
Otsing: pixel 6

Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB Titanium Black
Tootekood: SM-S928BZKG GTIN: 8806095414584 Mobiiltelefonid
The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1138,60 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S23 256GB Phantom Black
Tootekood: SM-S911BZKG GTIN: 8806094725018 Mobiiltelefonid
Galaxy S23 | S23+ DISAIN Läheb planeedi nimel lahingusse VÄRVID Maalähedased värvid Saa osa millestki natuke erilisemast. Uued loodusest inspireeritud värvid on looduslike värvainetena kantud poleeritud metallraamile.1,2 LAVENDLILILLA KREEMJAS FANTOOMMUST ROHELINE MATERJALID Kujundatud planeedile mõeldes Lase valla muutus, mida tahad maailmas näha. Iga telefon on valmistatud taaskasutatud klaasist ja PET-kilest, värvitud looduslike värvainetega ning on paigutatud taaskasutatud paberist ja paberipõhisest kaitsekilest valmistatud karpi.2,4,5,6 KAAMERA Jäädvusta oma võte Püüa päeva ja taba ööd. Mine mis tahes ajal välja, käes Pro-klassi kaamera, mis on varustatud suure eraldusvõimega anduri ja intelligentsete, valgust neelavate pikslitega, ning tee selgeid pilte. ÖÖFOTOGRAAFIAKAAMERA Rohkem valgust sinu öösse Sinu galerii täitub suurejooneliste öiste piltidega, mida kõik tahavad. Täiustatud tehisintellekti abil jäädvustad öistele kaadritele selged detailid, nii et ehast koiduni ja koidust ehani jäävad fotod ja videod eredad ja värvilised. ÖÖSELFI Esikaamera Dual Pixel tehnoloogia fookustab isegi vähese valguse korral kiiremini ja täpsemalt. Objektipõhine tehisintellekt tagab autentsed värvid päriseluga konkureerivate selfide jaoks. ÖÖSELFIVIDEO Pimedas ei ole võimalik mitte ainult fotosid teha; ka öised videod jäävad selged ja teravad. Nüüd suudab esikaamera ka pärast päikeseloojangut teist ja teie sõpradest selgeid klippe jäädvustada. SUUR ERALDUSVÕIME Taba kõik detailid 50 MP lainurkkaamera töötab käsikäes võimsa kiibiga, mis kombineerib kiiresti kaadreid, et eraldada igast kaadrist bitid üheks kõrgresolutsiooniga fotoks. Lisa siia juurde Detail Enhanceri detailivõimendustehnoloogia ja pildikvaliteet muutub nii teravaks, et sa ei lõpetagi suumimist. EXPERT RAW Nüüd oled staarfotograaf! Pildistades on piiriks vaid taevas. Ava Expert RAW, et jäädvustada kõrgresolutsiooniga RAW-vormingus säravaid ja üksikasjalikke kaadreid.7 Seejärel pööra pilk tähtedele: sinu kaamera jäädvustab hingematva selgusega tähtkujusid ja planeete. FOTOTÖÖTLUS Teeb käkerdisest meistriteose Pildigaleriis saad parandada tumedaid, hägusaid ülesvõtteid, isegi lapsepõlvefotosid või veebist kopeeritud pilte. Nüüd on sul võimalik uus elu anda ka hägustele GIF-idele, vähendades seal pildimüra, suurendades selgust ning lisades värskust. JÕUDLUS Jõudu juurde Kui peatamine ei ole võimalik, annab see uuenduslik kiip sinu telefonile parema mängu- ja video voogedastuse võimsuse ning pikendab aku vastupidavust, et võimaldada sul edukalt toime tulla ka kõige keerukamate päevadega. AKU Veelgi pikem mänguaeg Kas lõpetad tänaseks ära? Oh, kindlasti mitte. Jätka ning vaata tänu kauakestvale ja kiirelt laetavale akule oma lemmiksaateid kasvõi kogu öö. EKRAAN Läige läinud Mängi või voogedasta kõikjal, sest välitingimustega kohanduv nähtavus tagab igas valguses optimaalse värvi ja heleduse.9 Adaptive 120 Hz teeb sedme kasutamise hõlpsaks, samal ajal kui Eye Comfort Shield funktsioon kaitseb silmi väsimuse eest isegi pimedas. SMART SWITCH Me tegime sinu andmete säilitamise lihtsaks Piisab vaid lihtsast Wi-Fi ülekandest või kiirest sisselogimisest oma Samsungi kontole, ja kõik on valmis. Veelgi vähema hulga toimingutega saad oma rakendused, fotod, sõnumid ja muud andmed ükskõik millisest operatsioonisüsteemist uude telefoni üle kanda.10,11 PC JÄRJEPIDEVUS Rööprähklemiseks vajalikud vahendid Kui oled hoos, ühenda kaks-ühes-kogemuse saamiseks oma telefon ja arvuti. Hiirt, klaviatuuri või puuteplaati vahetamata saad senisest tõhusama ekraaniaja käigus lohistada, kopeerida ja kleepida ning trükkida mõlemas seadmes.12,13,14,15 ONE UI Sinu Galaxy, just nii nagu sulle meeldib Nüüd on just sinu jaoks telefoni seadistamine lihtsam kui kunagi varem. ONE UI aitab telefoni kohandamist maksimeerida sel viisil, et võimaldab sul endal valida peaaegu iga detaili alates lukustusekraanist ja teemadest kuni vidinate ja teavitusteni. SAMSUNG WALLET Samsung Pay on muutunud veelgi paremaks. Saa tuttavaks Samsung Walletiga Samsung Pay on liikunud järgmisele tasandile: kasutusele on võetud Samsung Wallet. Kiiresti avatav, turvaline ning hoiab tallel sinu olulisi esemeid, nagu võtmed, ID-d ja piletid, kaitstes samal ajal sinu isikuandmeid. Tere tulemast uude digitaalsesse ellu.16 SAMSUNG HEALTH Heaolu just sulle sobival moel Alusta oma isiklike tervise-eesmärkide saavutamist Galaxy Watch5 ja telefoniga.17 Oma parima mina eest hoolt kandmiseks jälgi oma und, treeninguid, kehakoostist jne Samsung Healthis. * GPS-marsruudi funktsioon on saadaval ainult Galaxy Watch5 Pro-s.* Saadaval, kui GPX-vormingus marsruudifail imporditakse matkamiseks ja jalgrattaga sõitmiseks ning marsruut määratakse Samsung Healthi seadete kaudu sihtmärgiks. Värvide saadavus võib oleneda riigist või operaatorist. Metallraamide anodeerimiseks kasutatavad värvained on valmistatud 10% looduslikust värvainest. Ainult veebipoes pakutavad värve toodetakse eraldi. Esi- ja tagaklaas sisaldavad keskmiselt 22% ulatuses taaskasutatud materjale. Tagaklaasi dekoratiivkile sisaldab vähemalt 80% ulatuses taaskasutatud materjale. Ülaltoodud mõõdud põhinevad kaalul. PET-kile ja taaskasutatud klaas tunnistati keskkonnanõuetele vastavaks (ECV). Paberpakend on valmistatud 100% taaskasutatud paberist, v.a pitser ja kahanev vinüül. Aknakaitsepaber on valmistatud 100% taaskasutatud paberist. Mõõtmised põhinevad kaalul. Expert RAW tuleb enne kasutamist eraldi tasuta Galaxy Store'ist alla laadida. Toetatud S23-seeria seadmetes, S22-seeria seadmetes, S21 Ultra, S20 Ultra, Note20 Ultra, Z Fold4, Z Fold3 ja Z Fold2. Omane Galaxy S23 seeriale kuni 30. aprillini 2023 ning põhineb Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. näitajatel ja tööstusharu võrdlusuuringutel. Galaxy S23 ja S23+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X ekraan Vision Boosteriga sai VDE Saksamaa sertifikaadi „100% Mobile Colour Volume in the DCI-P3 color range“, mis tähendab, et ekraani värvid ei ole tuhmid ja võid kindel olla, et näete ekraanil iga eredustaseme juures uskumatult erksaid värve. Ekraani maksimaalne eredus on kuni 1750 nitti, mis parandab digitaalse sisu heledate ja tumedate alade vahelist kontrastsust ja tagab seeläbi parema pildikvaliteedi – kontrastisuhe 3 000 000:1 teeb sinu mobiilse elamuse märksa kaasahaaravamaks. Kiirseadistust toetatakse ainult Galaxy S23 seeria mudelitel, milles töötab One UI 5.1 või uuem ja Android M või uuem operatsioonisüsteem. Juhtmega ülekandmiseks on vaja vähemalt süsteemi Android™ 4.3. iOS 5 või vanem Android OS peab kasutama juhtmeta ülekandevõimalusi. Kui sul ei ole Galaxy'sse juhtmega ülekandmiseks vajalikku USB-kaablit/ühendust, võid kasutada ka juhtmevaba ülekande võimalusi. Avage Smart Switch Mobile oma uue Galaxy telefoni ”Seadistustes” või laadige SmartSwitch rakendus Galaxy Store'ist alla. Ülekandmiseks saadaval olevad andmed ja sisu võivad sõltuvalt operatsioonisüsteemist erineda. Galaxy seadme andmed varundatakse ja taastatakse mäluseadmesse. Kasuta PC varundamist SmartSwitchPC kaudu või SmartSwitchMobile'i SD-kaardi varundamise funktsiooni. Multikontrolli funktsiooni saadavus piirneb teatud Galaxy tahvelarvutitega, sealhulgas seadmetega Galaxy Tab S7, S7+, S7 FE, S8, S8 ja S8 Ultra. Multikontroll eeldab uuendatud tahvelarvuteid, millel on One UI 4.1 või uuem versioon, telefone, millel on One UI 5.1 või uuem versioon, ja Galaxy Book seeria seadmeid, mis on välja antud 2021. aastal või hiljem ja millel on Samsung Settings v1.5 (Intel) või Samsung Settings v3.3 (ARM). Mõnel mudelil võib olla piiratud funktsioonitoetus. Vajalik on võrgu- või WiFi-ühendus. Iga seade tuleb registreerida ühe Samsung Account kontoga. Samsung Walleti kättesaadavus võib erineda olenevalt riigist või seadme mudelist. Toetatud tooted võivad riigiti erineda. Mõeldud üksnes üldise heaoluga seotud eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Ei sobi tervise- või haigusseisundi tuvastamiseks, diagnoosimiseks või raviks. Kasutajaliides/kogemus võib erineda sõltuvalt tarkvara versioonist, mudelist, piirkonnast ja teistest teguritest. GPS-i marsruudi funktsioon on saadaval ainult seadmes Galaxy Watch5 Pro. Tüüpväärtus on katsetatud kolmanda osapoole laboritingimustes. Tüüpväärtus on hinnanguline keskmine väärtus, mis võtab arvesse aku mahu kõikumisi standardi IEC 61960 alusel katsetatud näidisakude näitajate alusel. Galaxy S23 nimivõimsus on 3785 mAh, Galaxy S23+ nimivõimsus 4565 mAh ja Galaxy S23 Ultra nimivõimsus 4855 mAh. Aku tegelik kestus võib erineda olenevalt võrgukeskkonnast, kasutamisest ja muudest asjaoludest. Võrreldud mudelitega Galaxy S22 ja S22+. Snapdragon on ettevõtte Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. ja/või selle tütarettevõtete toode. Snapdragon on ettevõtte Qualcomm Incorporated kaubamärk või registreeritud kaubamärk. Põhineb Samsungi laboritestidel, kus antud mudeli eelversioon on ühendatud kõrvaklappidega Bluetoothiga vaikimisi seadete abil LTE kaudu. Hinnanguline aku võimsuse ja mõõdetud pinge võrdlus aku energiatarbimisega video esitamise ajal (videofaili resolutsioon 720 p, salvestatud seadmes). Tegelik video esitamise aeg sõltub võrguühendusest, seadetest, videofaili formaadist, ekraani eredusest, aku seisundist ja paljudest muudest teguritest. Salvestusvalikud ja saadavus võivad riigiti või regiooniti erineda.
672,00 €
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 512GB Silky Black
Tootekood: 5011105293 GTIN: 6921815625957 Mobiiltelefonid
Made for you, the OnePlus 12 works smoother than you think, combining cutting-edge hardware with the latest optimized software seamlessly. Time creates space for creative work and leaves a mark around us. An elegant design inspired by world-famous luxury watches and incredible craftsmanship can be seen in every detail. A display that really works Experience the all-new, record-breaking 2K 120 Hz ProXDR display with advanced LTPO technology. The picture is much brighter and more vivid than usual. Thanks to Aqua Touch technology, swiping the screen runs like water, but also when your finger or the screen is wet. A completely new type of display that uses the latest OLED materials in a diamond pixel configuration. A typical brightness of 1,600 nits and an industry-leading peak brightness of 4,500 nits ensure good visibility even in bright sunlight. 2 160 Hz PWM dimming, AI-based automatic brightness, intelligent color temperature, sleep mode and low blue light ensure the best possible comfort for the eyes. The 4th generation Hasselblad mobile camera system Now you can create stunning masterpieces with ease using Sony´s new LYT-808 main sensor, 64MP 3X periscope camera and 114-degree ultra-wide-angle camera. Frame crystal clear moments perfectly. The large 1/1.4 inch Sony´s LYT-808 sensor together with the latest ALC anti-reflection coating and a larger FWC ensures razor-sharp and life-like photos. The return of the OnePlus legend. The extra-large OIS sensor, enhanced with an advanced optical coating, produces crystal-clear images in sunlight and moonlight, 24/7. Core full of power More than any Pro or Ultra – the OnePlus 12 takes the power of a flagship phone to a whole new level. A state-of-the-art processor, up to 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM and a massive 5400mAh battery show what real performance means. Ultra-fast wireless charging Boost power with a 5,400 mAh battery and 100W SUPERVOOC and 50W AIRVOOC charging. With 100W SUPERVOOC fast charging, you charge the battery from empty to full in just 26 minutes. Battery Health Engine technology ensures that the battery remains in excellent condition for at least four years. Technical information: Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Graphics processor: Adreno™ 750 @ 903 MHz Operating system: Oxygen OS 14, based on the Android 14 operating system Screen: 6.82" QHD+ AMOLED, LTPO technology, 3168 x 1440 resolution, aspect ratio 19.8:9, 510 ppi, 120 Hz Main camera: Sony LYT808; Resolution: 50 MP; Size: 1/1.4"; Pixel size: 1.12 μm, field of view 85 degrees, 7P lenses, autofocus, OIS Ultra wide angle camera: Sony IMX581; Resolution 48 MP; size: 1/2"; pixel size: 0.8 μm, field of view 114 degrees, 6P lenses, autofocus Telecamera: Omnivision OV64B40; Resolution: 64 MP; Size: 1/2"; Pixel size: 0.7 μm, field of view 33 degrees, 4P lenses, autofocus, OIS Selfie camera: 32 MP; aperture size f/2.4; field of view 90°; 5P lenses; fixed focus Video: 8K 24 fps, 4K 60 fps or 30 fps, 1080p 60 fps or 30 fps and 720p 60 fps or 30 fps Memory: 512 GB storage (UFS 4.0), 16 GB LPDDR5X RAM Connections: GPRS, EDGE, 3G, LTE, 5G, 4x4 MIMO, W-FI 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be (2.4GHz, 5.0GHz, 6GHz) Bluetooth 5.4, USB Type-C, GPS / GLONASS / Galileo / BDS / QZSS Other: Dual-SIM (e-sim + nano-sim), fingerprint reader on the screen, facial recognition, IP65, NFC Battery: 5400 mAh, supports 100W SUPERVOOC fast charging, AirVOOC wireless charging up to 50W, Qi charging 5-11W, wireless reverse charging up to 10W Dimensions: 164.3 x 75.8 x 9.15 mm, weight approx. 220 g
979,00 €
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 512GB Flowy Emerald
Tootekood: 5011105295 GTIN: 6921815626039 Mobiiltelefonid
Made for you, the OnePlus 12 works smoother than you think, combining cutting-edge hardware with the latest optimized software seamlessly. Time creates space for creative work and leaves a mark around us. An elegant design inspired by world-famous luxury watches and incredible craftsmanship can be seen in every detail. A display that really works Experience the all-new, record-breaking 2K 120 Hz ProXDR display with advanced LTPO technology. The picture is much brighter and more vivid than usual. Thanks to Aqua Touch technology, swiping the screen runs like water, but also when your finger or the screen is wet. A completely new type of display that uses the latest OLED materials in a diamond pixel configuration. A typical brightness of 1,600 nits and an industry-leading peak brightness of 4,500 nits ensure good visibility even in bright sunlight. 2 160 Hz PWM dimming, AI-based automatic brightness, intelligent color temperature, sleep mode and low blue light ensure the best possible comfort for the eyes. The 4th generation Hasselblad mobile camera system Now you can create stunning masterpieces with ease using Sony´s new LYT-808 main sensor, 64MP 3X periscope camera and 114-degree ultra-wide-angle camera. Frame crystal clear moments perfectly. The large 1/1.4 inch Sony´s LYT-808 sensor together with the latest ALC anti-reflection coating and a larger FWC ensures razor-sharp and life-like photos. The return of the OnePlus legend. The extra-large OIS sensor, enhanced with an advanced optical coating, produces crystal-clear images in sunlight and moonlight, 24/7. Core full of power More than any Pro or Ultra – the OnePlus 12 takes the power of a flagship phone to a whole new level. A state-of-the-art processor, up to 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM and a massive 5400mAh battery show what real performance means. Ultra-fast wireless charging Boost power with a 5,400 mAh battery and 100W SUPERVOOC and 50W AIRVOOC charging. With 100W SUPERVOOC fast charging, you charge the battery from empty to full in just 26 minutes. Battery Health Engine technology ensures that the battery remains in excellent condition for at least four years. Technical information: Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Graphics processor: Adreno™ 750 @ 903 MHz Operating system: Oxygen OS 14, based on the Android 14 operating system Screen: 6.82" QHD+ AMOLED, LTPO technology, 3168 x 1440 resolution, aspect ratio 19.8:9, 510 ppi, 120 Hz Main camera: Sony LYT808; Resolution: 50 MP; Size: 1/1.4"; Pixel size: 1.12 μm, field of view 85 degrees, 7P lenses, autofocus, OIS Ultra wide angle camera: Sony IMX581; Resolution 48 MP; size: 1/2"; pixel size: 0.8 μm, field of view 114 degrees, 6P lenses, autofocus Telecamera: Omnivision OV64B40; Resolution: 64 MP; Size: 1/2"; Pixel size: 0.7 μm, field of view 33 degrees, 4P lenses, autofocus, OIS Selfie camera: 32 MP; aperture size f/2.4; field of view 90°; 5P lenses; fixed focus Video: 8K 24 fps, 4K 60 fps or 30 fps, 1080p 60 fps or 30 fps and 720p 60 fps or 30 fps Memory: 512 GB storage (UFS 4.0), 16 GB LPDDR5X RAM Connections: GPRS, EDGE, 3G, LTE, 5G, 4x4 MIMO, W-FI 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be (2.4GHz, 5.0GHz, 6GHz) Bluetooth 5.4, USB Type-C, GPS / GLONASS / Galileo / BDS / QZSS Other: Dual-SIM (e-sim + nano-sim), fingerprint reader on the screen, facial recognition, IP65, NFC Battery: 5400 mAh, supports 100W SUPERVOOC fast charging, AirVOOC wireless charging up to 50W, Qi charging 5-11W, wireless reverse charging up to 10W Dimensions: 164.3 x 75.8 x 9.15 mm, weight approx. 220 g
932,50 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 8 128GB Obsidian Black
Tootekood: GA04803 GTIN: 840244706692 Mobiiltelefonid
6,2-tolline OLED 2400x1080, 120 Hz; 50 MP põhikaamera + OIS; 10,5 MP selfie; Kogu päeva aku tööiga; Võimas Tensor G3 ahel
629,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 7 256GB Obsidian
Tootekood: GA04528 GTIN: 810029936644 Mobiiltelefonid
Ekraani suurus:6,3'' (16 cm); Põhikaamera:Dual 50 + 12; Telefoni sisseehitatud mälu:256 GB; Protsessor:Google Tensor G2 (5 nm); Operatiivmälu (RAM):8 GB; Aku mahutavus:4355
430,78 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 512GB Titanium Gray
Tootekood: SM-S928BZTH GTIN: 8806095309200 Mobiiltelefonid
The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1274,30 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 512GB Titanium Black
Tootekood: SM-S928BZKH GTIN: 8806095308180 Mobiiltelefonid
The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1277,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G 128GB Cloud Navy
Tootekood: SM-G781BZBD GTIN: 8806090709739 Mobiiltelefonid
LAUNCH Announced 2020, September 23 Status Available. Released 2020, October 02 BODY Dimensions 159.8 x 74.5 x 8.4 mm Weight 190 g Build Glass front (Gorilla Glass 3), plastic back, aluminum frame SIM Hybrid Dual SIM (Nano-SIM, dual stand-by) Samsung Pay (Visa, MasterCard certified) IP68 dust/water resistant (up to 1.5m for 30 mins) DISPLAY Type Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors Size 6.5 inches, 101.0 cm2 (~84.8% screen-to-body ratio) Resolution 1080 x 2400 pixels, 20:9 ratio (~407 ppi density) Protection Corning Gorilla Glass 3 Always-on display 120Hz refresh rate PLATFORM OS Android 10, One UI 2.5 Chipset Qualcomm SM8250 Snapdragon 865 (7 nm+) CPU Octa-core (1x2.84 GHz Kryo 585 & 3x2.42 GHz Kryo 585 & 4x1.8 GHz Kryo 585) GPU Adreno 650 MEMORY Card slot microSDXC (uses shared SIM slot) Internal 128GB 6GB RAM UFS 3.1 MAIN CAMERA Triple 12 MP, f/1.8, 26mm (wide), 1/1.76", 1.8µm, Dual Pixel PDAF, OIS 8 MP, f/2.0, 73mm (telephoto), 1/4.5", 1.0µm, PDAF, OIS, 3x optical zoom 12 MP, f/2.2, 123˚, 13mm (ultrawide), 1/3.0", 1.12µm Features LED flash, auto-HDR, panorama Video 4K, 1080p, gyro-EIS SELFIE CAMERA Single 32 MP, f/2.0, 26mm (wide), 1/2.74", 0.8µm Features HDR Video 4K, 1080p SOUND Loudspeaker Yes, with stereo speakers 3.5mm jack No 32-bit/384kHz audio Tuned by AKG COMMS WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/6, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot Bluetooth 5.0, A2DP, LE GPS Yes, with A-GPS, GLONASS, BDS, GALILEO NFC Yes Radio Unspecified USB USB Type-C, USB On-The-Go FEATURES Sensors Fingerprint (under display, optical), accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer Bixby natural langu
449,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB Titanium Gray
Tootekood: SM-S928BZTG GTIN: 8806095414485 Mobiiltelefonid
The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1138,60 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 6 128GB Stormy Black
Tootekood: GA02900 GTIN: 810029930451 Mobiiltelefonid
Google Pixel 6 16,3 cm (6.4") DUAL-SIM Android 12 5G USB tüüp-C 8 4614 mAh
1-3 tp
399,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 6a 128GB Charcoal
Tootekood: GA02998 GTIN: 810029934961 Mobiiltelefonid
• 6,1” FHD+ (1080 × 2400) OLED ekraan • Kahe objektiiviga kaamerasüsteem • 6 GB LPDDR5 RAM, 128 GB sisemälu • 4410 mAh aku • Telefon toetab 18W kiirlaadimist (laadimisadapter müügil eraldi) • Nano-SIM kaardipesa (+ eSIM) • Ekraanialune sõrmejäljelugeja
349,94 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 7 128GB Lemongrass
Tootekood: GA03943 GTIN: 840244700676 Mobiiltelefonid
Google Pixel 7 Lemongrass, 6.3 ", AMOLED, 1080 x 2400, Google Tensor G2 (5 nm), Internal RAM 8 GB, 128 GB, Dual SIM, Nano-SIM, 4G, 5G, Main camera 50+12 MP, Secondary camera 10.8 MP, Android, 13, 4355 mAh
431,50 €
Monitor Lenovo 32" LCD L32P-30
Tootekood: 66C9UAC1EU GTIN: 195477678941 Monitorid
Display diagonal, ": 31.5 Panel type: IPS Aspect ratio: 16:9 ekraani resolutsioon, pixels: 3840 x 2160 Pixel pitch, mm: 0.1816 x 0.1816 vaatenurk, vertikaalne, °: 178 vaatenurk, horisontaalne, °: 178 reageerimisaeg, ms: 6 Refresh rate, Hz: 60 Display eredus, cd/m²: 350 kontrast ratio (typical): 1000:1 Connections: HDMI Connections: DisplayPort Kõlari tugevus, W: 2 x 3 energiatarbimine, W: 40 Connections: USB-C (Gen1) sisseehitatud Kõlarid: Yes reguleeritav kõrgus: No Pivot: No Touch sensitive screen: No mõõtmed (W x D x H) with stand, mm: 714.2 x 206.7 x 523.0 kaal with stand, g: 7800 Display värvi: 1.07 B mõõtmed W x D x H, mm: 714.2 x 56.2 x 424.4 VESA-standard, mm: 100 x 100 Connections: Audio (3.5mm) Connections: USB Hub sisseehitatud kaamera: N/A
347,06 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 8 128GB Rose
Tootekood: GA04856 GTIN: 840244706982 Mobiiltelefonid
Ekraani suurus:6,2" (15,75 cm); Põhikaamera:Dual 50 + 12; Telefoni sisseehitatud mälu:128 GB; Protsessor:Google Tensor G3 (4 nm); Operatiivmälu (RAM):8 GB; Aku mahutavus:4575
599,00 €
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 256GB Silky Black
Tootekood: 5011105292 GTIN: 6921815625940 Mobiiltelefonid
Made for you, the OnePlus 12 works smoother than you think, combining cutting-edge hardware with the latest optimized software seamlessly. Time creates space for creative work and leaves a mark around us. An elegant design inspired by world-famous luxury watches and incredible craftsmanship can be seen in every detail. A display that really works Experience the all-new, record-breaking 2K 120 Hz ProXDR display with advanced LTPO technology. The picture is much brighter and more vivid than usual. Thanks to Aqua Touch technology, swiping the screen runs like water, but also when your finger or the screen is wet. A completely new type of display that uses the latest OLED materials in a diamond pixel configuration. A typical brightness of 1,600 nits and an industry-leading peak brightness of 4,500 nits ensure good visibility even in bright sunlight. 2 160 Hz PWM dimming, AI-based automatic brightness, intelligent color temperature, sleep mode and low blue light ensure the best possible comfort for the eyes. The 4th generation Hasselblad mobile camera system Now you can create stunning masterpieces with ease using Sony´s new LYT-808 main sensor, 64MP 3X periscope camera and 114-degree ultra-wide-angle camera. Frame crystal clear moments perfectly. The large 1/1.4 inch Sony´s LYT-808 sensor together with the latest ALC anti-reflection coating and a larger FWC ensures razor-sharp and life-like photos. The return of the OnePlus legend. The extra-large OIS sensor, enhanced with an advanced optical coating, produces crystal-clear images in sunlight and moonlight, 24/7. Core full of power More than any Pro or Ultra – the OnePlus 12 takes the power of a flagship phone to a whole new level. A state-of-the-art processor, up to 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM and a massive 5400mAh battery show what real performance means. Ultra-fast wireless charging Boost power with a 5,400 mAh battery and 100W SUPERVOOC and 50W AIRVOOC charging. With 100W SUPERVOOC fast charging, you charge the battery from empty to full in just 26 minutes. Battery Health Engine technology ensures that the battery remains in excellent condition for at least four years. Technical information: Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Graphics processor: Adreno™ 750 @ 903 MHz Operating system: Oxygen OS 14, based on the Android 14 operating system Screen: 6.82" QHD+ AMOLED, LTPO technology, 3168 x 1440 resolution, aspect ratio 19.8:9, 510 ppi, 120 Hz Main camera: Sony LYT808; Resolution: 50 MP; Size: 1/1.4"; Pixel size: 1.12 μm, field of view 85 degrees, 7P lenses, autofocus, OIS Ultra wide angle camera: Sony IMX581; Resolution 48 MP; size: 1/2"; pixel size: 0.8 μm, field of view 114 degrees, 6P lenses, autofocus Telecamera: Omnivision OV64B40; Resolution: 64 MP; Size: 1/2"; Pixel size: 0.7 μm, field of view 33 degrees, 4P lenses, autofocus, OIS Selfie camera: 32 MP; aperture size f/2.4; field of view 90°; 5P lenses; fixed focus Video: 8K 24 fps, 4K 60 fps or 30 fps, 1080p 60 fps or 30 fps and 720p 60 fps or 30 fps Memory: 512 GB storage (UFS 4.0), 16 GB LPDDR5X RAM Connections: GPRS, EDGE, 3G, LTE, 5G, 4x4 MIMO, W-FI 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be (2.4GHz, 5.0GHz, 6GHz) Bluetooth 5.4, USB Type-C, GPS / GLONASS / Galileo / BDS / QZSS Other: Dual-SIM (e-sim + nano-sim), fingerprint reader on the screen, facial recognition, IP65, NFC Battery: 5400 mAh, supports 100W SUPERVOOC fast charging, AirVOOC wireless charging up to 50W, Qi charging 5-11W, wireless reverse charging up to 10W Dimensions: 164.3 x 75.8 x 9.15 mm, weight approx. 220 g
897,30 €
Peegelkaamera Canon EOS R mikrosüsteemi kaamera + 24-105mm objektiiv
Tootekood: 3075C033 GTIN: 4549292171365 Peegelkaamerad
30,3 megapiksline täiskaader sensor; 8 kaadrit sekundis; Kiire ja sujuv Dual Pixel CMOS AF teravustamine fotodel ja videotes; ISO 100-40000; WiFi, Bluetooth; USB 3.1 liides; kiire AF kehvades valgustingimustes (-6 EV); 4K, 10 bit
1-3 tp
2166,00 €
Monitor DELL 27" LCD P2722HE
Tootekood: 210-AZZB GTIN: 5397184505250 Monitorid
DELL P2722HE 68.6 cm (27") 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD LCD Black
222,04 €
−9,34 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 6 128GB Sorta Seafoam
Tootekood: GA02910 GTIN: 810029930468 Mobiiltelefonid
Google Pixel 6 16,3 cm (6.4") DUAL-SIM Android 12 5G USB tüüp-C 8 4614 mAh
399,00 €
Emaplaat ASRock Socket AM4 B450M-HDV R4.0
Tootekood: B450M-HDVR4.0 GTIN: 4717611337611 Emaplaadid
AMD Promontory B450 Max memory size: 32 Max. number of SATA devices: 4 Max. number of ATA devices: 0 Detailed data on disk/drive interfaces: 4 x SATA3 6.0 Gb/s Connectors, support RAID (RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 10), NCQ, AHCI and Hot Plug1 x Ultra M.2 Socket, supports M Key type 2242/2260/2280 M.2 SATA3 6.0 Gb/s module and M.2 PCI Express module up to Gen3 x4 Graphics: Integrated AMD Radeon Vega Series Graphics in Ryzen Series APU DirectX 12, Pixel Shader 5.0 Shared memory default 2GB. Max Shared memory supports up to 16GB. Three graphics output options: D-Sub, DVI-D and HDMI Supports Triple Monitor Supports HDMI with max. resolution up to 4K x 2K (4096x2160) @ 24Hz / (3840x2160) @ 30Hz Supports DVI-D with max. resolution up to 1920x1200 @ 60Hz Supports D-Sub with max. resolution up to 2048x1536 @ 60Hz Supports Auto Lip Sync, Deep Color (12bpc), xvYCC and HBR (High Bit Rate Audio) with HDMI Port (Compliant HDMI monitor is required) Supports HDCP 1.4 with DVI-D and HDMI Ports Supports 4K Ultra HD (UHD) playback with HDMI Port Sound card: 7.1 CH HD Audio (Realtek ALC887 Audio Codec) Supports Surge Protection ELNA Audio Caps Network interface: PCIE x1 Gigabit LAN 10/100/1000 Mb/s Realtek RTL8111H Supports Wake-On-LAN Supports Lightning/ESD Protection Supports Energy Efficient Ethernet 802.3az Supports PXE USB ports at back panel: 6 USB ports on motherboard: 6 Number of USB 3.0/USB 3.1 gen 1/USB 3.2 gen 1 ports: 6 Number of USB 3.1/USB 3.1 gen 2/USB 3.2 gen 2 ports: 0 Special functions: Software ASRock A-Tuning ASRock XFast LAN UEFI ASRock Full HD UEFI ASRock Instant Flash ASRock Easy RAID Installer BIOS: 128Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS with multilingual GUI support Supports "Plug and Play" ACPI 5.1 compliance wake up events Supports jumperfree SMBIOS 2.3 support DRAM Voltage multi-adjustment Dimensions: 23.0 cm x 20.1 cm Accessories included: Quick Installation Guide Support CD I/O Shield SATA Data Cables x 2 Screws for M.2 Sockets x 2
1-3 tp
55,90 €
+1,50 €
Monitor Iiyama 27" LCD XUB2792QSC
Tootekood: XUB2792QSC-B1 GTIN: 4948570117932 Monitorid
TFT screen, 68,6 cm (27"), 2560x1440 pixels, VESA mount (100x100 mm), speaker, adjustable pole, 4ms, brightness: 350cd, viewing angle: 178°(H/V), contrast: 1000:1, USB-C, audio, display-port, HDMI, incl.: cable (HDMI), power supply unit, power cable, QSG
271,90 €
+15,70 €
Mobiiltelefon Asus ROG Phone 6, 16+512GB Black
Tootekood: 90AI00B5-M000Y0 GTIN: 4711081835578 Mobiiltelefonid
Ekraan: EKRAANI DIAGONAAL: 6.78 " (~82.2% ekraani keresuhe) PANEEL: AMOLED, 165Hz, HDR10+, 800 nitti LAHUTUSVÕIME: 1080 x 2448 pixels (~395 ppi) Jõudlus: PROTSESSORI KIIP: Qualcomm SM8475 Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 (4 nm) TUUMADE ARV: Octa-core (1x3.19 GHz Cortex-X2 & 3x2.75 GHz Cortex-A710 & 4x1.80 GHz Cortex-A510) Mälu: PÜSIMÄLU: 512 GB OPERATIIVMÄLU: 16GB Kaamera: PÕHIKAAMERA: 50 MP PÕHIKAAMERA APERATUUR(F): f/1.9, (wide), 1/1.56 PÕHIKAAMERA FILMIMIS PROTOKOLLID: 8K@24fps, 4K@30/60/120fps, 1080p@30/60/120/240fps, 720p@480fps; gyro-EIS ESIKAAMERA: 12 MP, 28mm (wide) Ühenduvus: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2x2 MIMO 4*4 MIMO Bluetooth V5.2 (EDR + A2DP) Supports aptX and aptX HD Wi-Fi 6E NFC TYPE-C: USB Type-C 3.1 (side), USB Type-C 2.0 (bottom) KÕRVAKLAPI PISTIK: Jah Muu: AKUMAHT: Li-Po 6000 mAh, integreeritud Kiirlaadimine 65W, 100% 42 min (tootja andmetel) SIM TÜÜP: Dual SIM (Nano-SIM, dual stand-by) 5G: HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1700(AWS) / 1900 / 2100 - Version B 4G: HSDPA 800 / 850 / 900 / 1700(AWS) / 1900 / 2100 - Version A, Version C 3G: CDMA 800 SENSORID: Sõrmejäljelugeja (optiline ekraani all), accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass Värvus: Must Kaal: 228g GARANTII: 2 aastat
1083,02 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 512GB Titanium Violet
Tootekood: SM-S928BZVH GTIN: 8806095308784 Mobiiltelefonid
The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1298,00 €
Mobiiltelefon UleFone Ulefone Power Armor 18 Ultra 12/512GB Black
Tootekood: UF-PA18U/BK GTIN: 6937748735755 Mobiiltelefonid
Główny aparat o rozdzielczości 108 MP - Rewolucyjna fotografia Poznaj 108MP aparat nowej generacji wzmocniony przez ISOCELL HM2 firmy Samsung. Duża matryca 1/1,52 cala, wyposażona w technologię ISOCELL Plus i Smart-ISO, gwarantuje doskonałe naświetlenie i niski poziom szumów, dzięki czemu możesz uchwycić żywe, realistyczne obrazy i wspaniałe filmy 4K w każdej chwili. Ponadto, dzięki technologii 9-in-1 pixel binning, która zwiększa rozmiar pikseli z 0,7m do 2,1m, matryca może wykonywać niewiarygodnie wyraźne zdjęcia, zarówno w dzień, jak i w nocy. Aparat Makro 5MP - 60x Super Powiększenie Odkryj miniaturowy świat w super bliskim ujęciu makro. Potężne 60-krotne powiększenie pozwala na bardzo szczegółowe badanie obiektów zarówno na zewnątrz, jak i w pomieszczeniach, na przykład w celu sprawdzenia pęknięć dachu, kontroli sprzętu oraz oglądania drobnych obiektów, takich jak małe owady i skały.  8MP Ultra Wide Camera Broaden the Horizon The 8MP Ultra Wide camera allows more of a scene to be captured with an expansive 118.8-degree field of view. This makes it perfect for architectural, landscape, and cityscape photography. Przedni Aparat 32MP HD - Pokaż się z najlepszej strony Zupełnie nowy przedni aparat 32 MP HD z sensorem Samsung S5KGD1 zapewnia niesamowitą wyrazistość obrazu i pomoże Ci zrobić piękne selfie także w słabym oświetleniu. Dzięki funkcjom ulepszania portretów możesz mieć pewność, że na każdym zdjęciu będziesz wyglądać idealnie. MediaTek Dimensity 7050 5G - Najszybszy Chip w historii pancernych telefonów MediaTek Dimensity 7050 5G w Power Armor 18 Ultra osiąga przełomową prędkość i wydajność. Procesor 2.6GHz o wysokiej częstotliwości Arm Cortex-A78 współpracuje z potężnym procesorem graficznym Arm Mali-G68, zapewniając wyższy poziom obliczeń danych i zdolności przetwarzania obrazu przy mniejszym zużyciu energii. Wiodący proces technologiczny 6nm znacznie wydłuża czas pracy na baterii nawet dla wymagających użytkowników, a zintegrowana z chipem sieć 5G zapewnia szybkie, stabilne i szerokopasmowe połączenia. Aż do 24GB RAM - 512 GB ROM Ciesz się najwyższą prędkością na wyciągnięcie ręki. 12 GB wirtualnej pamięci RAM umożliwia jednoczesne działanie wielu wymagających aplikacji. Dodatkowo do 512 GB pamięci wewnętrznej możesz dodać kartę microSD o pojemności do 2 TB, która zapewni Ci mnóstwo miejsca na kolejne aplikacje, pliki, zdjęcia i filmy. *Rozszerzenie pamięci wirtualnej może być aktywowane w Ustawieniach i dodaje do 12GB pamięci RAM. Niektóre aplikacje mogą nie być kompatybilne z tą funkcją. *Karta microSD nie jest dołączona do zestawu i należy ją zakupić osobno. Wyświetlacz 6,58 FHD+ - Niezwykła jakość obrazu Duży 6,58-calowy wyświetlacz FHD+ oferuje wspaniałe, żywe kolory i ogromną szczegółowość. Obrazy i filmy wyglądają na nim niezwykłe pod każdym kątem. Niezależnie od tego, czy przeglądasz treści, oglądasz filmy czy grasz w gry, będziesz zachwycony! Odświeżanie 120Hz - Niesamowita Płynność Wyświetlacz 120 Hz odświeża obraz dwa razy szybciej niż zwykły ekran 60 Hz, co zapewnia niesamowitą płynność, a częstotliwość próbkowania dotyku 240 Hz gwarantuje szybką reakcję, dzięki czemu możesz osiągnąć jeszcze lepszą wydajność w grach. Corning Gorilla Glass 5 - Podwójna odporność na wstrząsy Corning Gorilla Glass 5 gwarantuje doskonałą ochronę przed upadkami, uderzeniami i uszkodzeniami, które pojawiają się podczas codziennego użytkowania, jednocześnie umożliwiając smukły i elegancki design Power Armor 18. W testach laboratoryjnych szkło o grubości 1,1 mm wytrzymuje upadki na twarde powierzchnie z wysokości 1,5 metra, a także zapewnia 2x większą odporność na zarysowania. Prawdziwie wytrzymała bestia Power Armor 18 Ultra dzięki wytrzymałej obudowie i wzmocnionym komponentom jest w pełni odpornym i prawie niezniszczalnym telefonem w każdych warunkach. Spełnia normy MIL-STD 810G, w których jest wielokrotnie testowany na upadek z wysokości, na wszystkich powierzchniach, krawędziach i brzegach, a także posiada stopień ochrony IP68 i IP69K, co zapewnia najwyższą ochronę przed wodą, kurzem, brudem, piaskiem, wilgocią, a nawet słoną mgłą. Pasuje do Twojego aktywnego stylu życia Niezależnie od tego, czy będziesz używać telefonu na zewnątrz w trudnych warunkach pogodowych, na budowie lub w przemyśle, a nawet podczas uprawiania sportów ekstremalnych, takich jak wspinaczka, kajakarstwo czy nurkowanie, Power Armor 18 Ultra nigdy Cię nie zawiedzie. Ogromna bateria 9600 mAh - Niekończąca się energia Potężna bateria o pojemności 9600 mAh sprawia, że telefon działa dłużej, a na jednym ładowaniu można go używać nawet do czterech dni. Nigdy więcej nie stresuj się brakiem baterii. 66W Super szybkiego ładowania - 20% baterii w 10min Naładuj swój telefon w mgnieniu oka dzięki błyskawicznemu ładowaniu 66W Flash Charge. Nawet wysoką pojemność baterii 9600mAh można naładować do 20% w zaledwie 10 minut. Dodatkowo, ładowarka, kabel ładujący i telefon posiadają układ zarządzania energią, aby zapobiec przeładowaniu lub przegrzaniu baterii, co gwarantuje 100% bezpieczne ładowanie. Ładowanie Bezprzewodowe 15W Ładowanie bezprzewodowe 15W Qi znacznie ułatwia ładowanie telefonu - wystarczy położyć telefon na podkładce ładującej. Raz na zawsze zapomnij o plączących się kablach. Ładowanie Zwrotne Ładowanie zwrotne 5W OTG może być czasem ratunkiem. Pozwala dzielić się energią z innym telefonem, zegarkiem czy słuchawkami w podróży. Szybsze Wi-Fi 6 - Kosmiczna prędkość Odkryj superszybką prędkość Wi-Fi 6. W porównaniu z Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 6 nowej generacji (802.11ax) jest do 3x szybsze, ma o 66% mniejsze opóźnienia, szerszy zasięg, silniejsze przenikanie sygnału i mniejsze zużycie baterii. Złącze uSmart - Zaprojektowane dla profesjonalistów Złącze uSmart umożliwia łatwy dostęp do profesjonalnych akcesoriów, takich jak endoskop, lupa, kamera noktowizyjna itp. Dzięki prostej instalacji, Twój Power Armor 18T może zamienić się w profesjonalne urządzenie wspomagające Twoją pracę.  *Aby poznać więcej urządzeń, które są kompatybilne ze złączem uSmart, zaleca się zapoznanie z naszą listą akcesoriów. Urządzenia rozszerzające wymagają dodatkowego zakupu. Dwupasmowy GPS L1+L5 - Szybsza i dokładniejsza lokalizacja Nowa dwupasmowa technologia GPS może odbierać sygnały satelitarne zarówno z pasma częstotliwości L1, jak i L5, oferując znaczną poprawę dokładności, która umożliwia pozycjonowanie w czasie rzeczywistym z dokładnością do kilku centymetrów. Najnowszy Android 13 Bardziej spersonalizowany, bezpieczniejszy i prostszy w użyciu niż kiedykolwiek, Android 13 oferuje dużą zmianę wizualną, nowe funkcje prywatności i lepsze sposoby przesyłania starych danych. Wyjątkowe Etui Armor Etui Armor dla Power Armor 18 Ultra jest wykonane ze sztywnego plastiku, aby zapewnić dodatkową ochronę. Wyposażone jest w wytrzymały karabinek i zaczep do paska, dzięki czemu można przymocować telefon do plecaka lub paska, aby ułatwić dostęp podczas przygód w plenerze. Jeszcze więcej przydatnych funkcji - Wielofunkcyjne NFC Technologia NFC oferuje skuteczny sposób udostępniania danych, dokonywania płatności mobilnych i łączenia innych urządzeń elektronicznych za pomocą jednego dotknięcia. Audio Jack 3,5mm Uniwersalne gniazdo audio Jack 3,5 mm przesyła analogowy sygnał stereo prosto do słuchawek i pozwala cieszyć się muzyką podczas ładowania telefonu. Radio FM bez konieczności podłączania słuchawek Zapomniałeś zabrać słuchawek? Nie martw się, możesz słuchać Radia FM bez konieczności podłączania słuchawek.
487,12 €
+0,10 €
Monitor Acer 27" LCD B276HULC
Tootekood: UM.HB6EE.C05 GTIN: 4713392498411 Monitorid
Sharp detailsFocus more clearly on your tasks thanks to the very high resolution of these monitors. Choose from WQHD1 resolution all the way up to Ultra HD (4K2K)1 resolution, which delivers four times more pixels and detail than Full HD.Comfortable computingWork comfortably for hours with Acer B6 Series monitors. Acer ComfyView™ technology reduces glare, for greater eye comfort. In-Plane-Switching1 technology lets you see perfect images from wide viewing angles, for even more clarity and comfort.Brilliant colorsThese monitors deliver 100% sRGB coverage1, for perfectly recreated colors. Some models feature 6-axis color adjustment, which lets you fine-tune the colors for amazing color accuracy.Flexible designFind a working angle that's perfect for you with the Acer ErgoStand1, a stand that lets you easily adjust the screen’s height, as well as letting you tilt and swivel it easily. Another great feature of the ErgoStand is that it allows you to effortlessly rotate the screen to portrait mode.Eco-friendly designProfessional Series monitors comply with RoHS, EPEAT3 Gold, TCO, and ENERGY STAR 6.0 requirements.1 Their Acer EcoDisplay design plus white LED backlighting yield significant power savings. More than 10% of the material used in these monitors is post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic,2 further reducing environmental impact.Ekraani diagonaal68,6 cm (27")Ekraani heledus350 cd/m²Ekraani resolutsioon2560 x 1440 pikslitReaktsiooniaeg6 msEkraanLEDEkraani tehnoloogiaLEDToetatud graafikaresolutsioonid2560 x 1440Kontrastsustase (tüüpiline)100000000:1Ekraani värvide arv1,073 miljardit värviLoomulik kuvasuhe16:93D-ühilduvusEiKuvasuhe16:9Ekraani diagonaal (meetermõõdustik)68,8 cmSisseehitatud kõlar(id)JahSisseehitatud kaameraEiIntegreeritud TV-tuunerEiToote värvHallSisseehitatud USB-jaoturJahDVI-portJahVESA paigaldamineEiKõrguse reguleerimineJahSisse/välja lülitiJahKaldenurk-5 - 35°Kõrguse reguleerimine15 cmLaius611,6 mmSügavus246,7 mmKõrgus366,8 mmKaal8,1 kgLaius (koos alusega)611,6 mmSügavus (koos alusega)246,7 mmKõrgus (koos alusega)542,8 mmKaal koos statiiviga8,4 kg
246,56 €
Peegelkaamera Canon EOS 2000D + 18-55 IS
Tootekood: 2728C003 GTIN: 4549292111859 Peegelkaamerad
Type: SLR, Megapixel (effective): 24.1, Sensor: CMOS (22.3x14.9mm), 3.72μm pixel size, Autofocus: phase comparison, 9 fields (1 cross sensor), resolutions: max. 6000x3368 (16: 9) / 6000x4000 (3: 2) / 5328x4000 (4: 3) / 4000x4000 (1: 1) pixels (JPEG / RAW), 14bit, lens bayonet: Canon EF / EF-S, crop factor 1.6, Image stabilizer: no, Display: 3.0 "LCD, Live View, 920000 pixels, Viewfinder: Pentopiegel with diopter compensation (95% field of view, 0.80x magnification), Flash: integrated and hot shoe, Flash synchronization: 1 / 200s, first shutter curtain, second shutter curtain, Video function: MOV H.264 (max 1920x1080 (16: 9) / 640x480 (4: 3) @ 30 frames / sec), Photosensitivity (ISO): 100-6400 (expandable to 100-12800), Shutter speed: 1 / 4000-30s, continuous shooting: up to 3 frames / sec., Removable storage: SD / SDHC / SDXC, ports: USB 2.0, HDMI Out, wireless: WLAN 802.11b / g / n, NFC, Power supply: Li-ion battery (LP-E10), dimensions (WxHxD): 129x101.3x77.6mm, weight: 475g, manufacturer's warranty: one year, delivery included: Lens EF-S 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 IS II, 2728C003AA
468,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 6 Pro 128GB Stormy Black
Tootekood: GA03164 GTIN: 810029930918 Mobiiltelefonid
Google’i ja Sinu parim kooslus.Kõige nutikam ja kiirem Pixel. Pixeli seeria päris oma lipulaev. Google Tensor on Google-i enda
1-3 tp
399,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 6a 128GB Sage
Tootekood: GA03715 GTIN: 810029934985 Mobiiltelefonid
• 6,1” FHD+ (1080 × 2400) OLED ekraan • Kahe objektiiviga kaamerasüsteem • 6 GB LPDDR5 RAM, 128 GB sisemälu • 4410 mAh aku • Telefon toetab 18W kiirlaadimist (laadimisadapter müügil eraldi) • Nano-SIM kaardipesa (+ eSIM) • Ekraanialune sõrmejäljelugeja
368,00 €
Monitor Philips 32" LCD 329M1RV
Tootekood: 329M1RV/00 GTIN: 8712581772482 Monitorid
Philips Momentum 329M1RV - LED monitor - 4K - 32" - HDR seadme tüüp: LED-backlit LCD monitor - 32" Energiaklass: Class G energiatarbimine (On mode): 40.6 W Features: USB 3.2/USB-C hub, USB PD 65 vatti Panel Type: IPS Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Native resolutsioon: 4K 3840 x 2160 (DisplayPort: 144 Hz, HDMI: 144 Hz, USB-C: 120 Hz) Pixel Pitch: 0.181 mm eredus: 500 cd/m² kontrast Ratio: 1000:1 HDR Capable: DisplayHDR 1000 reageerimisaeg: 3 ms (grey-to-grey); 1 ms (MPRT) värv Support: 1.07 billion colours Sisendühendused: 3xHDMI, DisplayPort, USB-C Display Position Adjustments: Height, swivel, tilt Screen Coating: Anti-glare, 3H Hard Coating, Haze 25% pinge: AC 100-240 V (50/60 Hz) värv: Textured läikiv must mõõtmed (WxDxH) - with stand: 71.5 cm x 29.7 cm x 59.6 cm kaal: 11.63 kg Compliant Standards: Plug ja Play, TUV, CB, DDC/CI, RoHS, ISO 9241-307, TUV Bauart, CU-EAC, elavhõbedavaba, EAEU RoHS
1-3 tp
628,54 €
Tootekood: IPC-F26FEP GTIN: 6971927232406 Valveseadmed
Bullet 2 Pro delivers 2MP live monitoring with a choice of 2.8mm/3.6mm F1.6 high performace lens option, it supports four night vision modes for clear-as day clarity even in pitch dark. With IP67 certified metal casing, the camera can be used outdoors under different weather conditions. With built-in spotlight and 110dB security siren, Bullet 2 Pro actively keeps unwelcome visitors away from what you care about. Bullet 2 Pro 2MP Sensor size 1/2.8", Pixel Resolution 2 Mega Pixel Microphone Built-in, 1xRJ45 Supports card capacities up to 256GB, Power supply requirements 12V1A Dimensions 152.8 × 74.2 × 74.2mm, box quantity 1
1-3 tp
55,44 €
Diktofon Philips diktofon DPM 6700
Tootekood: DPM6700 GTIN: 9120056500260 Diktofonid
Philips DPM 6700. Maximum recording time: 30h, Recording modes: QP, SP, Audio formats supported: DSS, MP3, PCM. Display: TFT, Display resolution: 320 x 240 pixels, Display diagonal: 6.1 cm (2.4"). Output power: 200 mW, ...
499,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Google Pixel 6 128GB Kinda Coral
Tootekood: GA02920 GTIN: 810029930475 Mobiiltelefonid
Google Pixel 6 16,3 cm (6.4") DUAL-SIM Android 12 5G USB tüüp-C 8 4614 mAh
349,00 €
Monitor Philips 27" LCD 275S9JAL
Tootekood: 275S9JAL/00 GTIN: 8712581796402 Monitorid
Philips S-line 275S9JAL - LED monitor - QHD - 27" seadme tüüp: LED-backlit LCD monitor - 27" Energiaklass: Class F Features: USB Hub Panel Type: VA Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Native resolutsioon: QHD 2560 x 1440 Pixel Pitch: 0.2331 mm eredus: 300 cd/m² kontrast Ratio: 4000:1 / 50000000:1 (dynamic) reageerimisaeg: 4 ms (grey-to-grey) värv Support: 16.7 million colours värv Gamut: 119% sRGB, 84% NTSC Sisendühendused: HDMI, DisplayPort Screen Coating: Anti-glare, 3H Hard Coating, Haze 25% pinge: AC 100-240 V (50/60 Hz) värv: Textured must mõõtmed (WxDxH) - with stand: 61.4 cm x 22.6 cm x 47.7 cm kaal: 4.46 kg Environmental Standards: ENERGY STAR Qualified Compliant Standards: Plug ja Play, FCC Class B certified, TUV GS, SEMKO, CB, TUV Ergo, RoHS, CU-EAC, EAEU RoHS
1-3 tp
175,43 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 1TB Titanium Gray
Tootekood: SM-S928BZTP GTIN: 8806095309149 Mobiiltelefonid
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is an upcoming mobile by Samsung. The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1501,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Huawei P Smart 2021 128GB Midnight Black
Tootekood: 51096ABV GTIN: 6941487205561 Mobiiltelefonid
Operating system Android 10.0, Display 6.67 ", 2400x1080 pixels, 16 million colors, IPS, capacitive touchscreen, camera hole, Rear camera 48.0MP, f / 1.8, phase comparison AF, LED flash, videos @ 1080p / 30fps (camera 1); 8.0MP, f / 2.4, wide angle lens (camera 2); 2.0MP, f / 2.4, macro lens (camera 3); 2.0MP, f / 2.4, depth of field (camera 4), Front camera 8.0MP, f / 2.0, Interfaces USB-C 2.0 (OTG), 3.5mm jack, WLAN 802.11b / g / n, Bluetooth 5.1, Sensors Accelerometer, proximity sensor, light sensor, compass, fingerprint sensor (side), SoC HiSilicon Kirin 710A, 64bit, CPU 4x 2.00GHz Cortex-A73 + 4x 1.70GHz Cortex-A53, GPU Mali-G51 MP4, RAM 4GB, 128GB memory, microSD slot (up to 512GB), Navigation A-GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Modem GSM (0.2Mbps / 0.1Mbps), UMTS (42Mbps / 5.76Mbps), LTE, Frequency bands 2G (850/900/1800/1900), 3G (B1 / B2 / B5 / B8), 4G (B1 / B3 / B5 / B7 / B8 / B20 / B28 / B38 / B40 / B41), Network standards GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA +, LTE-A, 5000mAh battery, permanently installed, Charging power 22.5W (Huawei SuperCharge), Case shape bars, Housing material plastic (back), Dimensions 165.65x76.88x9.26mm, Weight 206g, SIM form factor nano-SIM, Special features dual SIM, 51096ABV
330,98 €
Tootekood: IPC-HDBW2441R-ZAS-27135 GTIN: 6923172545671 Videokaamerad
1/2.9” 4Megapixel progressive CMOS, 2688 × 1520 @ 20FPS max Minimum illumination: 0.008 Lux @ F1.6 color, 0.0008 lux @ F1.6 (B/W,30IRE), 0 lux (Illuminator on) Up to 40 meters IR Illumination, Smart IR True Day/Night (ICR), 3DNR, BLC / HLC / True WDR 120dB / 3D DNR Motorized zoom lens 2.7mm~13.5mm (104°~29°) H.265; H.264; H.264B; MJPEG, Smart H.265+; Smart H.264+ encoding, ONVIF (Profile S/Profile G); CGI; P2P Micro SD Card slot up to 256GB, built in 1-channel MIC 1/1 Audio I/O, 1/1 Alarm I/O Metal case, Dome design, IP67, IK10, -30°C~+60°C, PoE / 12VDC power General IVS Analytics: Intrusion; tripwire, SMD Plus Free IP monitoring software available Type Fixed Dome/Outdoor Pixel Resolution 4 Mega Pixel, Focal Length 2.7mm~13.5mm IR Illumination, Sensor size 1/2.9" CMOS Microphone Built-in, Min. Illumination 0.0008 Lux Electronic Shutter Speed Auto/Manual 1/3 s–1/100,000 s, 1xAudio-In 1xAudio-Out, 1xMicroSD Card Slot 1xRJ45, Supports card capacities up to 256GB Power options PoE/12V, Power supply requirements 12 VDC/PoE (802.3af) Environment Outdoor, Operating temperature range –30 °C to +60 °C Dimensions 93.4 mm × Φ122 mm
1-3 tp
174,42 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB Titanium Yellow
Tootekood: SM-S928BZYG GTIN: 8806095414355 Mobiiltelefonid
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is an upcoming mobile by Samsung. The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1158,00 €
Kantav nutiseade Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 Aluminium 44mm Silver
Tootekood: SM-R820NZSA GTIN: 8806090076206 Kantavad nutiseadmed
NETWORK Technology No cellular connectivity 2G bands N/A Speed No GPRS No EDGE No LAUNCH Announced 2019, August Status Available. Released 2019, September BODY Dimensions 44 x 44 x 10.9 mm Weight 30 g Build Front glass, aluminum frame SIM No Samsung Pay MIL-STD-810G 50m water resistant (IP68) Compatible with standard 20mm straps ECG certified Touch-sensitive bezel DISPLAY Type Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors Size 1.4 inches, 6.3 cm2 (~32.7% screen-to-body ratio) Resolution 360 x 360 pixels, 1:1 ratio (~364 ppi density) Protection Corning Gorilla Glass DX+ Always-on display PLATFORM OS Tizen-based wearable OS 4.0 Chipset Exynos 9110 (10 nm) CPU Dual-core 1.15 GHz Cortex-A53 GPU Mali-T720 MEMORY Card slot No Internal 4GB 768MB RAM CAMERA No SOUND Loudspeaker Yes 3.5mm jack No COMMS WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n Bluetooth 5.0, A2DP, LE GPS Yes, with GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS NFC Yes Radio No USB No FEATURES Sensors Accelerometer, gyro, heart rate, barometer Natural language commands and dictation BATTERY
199,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Asus ROG Phone 6, 12+256GB Black
Tootekood: 90AI00B5-M000X0 GTIN: 4711081835561 Mobiiltelefonid
Ekraan: EKRAANI DIAGONAAL: 6.78 " (~82.2% ekraani keresuhe) PANEEL: AMOLED, 165Hz, HDR10+, 800 nitti LAHUTUSVÕIME: 1080 x 2448 pixels (~395 ppi) Jõudlus: PROTSESSORI KIIP: Qualcomm SM8475 Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 (4 nm) TUUMADE ARV: Octa-core (1x3.19 GHz Cortex-X2 & 3x2.75 GHz Cortex-A710 & 4x1.80 GHz Cortex-A510) Mälu: PÜSIMÄLU: 256 GB OPERATIIVMÄLU: 12GB Kaamera: PÕHIKAAMERA: 50 MP PÕHIKAAMERA APERATUUR(F): f/1.9, (wide), 1/1.56 PÕHIKAAMERA FILMIMIS PROTOKOLLID: 8K@24fps, 4K@30/60/120fps, 1080p@30/60/120/240fps, 720p@480fps; gyro-EIS ESIKAAMERA: 12 MP, 28mm (wide) Ühenduvus: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2x2 MIMO 4*4 MIMO Bluetooth V5.2 (EDR + A2DP) Supports aptX and aptX HD Wi-Fi 6E NFC TYPE-C: USB Type-C 3.1 (side), USB Type-C 2.0 (bottom) KÕRVAKLAPI PISTIK: Jah Muu: AKUMAHT: Li-Po 6000 mAh, integreeritud Kiirlaadimine 65W, 100% 42 min (tootja andmetel) SIM TÜÜP: Dual SIM (Nano-SIM, dual stand-by) 5G: HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1700(AWS) / 1900 / 2100 - Version B 4G: HSDPA 800 / 850 / 900 / 1700(AWS) / 1900 / 2100 - Version A, Version C 3G: CDMA 800 SENSORID: Sõrmejäljelugeja (optiline ekraani all), accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass Värvus: Must Kaal: 228g GARANTII: 2 aastat
1201,14 €
Sülearvuti Lenovo Thinkbook 14 G4 Aba, 14" Fhd 300N, 16:9, R3 5425U, 8Gb, 256Gb, W11P, 1Yci, Co2
Tootekood: 21DK0042MX GTIN: 196380972898 Sülearvutid
Memory pesasi: 1 Kõlari tugevus, W: 2 Trusted Platvorm moodul (TPM) version: 2.0 Memory Protsessori kiirus, MHz: 3200 HDMI ports quantity: 1 Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports quantity: 1 USB-A (USB 3.2) ports quantity: 2 operatsioonisüsteem provided: Windows 11 Pro Display diagonal, ": 14 Total Mälumaht: 256 GB SSD WLAN antennas: 2x2 Internal memory: 8 GB ekraani resolutsioon, pixels: 1920 x 1080 Connections: USB-A (USB 3.x) Connections: USB-C (Gen2) Connections: HDMI Graphic adapter: AMD Radeon Graphics Connections: Ethernet (RJ-45) Connections: Audio (3.5mm) Maksimum internal memory, GB: 40 GB kaal, g: 1400 Protsessor model: AMD Ryzen 3 5425U (max. 4.1 GHz, 8M, 4C) Bluetooth version: 5.2 Protsessor cores: 4 Protsessor manufacturer: AMD aku maht, Wh: 45 toiteplokk, W: 65 WLAN type: Wi-Fi 6 11ax Protsessor perekond: AMD Ryzen 3 Protsessor Protsessori kiirus, GHz: 2.70 Internal mälu tüüp: DDR4 mõõtmed W x D x H, mm: 323 x 218 x 17.9 Graphics adapter perekond: AMD Radeon Trusted Platvorm moodul (TPM): Firmware Dedicated videokaardi mälu (GB): Uses system memory Wi-Fi: Yes kiibistik: AMD SoC Platform Touch sensitive screen: No numbriklaviatuur: No Näpujälje lugeja: Yes Backlit klaviatuur: Yes Smart Kaardilugeja: N/A Docking: USB-C Optical drive: No Glossy display: No Bluetooth: Yes sisseehitatud kaamera: Yes Sisseehitatud mikrofon: Yes integreeritud mälukaardilugeja: Yes
1-3 tp
569,00 €
+54,10 €
Mobiiltelefoni varuosa nemo Mikroskeem TDP158 6-Gbps DP++ 1.1 to HDMI 2.0 redriver
Tootekood: TDP158 Mobiiltelefonide varuosad
The TDP158 device is an AC-Coupled HDMI signal to transition-minimized differential signal (TMDS) Redriver supporting digital video interface (DVI) 1.0 and high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) 1.4b and 2.0b output signals. The TDP158 supports four TMDS channels and Digital Display Control (DDC) interfaces. The TDP158 supports signaling rates up to 6 Gbps to allow for the highest resolutions of 4k2k60p 24 bits per pixel and up to WUXGA 16-bit color depth or 1080p with higher refresh rates. The TDP158 can be configured to support the HDMI2.0 standard. The TDP158 supports dual power supply rails of 1.1 V on VDD and 3.3 V on VCC for power reduction. Several methods of power management are implemented to reduce overall power consumption. TDP158 supports fixed receiver EQ gain using I2C or pin strap to compensate for different lengths input cable or board traces.
16,00 €
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB Titanium Violet
Tootekood: SM-S928BZVG GTIN: 8806095414423 Mobiiltelefonid
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is an upcoming mobile by Samsung. The phone is rumoured to come with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.80-inch touchscreen display (QHD+) at a pixel density of 500 pixels per inch (ppi). The display sports Gorilla Glass for protection. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to be powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and come with 12GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is rumoured to run Android 13 and is expected to be powered by a 5000mAh non-removable battery. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra supports wireless charging.
1168,00 €
Mobiili lisaseade Google wireless charger Pixel Stand Gen 2
Tootekood: GA03002-EU GTIN: 193575028897 Mobiilide lisaseadmed
Both a sculpture on the desktop and a rechargeable phone holder, the Google Pixel Stand is a high-speed wireless charger made from approximately 39% recycled material, and is compatible with all devices that support Qi charging, in addition to Google Pixel phones.Minimalist designThe new model of the Pixel Stand wireless charger rests on a matte gray base and is generally thicker and heavier than the first iteration. Thanks to a built-in fan designed to keep the charger cool and quiet, it has a hood on the back that looks like a computer mouse, but is generally designed to look like other, more minimalist Google Nest devices, such as the Nest Home speaker.Easy setupJust place your phone on the charger and the setup screen opens instantly, with a choice of three charging modes: optimized, maximum and quiet.Fast loading for everyone, faster loading for someThe Google Pixel Stand Gen 2 works with compatible Google Pixel phones, Pixel Buds headphones and most Qi-certified devices, as well as wireless headphones. 23 W Pixel 6 Pro for charging 21 W Pixel 6 for charging 10 W for charging Pixel 3 / 3 XL, Pixel 4 / 4 XL and Pixel 5 15 W for charging other Qi-compatible devices Various exclusive featuresWhen you place your Google Pixel 6 smartphone on the Pixel Stand 2 charger for the first time, you can set up a number of special features. These include a daylight alarm clock, digital photo frame, and smart home controls. Google Assistant runs in the background while loading. Dimensions are 8.2 × 7.16 × 11.39 cm Weight: 71 g Comes with 1.5 m USB-C charging cable and power adapter
99,99 €
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Redmi K70 Pro 16GB 256GB Black CN
Tootekood: EDA006052602A_CN Mobiiltelefonid
General: 1. Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 4nm octa core processor, clocked up to 3.19GHz 2. GPU: Adreno graphics processor 5. Operating system: HyperOS 6. Sensors: Optical distance sensor, 360-degree front and rear dual light sensors, acceleration sensor, ambient color temperature sensor, electronic compass, gyroscope, infrared remote control, Flicker sensor 7. SIM card slot: Dual Nano-SIM card slot 8. Charging interface: Type-C 9. Size: 160.86 x 74.95 x 8.21mm 10. Weight: 209g Screen Display: 1. Screen: 6.67 inch screen, 3200 x 1440, 12bit 2. Refresh rate: 120Hz 3. Sampling rate: 2160Hz 4. Features: 12bit color depth (68.7 billion colors), DCI-P3 color gamut, professional primary color screen, multiple screens of the same color, front and rear dual light sensing, sunlight screen, classic eye protection, paper eye protection, rhythmic eye protection, HDR10+, HDR Vivid, Dolby Vision, frame-sharing ultra-high definition, optical under-screen fingerprint scanner, dark light unlocking, heart rate detection Battery: 1. Battery: 5000mAh capacity; built-in lithium-ion polymer battery, non-removable, HyperOS P2 fast charging chip; HyperOS G2 battery management chip 2. Charging power: 120W wired fast charging 3. Fast charging: Support QC3+/PD2.0/PD3.0 fast charging protocol 4. Charging interface: USB Type-C double-sided charging interface Camera: 1. Rear camera: 50MP (ultra-clear main camera, light and shadow hunter, 800 sensor, 1/1.55-inch outsole, F1.6 large aperture, OIS optical image stabilization) + 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens + 2MP macro lens 2. Front camera: 16 million pixels 3. Photo functions: Rear camera photo functions: Video super anti-shake, privacy protection watermark, time-lapse photography, peak focus, AI watermark, tilt-shift effect, long exposure, 4K video, dynamic photos, gesture photography, voice subtitles, voice-activated photography, timed continuous shooting, exposure feedback, ID card Photocopy mode, motion capture, Focus on Everything 2.0, micro movie, 8K video, cute photo, panorama, document mode, slow motion; Front camera photo functions:Volume button countdown photo, super night scene, ultra-wide panorama, voice-activated photo, timed continuous shooting, time-lapse photography, voice subtitles, dynamic photos (livephoto), AI watermark, portrait beauty, video beauty, kaleidoscope, video label, soft light ring 4. Video shooting frame rate: 8K 24fps video shooting; 4K 24fps / 30fps / 60fps video shooting; 1080p 30 / 60fps video shooting; 1080p 120 / 240fps / 960fps slow motion video shooting; 720p 30fps video shooting; 720p 120 / 240fps / 480fps / 960fps / 1920fps slow motion video shooting Network Band: 1. 5G: N1/N3/N5/N8/N28A (Tx: 703-733MHz, Rx: 758-788MHz)/N38/N41/N48/N66/N77/N78 2. 4G: FDD-LTE: B1/B3/B4/B5/B8/B18/B19/B26/B28A/B66; TDD-LTE:B34/B38/B39/B40/B41/B42/B48 3. 3G WCDMA: B1/B4/B5/B6/B8/B19 4. 2G GSM: B3/B5/B8 Wireless Network: 1. WiFi protocols: Wi-Fi 7, Wi-Fi 6 enhanced, Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 4, and 802.11a/b/g; support 2.4G Wi-Fi, 5G Wi-Fi; Support MLO, support 2x2 MIMO, 8x8 Sounding for MU-MIMO, Wi-Fi Direct, Miracast, 2.4G, 5G dual-channel concurrent 2. Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5.3, AAC/LDAC/LHDC 5.0/LC3/ASHA/Auracast 3. Navigation positioning: Beidou: B1I+B1C+B2a, GPS: L1+L5, Galileo: E1+E5a; GLONASS: G1, QZSS: L1+L5, NavIC: L5; AGNSS, data network positioning, Wi-Fi network positioning, Sensor assisted positioning 4. NFC: Support Media: 1. Audio playback: MP3, FLAC, APE, AAC, OGG, WAV, AMR, AWB, Hi-Res Audio certification, Hi-Res Wireless certification, Dolby Atmos, spatial audio, audio sharing, real-time ear monitor, WeChat/ QQ call recording 2. Video playback: MP4, MKV, AVI, WMV, WEBM, 3GP, ASF playback, supports HDR10/10+ video, supports high dynamic range display for Dolby Vision video content Languages: English, Simple Chinese, Traditional Chinese (more languages can be refreshed and updated)
749,00 €
Mobiiltelefon UleFone Armor 24 256 Black
Tootekood: UF-A24/BK GTIN: 6937748735670 Mobiiltelefonid
Ulefone Armor 24 12GB/256GB Armored Smartphone Armor 24 is equipped with an LED flashlight with an unrivaled power of 1,000 lumens, powered by a battery with a capacity of up to 22,000 mAh. 510 LEDs with a power of up to 6 W allow you to emit a beam of light over a considerable distance, while consuming little energy. Moreover, the flashlight is resistant to moisture and difficult conditions. Intuitive control panel 3 lighting modes and 3 brightness levels will work well in various conditions. The lighting time can be set from 10 to 30 minutes by dragging the bar on the display. The settings panel is easy to use, and overheating protection protects the device. Flashlight button On the left side of Ulefone Armor 24 there is a flashlight button that allows you to quickly turn it on and change the brightness mode. Endless energy Thanks to the battery with a capacity of up to 22,000 mAh, you will easily have time to repair your car or return from a long night walk with the flashlight on. Multi-tasking LED flashlight The built-in LED flashlight is perfect for various situations, such as car repairs, night walks, camping, night fishing or cycling. 7 days on one charge Thanks to a huge 22,000 mAh battery, Armor 24 is able to work for a whole week on a single charge. *Power consumption data comes from Ulefone lab and may vary based on usage. Fast charging 66W 66W fast charging technology means that the huge 22,000 mAh battery is fully charged in just 130 minutes. Twice as fast 10W reverse charging The large battery in Armor 24 can serve as an emergency power source for all mobile devices. Incredible durability Certified to IP68/IP69K, MIL-STD-810H standards, Armor 24 is able to withstand operation in harsh environments. Thanks to its resistance to water, dust and extreme temperatures, as well as its resistance to falls and impacts, Armor 24 is an excellent solution for people working in industries such as construction, industry and transport, but also for outdoor enthusiasts and other users. Advanced cameras Armor 24 has two rear cameras: a 64 MP wide-angle camera and a 64 MP night vision camera. IR LEDs guarantee excellent photo quality in difficult lighting conditions. 64 MP night vision camera Using an advanced infrared sensor and the new NightElf Ultra 2.0 algorithm, the Armor 24's camera is able to perfectly penetrate the darkness. In low light or complete darkness, you can still capture very clear and detailed images, allowing you to take great night photos and observe wildlife. 64MP wide-angle camera The Ulefone Armor 24 smartphone has a 64MP Sony IMX686 main camera with /1.89 aperture, 1/1.7 matrix and 0.8m pixel size, which provides bright and detailed photos. 16 MP front camera Equipped with a 16MP front camera, Armor 24 can capture more details and produce sharper images, so you can enjoy high-quality photos and HD video calls. Underwater camera Take stunning photos and videos underwater, capturing unique scenes from the underwater world. Large FHD+ 120 HZ display Armor 24 has a large 6.78-inch FHD+ display with a wider field of view, providing bright and detailed images. A high refresh rate of 120 Hz combined with a touch sampling rate of 240 Hz ensures smooth movement and ultra-fast response time. Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protects the durable screen from scratches and shocks. USMART connector The uSmart connector allows you to connect accessories such as an endoscope (models E03, E02, E01) or a microscope (model C01). *Additional accessories must be purchased separately. Armor holster The Armor Holster features a belt clip, credit card holder, snap closure and a sturdy metal ring clip that can be attached to your waist, backpack or tool bag to free your hands and always have your phone within reach. The holster fits your Armor 24 phone, protecting it from scratches, bumps and shocks. *Armor holster sold separately. Octa-core processor Armor 24 has an 8-core processor clocked at up to 2.05 GHz and an ARM Mali-G57 MC2 graphics processor that is energy-efficient and ensures smooth operation in all applications and games. Up to 24GB RAM + 256GB ROM Armor 24 has as much as 24 GB of RAM (12 GB of hardware memory and 12 GB of virtual memory), as well as 256 GB of internal memory, expandable by 2 TB. This allows you to store large amounts of files and run multiple applications and games without any delays or slowdowns. Android 13 Android 13 offers a more secure and private photo space and more control over notification permissions and data. The new user interface with customizable color, theme, language and even thematic app icons allows for a complete personalysis. Digital tools Armor 24 is equipped with 11 different digital tools that can be helpful both outdoors and indoors. Infrared transmitter Armor 24 equipped with an infrared transmitter can turn into a universal remote control for TVs, air conditioners and other devices compatible with infrared remote controls. *Due to differences in devices in different countries, the remote control may not work in some countries. Global 4G bands Wide 4G frequency bands ensure excellent signal without interference. In turn, HD connections guarantee lower delays and faster data transfer. Reliability comes first At Ulefone, we always spend a lot of time on quality control. Armor 24 has survived many extreme durability tests in the Ulefone laboratory.
336,13 €
Võrguseade TRENDnet KVM pikendaja , VGA + PS/2, kuni 150m
Tootekood: TK-EX3 GTIN: 710931304459 Võrguseadmed
 Extends keyboard, mouse, and monitor distances up to: 150m (490ft.)  at 1280 x 1024 resolution and 100m (328ft.) at 1600 x 1200 resolution Controls multiple servers remotely when used with a KVM switch Displays high quality resolution  up to 1600 x 1200 pixels Provides local and remote console ports to access one computer Connect the local console (transmitter) to the remote console (receiver) with an Ethernet cable Cat. 5, Cat. 5E or Cat. 6 Ethernet cable compliant Fine-tune resolution on the remote co
132,70 €
Tootekood: CC-HDMI4-6 GTIN: 8716309064057 Varia lisaseadmed
FEATURES High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) digital audio/video interface cable Supports data transfer bandwidth of up to 10 Gigabits/sec Allows bi-directional communication between smart HDMI devices Supports 3D TV with video resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 pixels at 24/25/30 Hz and 4096 x 2160 at 24 Hz Supports HDMI Ethernet Channel 100 Mbps function (HEC) Supports Audio Return Channel technology (HARC)
1-3 tp
1,74 €
Gembird CABLE HDMI-HDMI 1.8M V1.4/90DEG. CC-HDMI490-6
Tootekood: CC-HDMI490-6 GTIN: 8716309066020 Varia lisaseadmed
FEATURES High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) digital audio/video interface cable Supports data transfer bandwidth of up to 10 Gigabits/sec Allows bi-directional communication between smart HDMI devices Supports 3D TV with video resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 pixels at 24/25/30 Hz and 4096 x 2160 at 24 Hz Supports HDMI Ethernet Channel 100 Mbps function (HEC) Supports Audio Return Channel technology (HARC) One HDMI connector is bent 90 degrees Gold plated pins and connectors
1-3 tp
2,03 €
Aten SVGA Switch 2/1
Tootekood: VS291-A7-G GTIN: 4710423771628 Varia lisaseadmed
Original part number VS291-A7-G Product name ATEN SVGA Switch 2/1 Producer Aten Class of product Switch / SplitterVideo Basic information Basic information Device type switch Number of video input 2 Number of video output 1 Resolution 1920 x 1440 pixels Audio signal switching No RS-232 switching No External connectors External connectors Video connectors HDB-15 Other information Other information Port selection button External IR receiver No Signal range 10 m Possibility of joining into cascade No Housing material Plastic Length 12 cm Width 6.5 cm Height 4.4 cm Net weight 0.15 kg
40,99 €
Aten SVGA Switch 4/1
Tootekood: VS491-A7-G GTIN: 4710423771635 Varia lisaseadmed
Original part number VS491-A7-G Product name ATEN SVGA Switch 4/1 Producer Aten Class of product Switch / SplitterVideo Basic information Basic information Device type switch Number of video input 4 Number of video output 1 Resolution 1920 x 1440 pixels Audio signal switching No RS-232 switching No External connectors External connectors Video connectors HDB-15 Other information Other information Port selection button External IR receiver No Signal range 10 m Possibility of joining into cascade No Housing material Plastic Length 12 cm Width 6.5 cm Height 4.4 cm Net weight 0.18 kg
74,99 €