaneerimistüüpFlatbed & ADFSkaneerimise sihtE-post, SMBSkaneerimiskiirus (värviline)11 lk/minSkaneerimiskiirus (must-valge)33 lk/minKahepoolne skaneerimiskiirus (värviline)7 lk/minKahepoolne skaneerimiskiirus (must-valge)13 lk/minToetatud pildivormingudJPG, PNG, TIFToetatud dokumendiformaadidPDFSisendi värvisügavus24 bittiVäljundi värvisügavus24 bittiSkaneerimisdraiveridTWAIN, WIAFaksi eraldusvõime (must-valge)400 x 400 DPIFaksiedastamise kiirus3 s/lkModemi kiirus33,6 Kbit/sFaksi mälu512 lehekülgeAutomaatne uuestivalimineJahFaksi kiirvalimine (maksimaalne numbrite arv)281Faksi edasisuunamineJahFaksi leviedastus310 asukohtaVeaparandusrežiim (ECM)JahFaksi kahekordne juurdepääsJahStandardne sisestusvõimsus250 lehtePaberi sisestamineKassett, PaberisahtelAutomaatse dokumendisööturi (ADF) sisestusvõimsus50 lehteMitmeotstarbelise salve maht50 lehteStandardne väljundvõimsus150 lehteMaksimaalne ISO A-seeria paberi suurusA4Standardsalve meedia tüübidÜmbrikud, Tugev paber, Sildid, Tavaline paber, Taaskasutatud paberISO A-seeria suurused (A0...A9)A4, A5ISO B-seeria suurused (B0...B9)B5, B6ISO-standardile mittevastava prindimeediumi suurusedExecutive, Index card, Legal-formaat (216 x 356 mm), Oficio, StatementÜmbriku suurused10, C5, DL, MonarchMitmeotstarbelise salve meedia kaal60 - 163 g/m²Standardsalve meediumi kaal60 - 128 g/m²Automaatse dokumendisööturi (ADF) meediumi kaal50 - 105 g/m²Kohandatud meediumi laius76,2 - 215,9 mmKohandatud meediumi pikkus127 - 355,6 mmEkraanLCDEkraani diagonaal8,89 cm (3.5")Puutetundlik ekraanJahVärviline tablooJahEthernet LANJahWiFiJahEthernet LAN-i andmeedastuskiirused10,100,1000 Mbit/sTurvaalgoritmid64-bit WEP, 128-bit WEP, SSID, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSKWiFi-standardidIEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11nToetatud võrguprotokollid (IPv4)LPD, RAW, WSD, DHCPv6, SNMPv1, SNMPv3Toetatud võrguprotokollid (IPv6)LPD, RAW, WSD, DHCP, ARP+PING, Auto IP, WINSMobiilse printimise tehnoloogiaApple AirPrint, Canon PRINT Business, Google Cloud Print, Mopria Print ServiceOtseprintimineJahStandardliidesedEthernet, USB 2.0, Juhtmevaba LANUSB 2.0 portide arv1Sisemälu1024 MBIntegreeritud kaardilugejaEiPrintimise müratase70,6 dBEnergy Star tüüpiline energiatarbimine (TEC)1.2Elektritarbimine (max)1160 WVõimsustarve (ooterežiim)9,4 WVõimsustarve (unerežiim)1,4 WVõimsustarve (väljalülitatud)0,1 WAC-sisendpinge220-240 VAC-sisendsagedus50/60 HzToetatud Windowsi operatsioonisüsteemidWindows 10 Education, Windows 10 Education x64, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Enterprise x64, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Home x64, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Pro x64, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Enterprise x64, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Basic x64, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Home Premium x64, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Professional x64, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Starter x64, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8 Enterprise x64, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 Pro x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate x64Toetatud Maci operatsioonisüsteemidMac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Mac OS X 10.9 MavericksToetatud Linuxi operatsioonisüsteemidJahToetatud serverioperatsioonisüsteemidWindows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2Toote värvValgeLaius390 mmSügavus473 mmKõrgus431 mmKaal19,2 kgSuhteline õhuniiskus kasutamisel (H-H)20 - 80 protsentiHoiustamistemperatuur (T-T)10 - 30 °CPadruni tüüp719, 719H
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